Yes, go.. you need only stay a short while.
2006-10-25 04:18:33
answer #1
answered by sassy 6
If you have the time, and want to, sure. If there is a visitation, that is more appropriate than going to the funeral itself, since you really did not know her.. You are a member of the Church family, and as such, if is appropriate for you to go to either or both.
The only time you would not, is if the family have siad the funeral or the graveside rites are private.
Here is a test. If it were your loved one, would you want the members of the church there to support you? If the answer is "yes'", consider going.
2006-10-25 07:04:23
answer #2
answered by riversconfluence 7
I wouldn't go simply because shes a member of the church, unless its a very small church. Its kind of you to consider paying your respects, but remember that funerals are also private affairs. I'd suggest asking around a little, and if she doesn't have a large family or circle of friends, than go.
2006-10-25 04:14:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
ask your pastor if there is anything you can do to help. lots of times simple things like bringing food or picking up after the service can make things so much easier on the family, and that way you can show your support and caring without getting in the way.
you had a very kind thought, and those are always appriciated.
2006-10-25 04:22:39
answer #4
answered by jumpoutjane 3
the church is a family. since she was a member of your church then she is family so u ve to attend her funeral
2006-10-25 04:18:50
answer #5
answered by joddie 5
All the other Christians here will try to guilt trip you into going. I personally think a funeral is a very private thing, so if you really didn't know the person, don't go.
2006-10-25 04:16:55
answer #6
answered by Demon Doll 6
This is a personal decision, one which you should make depending on your level of comfort. You are by no means expected to be there and nor will you be shunned if you do not go.
2006-10-25 04:19:55
answer #7
answered by helllllllo 2
No I don't think any one should go to a funeral unless they personally knew and LIKED the dead person.
2006-10-25 18:14:18
answer #8
answered by auntynoall 4
Did you meet her? Do you know her family or her close friends? If so, you should attend out of support. If anything, at least attend the viewing...if there is one.
2006-10-25 04:13:07
answer #9
answered by LadyDeathStryke 4
In the situation you described, no it is not necessary for you to go to the funeral.
The only funeral you have to go to is your own.
2006-10-25 05:29:20
answer #10
answered by SevenZulu 1
I don't think that you have to if you don't want to but you should show respect by at least saying something to the family
2006-10-25 04:21:50
answer #11
answered by Chasity D 1