Okay, I have hated rap music for about 3 years now because I think it is just a pointless type of music. I don't see a problem in rappers acting unless they're good, but making a movie on their life about how "they have it hard", "they're too tough to be famous", and "rapping is the only way I'll save my mom from being evicted". No one cares about what happened before their life, but now that they're famous, they're making songs bragging about how much chicks they can get, and how rich they are. That is personally why rap is a pointless kind of music. All the songs are about the same thing. Rock is personally my favorite because it's almost never about the same thing. They talk about politics, life, and just plain things going on in life. Rockers most of the time even go to acting because they set their heart out on to be rockers. Rappers are kind of hipocritical with their movies then sexist songs. What do you guys think?
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