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Religion & Spirituality - 20 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

how can i leave this thing since i know i can't live a second without God

2007-10-20 07:59:05 · 9 answers · asked by christene 2

Thank you for your answers! :)

Enjoy your weekend! :)

2007-10-20 07:58:58 · 35 answers · asked by Moon :) 7

Will you take the time out to watch the video..I don't agree with it totally but it has some logical explanations...


2007-10-20 07:58:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love...
1. Byron Cage
2. Richard Smallwood
3. Tye Tribette
4. Israel & the New Breed

2007-10-20 07:57:30 · 9 answers · asked by ARIZONA 3

SisterZe had a "question" that stated that snakes were somehow satanic. My question is, if snakes are satanic, why did God save them from the flood? Why not wipe then off the face of the earth right then and be done with it? That seems like the logical thing to do. What say you all?

2007-10-20 07:55:08 · 20 answers · asked by magix151 7

Are there more Christians in the world, or Catholics? Or maybe Jews? Anyone know?

2007-10-20 07:53:20 · 18 answers · asked by asshole dont use my name 1

It's very confusing. We have people on these forums that claim to be Christian, who claim to love and obey God. Yet they cheer the War in Iraq, started by George Bush, and approve attacking Iran. Now, I can understand why they might feel that any Iranian conflict might be defensive, since Iranians are working on nuclear capability, even though they claim it is for peaceful purposes. But, the Iraq War was definitely not started in self-defense. Even though Saddam Hussein may have been reprehensible, there was no urgent danger to our country. On top of that, there are groups of Christians in Iraq, inspiring soldiers to embrace Christianity and "go out and fight for the Lord."

Whatever happened to "Thou Shalt Not Kill"? Has someone rewritten the Bible? Or are today's Christians twisting God's words?

2007-10-20 07:53:18 · 22 answers · asked by Me, Too 6

2007-10-20 07:51:46 · 22 answers · asked by star3dhamdi 1

2007-10-20 07:48:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-20 07:44:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

For me, there are many things in the bible I don't believe or follow, but I'm not an atheist because I do still believe in god. What is the catergorization of people who don't believe in the bible but they do believe there is a god?

2007-10-20 07:43:04 · 25 answers · asked by artbittch 2

It's logically impossible.

We are told that God knows the precise time of every human's death, so therefore he must know the future.

But if God knows the future then human free will is impossible, for under that assumption it would NEVER be possible for any human to act in ANY manner other than the manner already foreknown to God.

If a human COULD act differently than God already knew the human would act, then God would not be perfectly omniscient.

So which is it, Christians? Do humans have free will, or is your God omniscient?

2007-10-20 07:42:46 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Being catholic.. I see this at every mass. And sometimes people choose not to shake fellow members hand. Do you have a problem with shaking hands, or does it make you feel unconfortable at all? Come on all you Catholic people out they're!

2007-10-20 07:40:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean think about the nature of a snake. They are cold, calculating, no feelings, no emotions, heck they will even try to eat their owners without a moment of regret. They don't "taste" their food or enjoy it they swallow it whole. I know the bible is the inspired word of God but for those who don't.........do you realize the people who wrote the bible had no real knowledge about snakes as they had done no "scientific testing" at that time. Isn't it amazing that for a few hundred years science seemed to prove God's reality to people, until they deliberately tried to start "denying the truth" and having willfull ignorance?

Fascinating facts about snakes

Snake Habits: Tips for Finding Snakes

Non-poisonous Snakes
in our Region
Rosy Boa
California Mountain Kingsnake
Two-striped Gartersnake

Poisonous Snakes
in our Region
Speckled Rattlesnake
Red Diamond Rattlesnake
Western Rattlesnake
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Angel Island Speckled Rattlesnake
Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake
Baja California Rattlesnake
San Esteban Island Rattlesnake
San Lorenzo Island Rattlesnake
Black-tailed Rattlesnake
El Muerto Island Speckled Rattlesnake
Tiger Rattlesnake
Tortuga Island Rattlesnake
Searching for snakes may not be for everyone. Most snakes are secretive and finding them is a difficult task. Here are some tips about snake habits, so your next encounter will be more than just a chance meeting.

