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All categories - 31 August 2006

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the error message says i dont have any directX 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in the system...can anyone explain what this means and how to fix it?!?!

2006-08-31 04:26:08 · 7 answers · asked by erin 2 in Software

It is more perverted than homosexuality.

2006-08-31 04:25:51 · 24 answers · asked by Leif Ericson 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Ok My bf goes crazy sometimes if im talking to my guy friends if im talking to my girlfriends hes fine with it but when it's one of my guy friends he flips!! and he's allowed to talk to his girl friends but im not allowed to talk to me guy friends hmmm.....He's never done anything to try and hurt me physically but hurts me mentally and emotionally and sometimes I see him hugging or kissing his girl friends but tells me he loves me and theres nothing to worry about!! I don't really wanna break up with him but he's kinda pushing me to and sumtimes if im giving my guy friends a simple hug around the neck he gets really sad and starts to cry and he's even punched my friend out b4 for something I did!! Im kinda scared and sad and mixed up in my mind PLEEEEEEEEEEASE HELP!!!!:( And why doeshe grab my azz right in front of the ppl at school and sometimes he pushes me up against the lockers holding my azz and kissing me it kinda feels like he being controlling or something!!

2006-08-31 04:25:49 · 29 answers · asked by sexybaby4u41 1 in Singles & Dating

I don't get it, why can a person of one silly religon think that it is ok to call another person s religon a cult. I mean, I don't care who you are they are all based on faith. There is nothing that makes one more real then any other one. I hate people who think they are so self rightous that they can go out a bash another person's faith. The christians are the worest with this and this religon has commeted so of the worest wrongs aginst humanity. I think people need to quit being so right. I think that the war we are going through right now is a fueled by this crap and if people could just get over their own make belive religon they would see that there is no way to say which one is right. What do you think?

2006-08-31 04:25:49 · 15 answers · asked by Molly R 2 in Religion & Spirituality

did it make you wet and horny?
would you do it again?

2006-08-31 04:25:39 · 6 answers · asked by isaiah l 1 in Marriage & Divorce

why should the british follow halloween cause it aint our tradition ours is bonfire night you dont see americans following bonfire night do you ?

2006-08-31 04:25:37 · 7 answers · asked by stoke 2 in History

When I go out around town, I have noticed that there are many parents that just let their children scream and throw terrible tantrums while the parents do nothing or tell their child to stop in a quiet voice. Why is this? Don't these parents realize they are handicapping their children? These poor children are growing up, thinking that the rules don't apply to them and they can get away with anything. Could someone please enlighten me?

(Please don't bother responding if you plan on answering in less than a sentence.)

2006-08-31 04:25:35 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

When I have money I am usually pretty happy, but when i start to run out i get really nervous and angry. How do I find happiness despite being broke always. It seems the more money I make the more I have to spend on the basics like food and shelter. Whats this world coming to? How do people make it anymore on less then 2000 a month? Everything is more expensive but insanely expensive.

2006-08-31 04:25:32 · 22 answers · asked by Joe Bob Charlie, Joe Bob Chopper 1 in Psychology

Rabbits, cats, kittens, puppies, birds,etc. If yes leave me your E-mail!!!!

2006-08-31 04:25:31 · 10 answers · asked by MimiBabi 1 in Other - Pets

such as walking.....bird watching....humming a tune... a good cup of tea or coffee....a wade in the creek....etc.

2006-08-31 04:25:11 · 12 answers · asked by aBranch@60-WA ,<>< 4 in Other - Society & Culture

According to the quantum theory, when we don't look at the moon all that exists is a probability density. When we make an observation we force the universe to take a stand and the moon pops into existance. So is it really there when we don't observe it? Einstein once asked a quantum physicist if they really believed that the moon wasn't there when nobody was looking. What do you think? Notice that this is just a modern day physics version of the "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody's around to hear it does it make a sound?" question. This question is closely related to an old philosophical question that asks whether or not our mind's perception of the universe is accurate. When we percieve a tree do we actually observe the tree as it really is? or is what we call a tree just our mind's take on a tree based on sensory information?

