one of my best friends is one of the nicest people in the world that you could meet. she is like an aunt to my 3 children, but her two flaws in the world are lying and wieners. she is 25 years old and works part time and still lives at home with her grandparents and drives their new car while they drive their piece of crap station wagon. she isnt the best looking of people but what bad her looks are typically are overcome by her niceness. she just has this habit of finding these jerkoff men, sleeping with them and basically playing their doormat for months on end. i have a roomate who has had some bad experiences from internet dating and something bad happened to her which made her straighten her crap up. well my friend met this guy off of my space and he came here, saw her and left. 2 days later she met this other guy and after the second day of knowing him she is in his bed and they are dating.withing 6 days of her knowing this guy, our friendship has defenitely taken a bad turn
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