Laurence M. Klauber, the Museum's first herpetologist, was the first to report on the successes of road driving for snakes. Now referred to as "night-driving" or "road-cruising," snake enthusiasts will spend hours driving up and down paved roads at night in search of snakes

Snakes are most active in warm weather (75-90°F) and tend to avoid both cold and extremely hot temperatures. Search for snakes when the temperature is right. In the spring, snakes will be more active in the daytime. In the summer, when days are sweltering, snakes will be active at night.

Snakes on the move often stop and pause on surfaces that are warm in order to thermoregulate. Warm surfaces include paved streets, dirt roads, and hiking trails. Keep an eye out for snakes stretched perpendicular to the direction of travel. While good sources of heat, roads and trails are dangerous places with lots of predators. Exposed snakes often take the shortest path to get to cover on the other side.

They will bask on rocks or sun themselves before dark. When hiking in wilderness areas, southwestern facing slopes have a greater abundance of snakes. These slopes receive the last rays of the day. Rock climbers on southwestern facing slopes beware!

Snakes will wait for their prey. Look for snakes in areas with rodent activity. These include woodpiles and rocky terrain. Rodents like to run along the margins of barriers such as large boulders. Snakes will coil and wait along rodent trails.

They are secretive, so look under logs and rocks. Make sure you return the log or rock to its original position.

The most abundant snake species are Gartersnakes. Many Gartersnakes can be found in a single outing. Look in streams, ponds, and lakes. Gartersnakes may be seen along the margins, swimming underwater, or basking on rocks and floating vegetation.

2007-10-20 07:39:04 · 11 answers · asked by sisterzeal 5

people=1651516125 =33=6=f
enemies of the God =...=6=f
the enemies of God =...=6=f

thus proof allowed by the alphabetical order that it is not enough to worship god or just exist to become "friends of the God" or "the friends of God" you must strive to become "good people."

good people= 7151541651516125 =56=2=b
the friends of God =...=2=b
friends of the God =...=2=b

note: b visually equals a DI sealed together and if you accept DI=IIII I when ritten on an arm then you see who was equal to the friends of God.

many like to claim to be friends of the God but numerologically fail. See the notables below:

police =...=6=f
hells angels =...=6=f
don =6=f

thats italian don not Don as in Donald. So perhaps despite their claims, those entities have done more harm to God then what was good for God. However even those entities could change and become 'good police' etc... but they would have to stop their evil ways.

are they good or evil in your eyes?

2007-10-20 07:32:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you bought into this whole thing about al Queda behind every tree, pedophiles lurking at your windows and atheists ready to steal your children's thoughts?
Or do you still prefer reality?

2007-10-20 07:30:30 · 16 answers · asked by Author Unknown 6

I have a friend that lives in a very rough neighborhood. A gang wants him dead. He's used to this type of thing but at the same time he's very scared. What are some verses that I can give him?

Also, prayers would be nice...
for not only him but his brother too
Thank you

2007-10-20 07:29:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i ve been seeing many sites saying that the rapture will take place this year;;; many saids in the summer , thats fail ! this persons are not true Christians because they are in the mistake and doing a false prophecy they become a false prophet!for example a woman saying that rapture would happen on 21st september . first of all the rapture only can happens after the peace agreement thats enough to see that its a false prophecy. i know something will happen this year maybe the war in middle east i can prophesy many true things but i only go to tell people if God allows and never against the Bible!!!so be careful with the wolfes in sheep clothes and with the false prophets ...God told us that they will be many in the last days as people saying that they are Jesus or God as the man in florida... God doesn t want we perish by lack of knowledge, he wants we know satan projects and we stay on the truth.Jesus peace!

2007-10-20 07:25:16 · 6 answers · asked by alex a 6

for my new home, thanks

2007-10-20 07:24:36 · 5 answers · asked by Bakes 2

I feel as if I'm really wrestling with something evil inside of me. What do I do? I'm not definitely Christian, but I feel like I can't do this alone.

