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Religion & Spirituality - 13 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-13 08:49:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, please try and follow. According to most religions the universe is only a few thousand years old. Yet we are able to see light from stars and galaxies that are billions of light years away. If the world were only a few thousand years old we would not be able to see that light yet because it would still be billions of light years away from us. So either God tricked us by placing the photons of light billions of light years closer to earth than should be OR…. the universe is actually some 13 billion years old.

Which is it?

2007-10-13 08:45:22 · 15 answers · asked by xmilestogo 1

**cries** nobody has puclic crushes on me, is it because my avatar is ugly or because of myself, I'm ugly? (nobody in real life has a crush on me neither)
Why don't my public crushes (they know who they are ) love me back? **cries**

2007-10-13 08:44:40 · 38 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 3

When there are NO original manuscripts, there are hundreds of forged scriptures...

And there's virtually NO extrabiblical evidence that Jesus Christ ever even existed!!??

Josephus was forged, Tacitus is highly debatable and pretty much, that's it!

No first-hand accounts of this man exist!, yet there were forty or so historians right there when all this supposedly happened. There are a lot of reasons to believe it was all made up - plenty of motives!

There's just as much evidence for tinkerbell! At least we have pictures of abraham lincoln.. and what about all the hundreds of manuscripts that WERE NOT included in the Bible!? They tell a very different story.

How can people embrace such a thing, with so scant evidence? Aren't they being silly? No rational person could swallow it all...

Is it that most of you were taught all this stuff as children and eventually rationalized it to the point that you're brainwashed?

Or are you merely afraid to live life on your own merit?

2007-10-13 08:43:31 · 12 answers · asked by John Galt 2

i dont know why they are different
please be serious......

2007-10-13 08:43:14 · 33 answers · asked by elle4 1

2007-10-13 08:41:05 · 14 answers · asked by Cheez Doodle 3

Who IS God?
Is it Brahman?
Is it Buddha?
Is is "God"?
Is it Allah?
Is it Jehovah?
Is it Yahweh?
Is it Ik Onkar Nam?

Or is there no God at all?

Who IS it? Who is Omniscient and Omnipresent for all of us? He is one, we just have to narrow them down...

2007-10-13 08:40:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the Bible prophecy about Antichrist came about in our lifetime, would you choose receiving a mark in order to buy food? This would include worshiping that global leader that brought "peace" to the world. The option of not receiving the mark and worshiping the leader is death by beheading. So, would you receive "the mark" to survive?

This question is a follow up to this question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071008212928AA7qrhH&r=w&pa=AptqD2bwHTHf5.OEYKIyuFm53jqih9yqbTo_g0HBVuQQWdWZZMw0tLU42XV3.3PBUBUrh7f4kYnX3w--&paid=voted

2007-10-13 08:32:28 · 25 answers · asked by Pearly Gator 3

Why is that Dogs of low breed bite people and the good ones doesn't? The low breeds are usually ............
the stray ones with no one to care and feed them.My eldersister adopted such a stray dog ,which is now two years.
She cares for the dog well but on many occasions ,specially when feeding, she has been bit.Her neighbours advise her to get rid of him. It's said that dogs are faithfull to their masters.Is there hope that this dog will change it's behaviour as he matures?

2007-10-13 08:26:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2 weeks ago i thought my life was perfect. i had a beautiful girlfriend who i loved, and a great job. then last week my girlfriend left me, didnt give me a reason and didnt do it to my face, she sent me a message on myspace.
and at work (i work at a bowling ally) i was trying to get a ball unstuck from one of the machines my boss yelled from out front asked if i got it yet
i yelled back "not yet" but he thought i said "got it" so he turned on the machine. my hand got cought on the belt and pulled into the gears, it got torn up very bad and it hurt like hell
it was so torn up that at the hospital they decided they had to chop it off.
so now, not only am i not very attractive (i never was) but i'm deformed too, which means i'll never get another girl, not that anyone would be as good as shayna.
but with only 1 hand i cant really do any work at the ally so i lost my job too.
plus i cant join the marines now, so i will never be able to afford collage, so i'll never become a lawyer

2007-10-13 08:25:43 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you heard of the latest DNA monkey scam? They claim it proves evolution but they leave out the part about the "keying" of DNA. AKA Ken Miller. We also have 98 percent DNA in common with household cats something else they dont want you to know! There are no transitional fossils folks....

