You bet it will!
I am sick of sitting in the inadequate non smoking areas in pubs and having ignoramuses ‘spark up’ right next to me. No matter how polite you are about mentioning that they are sitting at a smoke free table, they always get the a*** and give you some attitude or attempt to ignore you. The fact is that they know perfectly well what they’re doing and they’re just annoyed that you had the audacity to challenge their ‘right’ to smoke.
The funniest thing is when they go through the same old charade of looking around and seemingly discovering, for the first time, that their local has two tables in the corner where you can’t smoke. “Oh right! I thought you could smoke here?” says the buffoon, incredulously.
Next summer, if it’s lashing it down with rain, I won’t be depressed, I’m going to be laughing into my beer when this abusive minority are consigned to smoking in the downpour.
How do you feel about it and what are your experiences?
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Beer, Wine & Spirits