2006-08-31 04:25:05 · 11 answers · asked by Link 5 in Physics

2006-08-31 04:25:05 · 21 answers · asked by $ I~♥~ELMO $ 5 in Polls & Surveys

Anyone have a good Spicy Tuna Tartare recipe for an appetizer?

2006-08-31 04:24:59 · 5 answers · asked by wc007 2 in Cooking & Recipes

So suppose I step on a scale and I weigh a certain weight. If I want to weigh 5 pounds heavier stepping on the scale again, how much water should I drink? In other words, how many fluid ounces of water should one drink to be a pound heavier?

Thank you, as this is especially helpful after running cross country practice!

2006-08-31 04:24:59 · 15 answers · asked by KoolBluEffect 3 in Diet & Fitness

Americans repeat like parrots what they hear and i do not believe they have a clue what some of the slogans they repeat really mean ..
WHAT a bunch of ball busting self rightoues immature idiots to try and tell the rest of the world how to live when in your own homes you can not get along without killing one another .

2006-08-31 04:24:58 · 13 answers · asked by playtoofast 6 in Politics

I have naturally curley hair, but as soon as it dries it just goes frizzy and curley. I've tried syrums and shampoos designed for curley hair but they don't work. Syrums make my hair go very greasey. I have very fine hair but a hell of a lot of it!

2006-08-31 04:24:56 · 20 answers · asked by northukstudent 3 in Hair

though its over for 2 months,..i still do remember and care for him..i know i've got to move on..but no matter how i avoid myself to remember him,i will still remember him somehow..i just miss him..its killin me sometimes although i chill all the time...we didnt talk anymore,i dont tink he wants to talk to me either..

2006-08-31 04:24:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

'Amnesty' dead, Fox tells Mexicans
Says Bush told him no chance for legislation this year

World Net Daily | July 21 2006

Mexican President Vicente Fox told radio listeners in his country that the idea of an amnesty for illegal aliens in the U.S. is dead – at least for a time.

Fox said President Bush advised him of the political realities of passing his "comprehensive immigration reform plan" this year during a flight from St. Petersburg, Russia, to Madrid, Spain. Congress will shortly be adjourning until the November election.

Fox said Bush "pointed out that this period is very short, there are only two or three weeks before Congress members go on the election campaign. So the chance of the immigration issue reaching approval in the House of Representatives and reaching join approval isn't very high."

A White House spokesman acknowledged Bush made the comment to Fox, but said that doesn't mean the president won't be back promoting his immigration plan before the end of the year.

2006-08-31 04:24:48 · 7 answers · asked by Renegade. 3 in Immigration

I finished my private pilot program in December 04, and last flew in Feb 05. I am going to have a 3 hour refresher flight next weekend. What do you think I should review, practice or re-learn before I go up?

2006-08-31 04:24:42 · 6 answers · asked by Maiman13 2 in Aircraft

2006-08-31 04:24:40 · 17 answers · asked by $ I~♥~ELMO $ 5 in Polls & Surveys

When I'm disagreeing with someone, I usually don't get upset if the other person is acting calmly and rationally as well. But, if the other person lets it be known how angry they are I react by becoming much more upset about the situation myself. It's funny b/c my position on the disagreement didn't change, just how I see the other person handling the situation.

2006-08-31 04:24:33 · 9 answers · asked by motomotorzee 1 in Mental Health

2006-08-31 04:24:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

2006-08-31 04:24:26 · 9 answers · asked by KAPPOOWWW. 1 in Languages

2006-08-31 04:24:21 · 10 answers · asked by Rab 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-31 04:24:17 · 21 answers · asked by $ I~♥~ELMO $ 5 in Polls & Surveys

have one under the front porch and one under the wooden deck at ground level in the back yard. We live in a wooded area.

2006-08-31 04:23:59 · 12 answers · asked by ReverendLeroy 1 in Other - Home & Garden

what is adriana limas hair color?


2006-08-31 04:23:58 · 9 answers · asked by channingtatumissexy 2 in Hair

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