Track is seriously discouraging me these past 2 wks. Last week I injured my quad;its still injured, I strained the quad muscle in my left leg & it keeps pulling as I run.
Today I think I managed to get shin splints even though I have been taking the runs easier/jogging &haven't really done a hard run in 4-5 days.
I'm pretty much the slowest on the team (not THE slowest but close enough) & I have absolutely NO endurance for long distance; the mile made me want to throw up so I decided to do sprinting.
This is my first time doing track, as a highschool sophmore, (Actually this is my first time doing a sport/anything athletic ever) & being around a lot of people who are loads better than me is beginning to really discourage me, being the slowest & least athletic/strong person on the team. Honestly I'm the only one who hasnt done a sport before & I'm totally unexperienced & unathletic.. Can anyone give me advice to help keep me motivated to do this? (btw I'm skinny, just not athletic)
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