John, the only "verily verily" gospel account, mentions two resurrections of "Jesus" in John 5; And the latter of twain is notably "of damnation", for some only. However Christ speaks of one resurrection, of all, at the last day, and not to damnation (law), but unto salvation (grace).
So then, should we even consider two resurrections, if the latter is of damnation; Especially if told many times having respect of persons (partiality) is neither good nor of God?
What about Jesus is Son of man, should repent: Numbers 23:19? What about Jesus is standing right on high, but Christ is seated right and higher than the heavens on high? What about twice fallen requires twice risen for reconciliation? What about CJ is mirrorly the reverse of JC? What about false Christs shall arise to DECEIVE, if possible? What about appearances can be deceiving, so judge not after appearances, but judge righteous judgment (grace judgment)?
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