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Religion & Spirituality - 20 October 2007

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playlist. Should I infer something from this?

2007-10-20 08:51:52 · 11 answers · asked by primary_chem 4

I've been through all of the different versions of the bible posted on bible.com, and I can't find any which state God issued a new commandment telling believers to hit the report button in Y!A because someone has a different oppinion or theological point of view. Is there a new branch of Christianity getting started, or is there a more logical explanation, such as a few hate-filled individuals that I've apparently struck a nerve with?

So, which is the more likely reason my questions are being reported en-mass? God doens't like my questions and started a new branch of a popular religion to silence voices like mine, or certain people just don't like my questions?

2007-10-20 08:49:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

Similarly, a pharmacist is a conservative (or Roman Catholic) Christian, & his religion stops him from selling the "morning-after pill" (which ejects a potentially fertilized egg) or birth control. Is it discrimination to fire him?

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-10-20 08:45:25 · 33 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

I've been through all of the different versions of the bible posted on bible.com, and I can't find any which state God issued a new commandment telling believers to hit the report button in Y!A because someone has a different oppinion or theological point of view. Is there a new branch of Christianity getting started, or is there a more logical explanation, such as a few hate-filled individuals that I've apparently struck a nerve with?

So, which is the more likely reason my questions are being reported en-mass? God doens't like my questions and started a new branch of a popular religion to silence voices like mine, or certain people just don't like my questions?

2007-10-20 08:45:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do some people say it will lead to eternal Hell?
What is the proof that Peter was the first Pope?

2007-10-20 08:43:56 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-20 08:37:50 · 26 answers · asked by beano™ 6

2007-10-20 08:36:12 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wouldn't touch "it" with a stick.

2007-10-20 08:36:12 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

About six years ago my boyfriends sister died, we were kinda close but not like sisters. Anyway we were at the chapel before her burial paying our last respects. It was our turn, what i saw, even tho i'm still not sure what it was to this day surprised me beyond my dreams and i'm just wondering if anybody knows what it was i saw or if it ever happened to any body else to please tell me, i would really appreciate it. Thank you.
We were standing in front of her casket, my boyfriend and i. They was this greyish like smoke rising from the top of her chest/ stomach area in a clock-wise spiral motion, almost like a tornado but slower. Does anybody know what that was?? Was that her spirit or soul ?? I noticed almost immediately when we got to her, looked at my boyfriend and asked him if he saw that and he said no. I stood there looking at it for almost 5 minutes amazed. Other people were behind me so i had to hurry up, said goodbye and sat down.

2007-10-20 08:36:05 · 13 answers · asked by savory sweet 5

This book has help me to understand the scriptures on the Ten commandments and the ceremonial law of the OT. It has also help me gain a clearer insight on the epistals of Apostal Paul in which i was confused concerning the law. Great book, take a look for yourself !

2007-10-20 08:35:55 · 2 answers · asked by princecurtis7 2

2007-10-20 08:35:14 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-20 08:34:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

You think once we die we stop existing, or that our soul will continue to live on somehow

2007-10-20 08:33:42 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-20 08:25:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, I would like to know what you think of it after watching it. If you answer before watching it, you can edit your answers later after you watch it. I don't get the Fox News channel where I am, so I am ordering the DVD. This special was originally made for a PBS series, but then PBS suppressed it because they found out it's makers were not liberals. No kidding. Those are my tax dollars at work, and I'm thinking about a taxpayer law suit. But first I would like to know what others think of the show, especially whether you can tell from the show anything about the religion or politics of the filmmakers. Thanks.

2007-10-20 08:24:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not trying to insult anyone, I just want to see the theist's point of view on this question:

If good is omnipotent and omniscient, then why did he allow the holocaust, the rwandain genocide, the armenian genocide and all the others to take place? Didn't he tell Noah, after the flood, that he would never try to wipe out humans ever again?

2007-10-20 08:22:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Matt 19:17: "If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."
Mark 10:19-20: "You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.'"

Jesus abolished Old Testament disciplinary laws on diet, Sabbath, and circumcision. But did he abolish laws against murder, adultery, theft, perjury, or fraud, and did he abolish the obligation to honor our parents?

2007-10-20 08:21:13 · 22 answers · asked by Bruce 7

2007-10-20 08:20:50 · 21 answers · asked by Ramjet 5

2007-10-20 08:20:06 · 4 answers · asked by Ramjet 5

Would it just be an empty place.

For the sake of this question, lets assume that heaven exists.

2007-10-20 08:18:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any thoughts? does this follow your line of thinking at all?

