he was a christian muscian. it all started 2 months ago right after i had our twins.he started reading the bible on the computer 22 hrs a day a week later he converted to mormonism. the most important factor is hes a black man. but he feels he has to humble himself. he gave up a 2004 bmw to walk everywhere, he quit his job, he dresses in all white and like a bum, he's runs outside naked, he all of a sudden has a fascination with insects and animals. he's always staring at the clouds, his answer for everthing is god told him to do it. he keeps asking me to let him baptize me in the bathtub. he cut all the cords to the tv's and said god told him our babies would go blind if we let them watch the tv. he doesnt care about anything anymore. he hasnt cut his hair in two months or his mustache . and many many more things some really disturbing. I need help, advice, support something, someone please help me. we are currently seperated because i am scared of him for me and my children.
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Religion & Spirituality