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All categories - 25 October 2006

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2006-10-25 04:12:23 · 5 answers · asked by izzy in the hizzy 1 in Biology

The show Psych on USA? I thought it was hilarious, but I haven't seen it on. Does anyone know if they canceled it? I sure hope not.

2006-10-25 04:12:21 · 7 answers · asked by LibraT 4 in Television

2006-10-25 04:12:11 · 8 answers · asked by melashell 3 in Newborn & Baby

i had a gf in net...i luved her sooo much ..n i trusted her a lot...etc etc...i thought she also did the same...n then tday i happened 2 c her yahoo answerz account where she asked opinionz about her another guy...n then i found tht she was searching to date guys..n all...i jst can't bare it...it hurts me a looot..can any1 suggest me a way 2 forget tht.....i no i was really dumb 2 believe her..i dono..wht made me trust her sooo much..mayb tha way she talked with me...anywayz yeah!! i agree i m a "FOOOL"

2006-10-25 04:12:06 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Over the past eight months, my weight has slowly been creeping up. The weird thing is that I'm not a big eater, and I don't eat copious amounts of junk food.
Anyway, as I have a doc appointment on Friday, I was curious to know if there are any prescriptions that aid in weight loss. Somebody here once mentioned Topomax, but seeing as I have not been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I could not use that.
Also, if anyone knows of any non-prescription medicines that aid in weight loss, that would also be very handy.

2006-10-25 04:12:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

The data base should use for research purpose, and shouls be easy to use. the researcher have to be able to take partial data from the big database. is has to have simple GUI/MMI. The data abous gifted childrens, their teacher an programs. it has many variables and many categories. I think SAS and SPSS are too simple for that. it had to enable statistical processing or convert it to SAS or SPSS format of data (to make the statisticall processing). so what is the best software?

2006-10-25 04:11:57 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Programming & Design

is it possible to see the american flag (the rover, and other things)on the moon from the earth with a telescopy ?

with what kind of telescopy ?
is it possible to aim hubble towards the moon and take a pic ?

does anyone have a photo/pic of the moon where is possible to see the rover on the moon ?

I mean a pic/photo taken from the EARTH


2006-10-25 04:11:52 · 10 answers · asked by i_know_nothing 1 in Astronomy & Space

2006-10-25 04:11:48 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

2006-10-25 04:11:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Hi, I was wondering should I still be feeding my son on a feed on demand still? Hes eating every 2 hours any where from 1 oz to 6 oz depending on his last feeding. Please help.

2006-10-25 04:11:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

A couple from Minneapolis decided to go to Florida for a long weekend to thaw out during one particularly icy winter.

Because both had jobs, they had difficulty coordinating their travel schedules.

It was decided that the husband would fly to Florida on a Thursday, and his wife would follow him the next day. Upon arriving as planned, the husband checked into the hotel.

There he decided to open his laptop and send his wife an e-mail back in Minneapolis. However, he accidentally left off one letter in her address, and sent the e-mail without realizing his error.

In Houston, a widow had just returned from her husband's funeral.

He was a minister of many years who had been 'called home to glory' following a heart attack.

The widow checked her e-mail, expecting messages from relatives and friends. Upon reading the first message, she fainted and fell to the floor.
The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor, and saw the computer screen .

2006-10-25 04:11:36 · 31 answers · asked by ||| Romeo Boy ||| 4 in Polls & Surveys

during idle time store of canon eos350d slr camera in a camera bag then is it neccessary silica gel also keep in camera bag

2006-10-25 04:11:32 · 1 answers · asked by rain-forest 1 in Cameras

I would have to say anything country for me.From Dierks Bentley to Sara Evans to Rascal Flatts.I also love Elton, Nickelback, Sean Paul.My favirote CD would have to Elton's Greatest or the Take the Lead soundtrack.Alot of good songs on there.

2006-10-25 04:11:28 · 6 answers · asked by ? 2 in Polls & Surveys

I rescued a stray cat yesterday, well he was being fed everyday since march, by a women who had cats of her own, but couldnt let him in because her own cats would fight him. She made him a shelter on her patio and he never left her yead. he is 2yrs old....im getting him netured friday. Hes super sweet and loving. Hes been eating regularly, but has not pooped or peed....hes afraid of the litter box...and wants nothing to do with it...he sometimes sits by the door wanting out...guess he thinks he can only pee out there? how do i let him know he can "go" in the litter box...or even in the house, that way i can put his feces in the box and he can smell them. Help Please!...

2006-10-25 04:11:11 · 13 answers · asked by Carmen 1 in Cats

We inherited this forklift at our research Farm. We need to find out what brand and posibly what model it is to determine capacity ratings. Here are some pics:


Thanks in advance

2006-10-25 04:11:00 · 3 answers · asked by Agustin A 1 in Maintenance & Repairs


turn up the volume at full blast sit back + watch

2006-10-25 04:10:58 · 4 answers · asked by chij onpala 1 in Movies

From my understanding, a fairly new member of our church passed away and there is a memorial service for her. Unfortunately, I didn't know her at all, but I was wondering if I should still go since she is a member of my church? Any feedback would be helpful.

2006-10-25 04:10:50 · 22 answers · asked by dragon_volley 1 in Etiquette

Ok, my b/f and i are in two different school, about 3 hours away. And we have been going really good, and then all of a sudden, he starts thinking that i have been with some other guy, which i haven't, and then he just tells me that he can't trust me and that he doesn't care about anything but he still loves me, please anybody, what do i do to gain his trust and to make things better?

2006-10-25 04:10:46 · 16 answers · asked by meangel15 2 in Singles & Dating

We are a training and development team in a HR department.

2006-10-25 04:10:40 · 3 answers · asked by tiedbyt 1 in Careers & Employment

Even if your feelings encourage a grandiose response, trust your logical analysis over your irrational intuition for the next couple of days.

2006-10-25 04:10:38 · 8 answers · asked by MsDiv06 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

What should someone do if the abuser is in Law enforcement, like a cops or FBI agent, or even a supervisor or cheif of police?

2006-10-25 04:10:27 · 18 answers · asked by msmm02 1 in Family

Hey, guys! So,. my boyfriend (and a few previous boyfriends) seem to think that its okay to fart or belch as loud as they please in front of me! I mean, it would be okay if they did it every once in a while or if they belched w/ thier mouth closed or something. Im glad that my guy feels comfortable around me and I know that its just something that humans do. God knows, I fart and belch too...but I dont do it in front of anyone. If I have to belch, I do it quietly with my mouth closed, you know! Why does he do that. I almost want to say something but I dont want to hurt his feelings or sound like a prissy Bi***! But it really is rude and kind of gross.

2006-10-25 04:10:11 · 20 answers · asked by katie-bug 5 in Men's Health

i have heard some of my friends saying that they have had their hair 'thinned out'. Was just wondering how this is done n whether or not it ruins your hair over time?? N if i go to my hairdresser and just say i would like it 'thinned out', will she know what i mean?? thanks x

2006-10-25 04:10:09 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

I am running Windows XP Home Edition ver. 2002, service pack 2.
Computer: Intel. Celeron, CPU 2.00GHz, 1.99GHz,248MB of RAM

2006-10-25 04:10:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Desktops

2006-10-25 04:10:04 · 4 answers · asked by MACK M 1 in Celebrities

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