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Religion & Spirituality - 4 October 2007

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You say that atheists are proud to be evolved from monkeys and scoff?

Why do you think it is a matter of being proud?, its a matter of acknowledging what actually happened.

Are you really proud to come from dirt as described from the bible?

I would rather be an intelligent ape, then a piece of magic dirt

2007-10-04 09:02:35 · 24 answers · asked by Sheed 4

As far as I know the question has been bandied about but never answered. Please justify / explain the reasoning for your answer.

2007-10-04 09:02:01 · 5 answers · asked by frodo 6

What went bang, and where did that come from, whatever it was that exploded and formed the universe..

2007-10-04 09:01:57 · 15 answers · asked by † PRAY † 7

Where is the evidence?
1) Nowhere in the Bible is the Holy Spirit ever said to be an equal member of a trinity.
2) Nowhere is it mentioned in the Bible the words, "God, the Holy Spirit," or "The Holy Spirit is God."
3) There is never mentioned a vision, dream or clear description in scripture wherein God and the Holy Spirit are shown as the same person.
4) The vast majority of all Trinitarians attempts are to show the Holy Spirit's personality...not Godhood.
5) If the Holy Spirit has always been the third person in a triune God, then why did the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD disregard the Holy Spirit as a member of the Godhead when they made Jesus 'God' in 325 AD? Why did they wait until the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD to include the H S in the formula?
6) If the Holy Spirit has always been the third person in a triune God, then why would Jews instructed in the OT scriptures and in the teachings of John the Baptist, NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS?!? (Acts 19:2)

2007-10-04 08:58:38 · 16 answers · asked by tik_of_totg 3

You don't even have to post your answer. Just think about it. Are you ready to face God with any regrets? Did you love Him enough? Did you spend enough time with Him? Did you live a life that was pleasing to Him?

This message was preached last night at my church. Its good to check yourself as you walk with God.

2007-10-04 08:57:04 · 14 answers · asked by pattscool 4

I am not a theist, so I am not looking for the "lawl, theres no god" answer to this question. Moreso:

If Timmy were to go to heaven, and Jane was to go to hell, and Timmy was deeply, DEEPLY in love with Jane, wouldn't heaven be eternal punishment to him too?

Jane couldn't be in heaven AND hell, for 1) Beings can't exist in 2 places at once AND because if there were 2 of her created, how would it be decided which went to heaven? AND if this "2nd Jane" did somehow be in heaven, it wouldn't be the real Jane for the real Jane wouldn't deserve heaven.

So Timmy wants NOTHING more in the entire after life to spend time with Jane, and that's the one thing he can't do. Is that not eternal suffering in Heaven?

2007-10-04 08:56:27 · 18 answers · asked by mr.200monkeys 2

2007-10-04 08:55:08 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Legend: When Jimmy Hendrix was asked, "How does it feel to be the best guitarist in the world?" and he replied, "I don't know, you'll have to ask Phil..."

Who was he talking about?

2. Early Christian POP song, "Charge of the Light Brigade" by what Christian Duo?

3. Early Jewish/Christian group named, "Lamb" Can you name one song by them?

4. Singer/songwriter who died in a plane crash in 1982. Refused the fame that was given ultimately to Donnny Osmond.

5. Early, early Christian "Pop" songbird from Sweden.

6. early Metal band that had album title: "Yellow and Black Attack."

7. Christian singer who got in trouble for committing adultery with another famous Christian pop-star. Name them both.

8. Name 4 Christian crossover bands that got secular radioplay.

9. What movie is this from? "Mustangs... they're tough..."

10. What early Christian group was compared with the "Police" and had Russ Taff as a vocalist for a while?

2007-10-04 08:54:57 · 6 answers · asked by The Burninator 1

Checked out? Doc checked you out, and said I see no underlying cause for why you are feling sick, and then he said maybe you are imagining it or maybe you are fibbing? How would you feel? proably mad because YOU know what you are feeling
When you say a person has not spoke to GOD hears GOD and has a relationship with Jesus Christ is like what the Dr said to you when he found no reason for you to be feeling ill.

People believe in GOD because of what he does in thier life, if GOD did not reveal himself to a person when they prayed the Bible alone would not prove to them GOD exsits.

