I am 13 years old and am planning to run the Mad-City Half Marathon on May 27. Can any experianced runners help me out? First, I need to know of links to a good 12 week training schedule, and what would work best for me. I am an avid, strong, athletic person but have not run for over a month. Secondly, if anyone has run in this 1/2 marathon or any other, I would like to know what it is like, so I know what to expect. I have never been in or seen a big race like this, I've only been to track meet :/. Thirdly, a goal time for me (13 year old female) would be nice. Also, ways to stay motivated throughout the whole 12 weeks of training. And lastly, positive encouragement and tips and tricks would be very helpful! Your help will DEFINATLY be appreciated!! I don't exactly know what I'm getting into, so thanks a zillion for making me more confident about this next daring endevor I have chosen to take!
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