Dear Professor Theophilus:

I am a Christian, a junior at Brown, and I've been debating with an atheist friend. I'd written to him that God can't do the logically impossible, like make something true and false in the same sense at the same time. He wrote back, "What does it mean that there are logical rules in our universe that not even God can violate? Did He create them? If He did, why would a perfect being cripple Himself by limiting His power like that? If He didn't create them, who did, and why are they the way they are?" As a former atheist yourself, do you have any insight into his questions?


Your friend's questions are variations on the famous Euthyphro Dilemma (so called because it originated in a question that Socrates once posed to his friend Euthyphro).

In its original form, the dilemma is about morality, and runs something like this: Does God command the moral law because it is good, or is it good because He commands it? If He commands the moral law because it is good, then it seems that there is something — call it Good or Goodness — which is higher than God. On the other hand, if it is good because He commands it, then it seems that morality is arbitrary. For example, God could have commanded us to hate Him, and then that would be good.

Your friend is posing a version of the same dilemma, but in terms of logical rather than moral laws. Does God ordain the laws of logic because they accord with reason, or are they reasonable because He ordains them? If He ordains the laws of logic because they accord with reason, then it seems that there is something — call it Reason or Reasonableness — which is higher than God. On the other hand, if the laws of logic are reasonable because God ordains them, then it seems that logic is arbitrary. For example, He could have ordained that a statement could be true and false in the same sense at the same time, and then that would be reasonable.

The classical Christian answer to the moral form of the Euthyphro problem is that both of the alternatives are wrong. Have you noticed that the problem is posed incorrectly? The flaw in the way it is posed is that it takes God and Goodness to be different things, so that either God is greater than Goodness, or Goodness is greater than God. But God and Goodness are not different things. The solution is a third alternative: God Himself is the supreme Good. The reason He commands the moral law — which is rooted in His Goodness — is neither because Goodness is higher than He is nor because He is higher than Goodness is, but because He does not contradict His own nature.

A similar solution takes care of your friend's logical variation on the Euthyphro problem. God and Reason are not different things any more than God and Goodness are. Just as He is the supreme Good, so He is the supreme Truth or Reason — as the Gospel of John puts it, the Logos, "the Word." His creation makes logical sense neither because Reason is higher than He is nor because He is higher than Reason is, but — as before — because He does not contradict His own nature.

Remember, though, that philosophical apologetics has limits. Often, atheists like your friend ask questions not because they really want to know the truth, but because they want to hide from it. You see, if an atheist can keep you busy solving logical problems, which can be multiplied endlessly, then, he thinks, He can keep God on the blackboard; he never has to deal with Him in all his personal reality. For this reason you must always try to penetrate your friend's evasions, to go beyond the questions he asks to the real questions he is trying to avoid. For example, I sometimes ask fellows like your friend a question of my own, which runs like this. "You pose a lot of riddles. Suppose we had all the time in the world, and after many weeks of nonstop conversation, I solved every one of them to your complete intellectual satisfaction. Then would you give yourself to Jesus Christ?" You'd be surprised how many people who hear this question get a strange look on their faces, pause for a moment, then answer "No." That allows me to say, "In that case, the riddles aren't your real reason for rejecting Him. Since the real reason is something else, why are we wasting time going down all these rabbit holes? What do you think your real reason is? Do you know?"

2007-10-20 08:16:42 · 11 answers · asked by sisterzeal 5

I am not attacking atheists, nor am I trying to convert. I just wan't to ask out of curiosity...how come you don't believe in a god? I mean, what do you have to look forward to when you die? Who or what do you turn to in a time of need? I just want to see your side of the coin, and I don't mean to offend.

2007-10-20 08:11:34 · 36 answers · asked by arbiter343 2

The idea that the universe and everything in it is just one energy, or vibration, or whatever you want to call it I THINK was popularized first by Eastern religions. And this is the type of idea that the LOA camp claims is why "the Secret" works (if it does).

But don't Eastern religions stress LACK of attachment to particular outcomes? Don't they stress being happy in the moment, no matter what the circumstances, over trying to make this or that occur?

Not that I think eastern religions teach passivity, as Ghandi was hardly passive for example. But assuming (for the sake of argument) that this Law of Attraction stuff works, isn't it saying that it's important to control your circumstances, whereas eastern religions tend to minimize the importance of circumstances?

2007-10-20 08:08:36 · 7 answers · asked by ComfortZone 2

What does joy mean for you specifically because of your saving relationship with Jesus?

2007-10-20 08:07:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-20 08:07:38 · 5 answers · asked by brittanyyyrox 1

The importance of praying the rosary as a Catholic.

2007-10-20 08:06:36 · 9 answers · asked by j - money 1

Im talking about a large number, somewhere around 40% of your salary. This money could be used to combat poverty

2007-10-20 08:01:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are scientists working on this project right now.

2007-10-20 07:59:35 · 16 answers · asked by big j 5

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