Below are two data records about businesses.
Record 1:
Business Name: Best Western Coachman's Inn;
Address: 420 E Main St;
City: Magnolia;
State: Arkansas;
Zip code or postal code: 71753-3638;
Country: United States;
Phone: 870-234-6122
Record 2:
Business Name: Magnolia Rv Park;
Address: 420 E Main St;
City: Magnolia;
State: Arkansas;
Zip code or postal code: 71753-3638;
Country: United States;
Phone: 8702346122
What do you think is the relationship between the two businesses described by the two records? Is it:
A. The two records are about the same business.
B. The two records have different names but are at the same location.
C. The two records are about the same business but the two records have two different locations. For example, a Chicago Hilton at 100 Main Street with phone 1234 and a Hilton Chicago at 200 Main St with phone 1234.
D. The two records are about two completely different and unrelated businesses.
E. Some other type of relationship not listed above, i
1 answers
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Other - Destinations