"Only the inner city kids are not motivated, lazy and useless. Usually somewhat retarded." -da_hammerhead. I teach in an inner-city school system, and the children there are not lazy or retarded. Inner-city schools often receive less funding, few extra opportunities (extracurricular, and academics), and less parental involvement. Inner-city children do often times come with more baggage, because they have had more harsh experiences. I teach first grade in an inner-city school system, and my students are not lazy or useless. Many are behind, but it is my duty to do my best to pull them up and to show them that they can succeed. I see children that are already demotivated and broken. There's nothing sadder than to see a 6 year old that is broken. I am not only their teacher, but they mother/father, doctor, friend, and support system. Children rise to the expectations set forth for them. I hope that you are not a teacher hammerhead, because if so, you do not deserve to teach them.
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