2007-10-13 08:24:46 · 14 answers · asked by theroadwetake 3

I was talking to someone the other day who said that he TALKS WITH JESUS every day!!!

That he believes those old stories in the Bible, as if they were true!!!!!!

Do a lot of people actually believe this stuff? I suddenly feel like the whole world is going mad!

They actually believe that a virgin had a baby, someone walked on water, changed water to wine, raised the dead, a giant flood destroyed the earth, pillars of fire and prophets and adam and eve and talking donkeys and a place of eternal bliss called Heaven and a place of eternal torment called Hell!!!?!?!?!!!?!?!!!

How many of you have been brainwashed out there? Should I move to Great Britain, where most people have left Christianity and seem to be coming to their senses?

You people can't be serious!!!!

2007-10-13 08:24:27 · 30 answers · asked by John Galt 2

The first ammendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," This one small statement is interpreted to mean that there is NO interaction between government and religion. There are even some people who think christians should not even hold public office.

From a christian point of view, how do you view "separation of church and state, knowing that separtion of church and state is interpreted from the above excerpt of the 1st ammendmant and taken from a letter written to the Danbury Baptists rather than an actual statement in the constitution?

Religious existance in the U.S. is summed up by the government in 16 words.

Would you like to see a fundamentalist christian country?

2007-10-13 08:20:04 · 22 answers · asked by Tim N 5

to all be completely different Gods & Goddesses? ;]]

2007-10-13 08:20:01 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or are they both of India, but from different parts? (North, and South?)

2007-10-13 08:19:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Surely Adam was his first son, and there must have been millions of people born before Jesus was immaculately conceived?

2007-10-13 08:16:52 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend told me to go there because its funny..

Huh? What is it?

2007-10-13 08:15:10 · 4 answers · asked by Spectrum 1

When I was young I went about with my friends, but my mother did not like them and told me to stay back from them. I thought she was talking a load of rubbish. Then for three nights in a row, I had a dream that frightened the life and soul out of me.
The next night I stayed in my bedroom and had a read of the bible, what I read was Job
33 vs 14 to18 and I knew the dreams were from God. And the friends were dropped .

2007-10-13 08:13:30 · 24 answers · asked by ? 5

Where can I watch it online?

2007-10-13 08:11:07 · 2 answers · asked by dontworrybehappy 3

I'm new to this website ownership side of the web. I have a basic---this is who I am, what I do thing going on there...however...could you let me know if things are clear, understandable and any points and tips that i should be engaging to my future uploading?


2007-10-13 08:09:22 · 6 answers · asked by shenikatee 1

2007-10-13 08:09:05 · 15 answers · asked by mirkhani a 1

2007-10-13 08:07:26 · 11 answers · asked by Desert Sienna 4

When God had Moses write down the Ten Commandments, why didn't God Just write them on the whole side of the mountain, for all to see?

2007-10-13 08:04:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

for either for me to be single or married.
So far, being 42 I am not married, and wonder if he wants me to be dedicated to him.

So many men out there lack respect, morals, or just genuine goodness. I was raised with these qualities, and it's hard to find anything like this anywhere. Why

2007-10-13 08:03:42 · 10 answers · asked by DREENA 2

what's his religion by the way?

2007-10-13 08:01:29 · 30 answers · asked by colin 2

One can easily assume that they worship many gods, by looking at all the statues and images....Kali, Shiva, Ganesh, etc. But, I still hear some Hindus say that they only worship one god. Can you explain?

2007-10-13 08:00:05 · 16 answers · asked by male in the USA 1

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