2007-10-20 07:21:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I'm honestly getting pretty displeased with how people keep trying to force random ideas into my head. Being open minded, I went to a catholic church the other day with a friend, and found myself being preached incessantly one on one about everything wrong in my beliefs about my friend afterwards. Then in genetics, my professor, while teaching about the evolution theory, would not stop bashing creation science with graphs and other data. Why can't people just be more sensitive? More importantly, why can't some of these people change their stance a little bit and be more openminded? Could pride play a factor in holding them back?

2007-10-20 07:21:27 · 26 answers · asked by Samiam 4

As you know, there are numerous Bible editions on the market today (and there were numerous versions even in medieval times, etc...) Some of these editions have been denounced by Christians as 'false', so given that false editions of the Bible CAN exist, how can you know that the edition YOU use is right? What is the good of God preserving the original text of the Bible if you have to guess which one it is from multiple diffrerent versions? If you use the wrong one by mistake, will you go to Hell...?

2007-10-20 07:19:51 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Peter also, cowardly, escaped capture several times (unlike others of whom were willing to be martyred for their beliefs)

Peter tried to leave Rome during the persecution of Nero, where he met jesus on the Via Appia, going in the opposite direction; "Where are you going my Lord" he asked; "To Rome to be crucified again" Jesus replied. Peter then turned back and was captured and crucified.

Masaccio's Martyrdom of StPeter, an early 15C Painted Panel, illustrated the legend that Peter was crucified upside down. "It is tradition that he asked to be criucified this way as to avoid invidious comparison to the crucifiction of Christ". dont you think that this act was a little bumptious?

my question is this; How can a man of whom lived so pusillaniously within the church of Christ, become the honoured Apostle of whom Christ built his church? plus who the Catholic Popes have based their entire authority through?

what are your thoughts, personally

2007-10-20 07:18:33 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

After all, you're taking the word of men who claim to be divinely inspired. Aren't you basically entrusting the fate of your 'immortal soul' to other people?

Because how would you know that the writers and compilers of The Bible are divinely inspired IF THEY DIDN'T TELL SAY THEY WERE?

2007-10-20 07:17:54 · 8 answers · asked by ??????? 3

How was that experience for you?

Im Muslim, and when I went to London, we visited a church there and it was an enlightening experience because they just happened to play the Muslim call of prayer as a way to symbolize the unity of both religions. On a Buddhist holiday, I was invited to visit their temple and perform their rituals...it was pretty amazing too. i also live in a mainly Jewish neighborhood and visited synongogues&learned alot about Judiasm growing up. I love learning about different religions/cultures ^_^

2007-10-20 07:17:05 · 28 answers · asked by Satellite Eyes 6

Not necessarily because of the answerers, but answering a Q actually takes the whole mystery out of it?

2007-10-20 07:15:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Reading over a lot of answers to your questions, I get the idea that you have this perception that people that believe in an afterlife do not really try to make the most out of this life.
Why is that?
The idea that the person that believes in the afterlife, does not take this life seriously is just not true at all.
The truth is, is that it is exactly the opposite, almost. (Because I can't speak for most of the Christians. Just myself and the ones that I know)
I have been a Christian many years, and in my experience I have found that believers in a higher power really find much meaning in life, because we believe that we all have a purpose. God has given us a purpose and if we follow Him, He will point us down the right path. Not only that, but we know that we have something to live FOR. And that makes life much more meaningful. We have direction in our lives. So the perception that we do not take this life so serious because of a supposed afterlife is not true.

2007-10-20 07:13:57 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

It took God 6 days to create the Heavens and earth and man, and He rested on the 7th day. Our week is made up on this concept. For all the atheist, muslums, buddist and anyone else who cares to share, how was you week created?

2007-10-20 07:13:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents are christians,they don't want to have any contact with me since i converted to islam
They don't even allowed my young sister who's 15 to see me
How to make them accept me as i am?

2007-10-20 07:06:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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