2007-10-04 08:54:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

my understanding is its when the WTBS changes some doctrine, ie vaccinations

2007-10-04 08:53:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Look at my eyes and you will see, Fire is burning inside of me

Fire it burns, Fire it burns

Look at the children, Look at my eyes

Look at me Satan’s child, Born of evil thus defiled

Brought to life through satanic birth, Raised in Hell to live on Earth

Come, look at me and I'll show you, things that will open your eyes

Come listen to me and I'll tell you, things that will sicken your mind

We drink the vomit of the priests’; make love with the dying whore

We suck the blood of the beast, and hold the key to deaths door

Through many a tormented night prevail, thy exorcisms can but fail

Though crucifix doth burn my flesh, I shall not yield to you unless I die!

I am possessed by all that is evil - The death of your God I demand!

I spit at the virgin you worship - And sit at my lord Satan's left hand

I care not for the priests who are crying

I answer to Baphomet's call

A cry for help from the dying means nothing to me at all

I am decreed by Lord Satan's fine evil to destroy what all mortals love most?

Satan is my master incarnate -
Hail praise to my unholy host

2007-10-04 08:53:24 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

like what does it say?

2007-10-04 08:53:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

believing that what you had always believed in was false?

That was what I had done before I was saved...

2007-10-04 08:52:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If one uses the verse the 1 Thesssalonians chapter 4

"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first"

If one concludes from the above verse that Jesus is the archangel (he comes with the voice of the archangel), then one can also conclude the Jesus is God (he has the trumpet of God).
Or perhaps the archangel sounds his voice to announce the return of Jesus.

any toughts? thanks

2007-10-04 08:51:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

what rhymes with "mac daddy"?

2007-10-04 08:50:43 · 9 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

2007-10-04 08:49:53 · 8 answers · asked by Ashleigh G 1

supposedly if they could ONLY find the missing link they could prove evolution.
what a load of..
is the missing link sasquach? or is it.. the lockness monster?
or maybe its the boogy monster? or the cookie monster?

2007-10-04 08:49:25 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone have anything special planned for Samhain?

2007-10-04 08:47:21 · 11 answers · asked by Belisama 2

2007-10-04 08:47:09 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

A majority of you were born into your religions (yes i know some people converted). You cant honestly believe that you would be the same religion if you were born into a different country with an organized religion in the government.
since you were little you just read a big book and you parents lectured you. yet there is no way in having physical evidence to support it. Yes you have predictions that have so called happened but they are vague, just like Nostradamus.
You argue back in forth and say who ever doesn't agree with you will suffer the most unimaginable torment forever. doesn't the bible tell you not to judge? and with ALL the ideas and religions out there God should have known that it would be absolutely impossible to have every follow the "right" way.
Some people will say they have visions but what about other religions that had visions too? you can reply and shout out jesus is lord or allah this but all in all faith cannot be the means of actual truth. thankyou (agnostic)

2007-10-04 08:46:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If god is all-poweful, why'd he rest (have to rest?) on the seventh day?

2007-10-04 08:42:30 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus made the claim that the generation would not pass and everyone in the new testament thought he was coming during their lifetime.

Jesus says he doesn't know when he is coming back but only the father.

So if Jesus is God then he is forgetful.

At any rate, someone want to clear this up for me?

2007-10-04 08:41:49 · 20 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

Mickey Mouse Goofy remarks on questions that stump you?

Ancient People did not have terms such as:
Milky Way
Crystal Clear
But we learned from what those terms mean in today's culture. Some might be lost in translation but we have learned from Hebrew and Greek translations
Why don't you free your mind so your brain will follow?

2007-10-04 08:40:22 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

What if you woke up and found out all the religions in the world were wrong. What would you do?

2007-10-04 08:40:05 · 17 answers · asked by moscow1677 2

Have you considered for a moment that God is pursuing and calling you to get close to him?

2007-10-04 08:39:49 · 6 answers · asked by Tx Guy 3

I'm not talking about teaching one belief or another; instead, teaching the critical analysis of religion itself, perhaps in middle school or high school. Religion has such a penetrating influence on our society that I wonder if teaching its analysis is just as necessary as teaching, say, literature or history. I do not believe that teaching religious studies/comparative religion would be a violation of the Establishment Clause.

What do you all think of this?

2007-10-04 08:39:13 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that the central tenet of Wicca is "as long as it harms none, do whatever you want." Does this mean that they are not required to help those less fortunate than them?
For instance, Christianity teaches that it's not enough to merely avoid doing harm. Christians also have an obligation to help the poor and needy, to give both their time and money to charitable organizations, and to work for a system that promotes justice and ends oppression. For Christians, doing good is not merely the absence of doing evil, but actively taking the time to help others.
Does Wicca have a similar teaching?

2007-10-04 08:37:56 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend received a horrible "gift" left at his business door yesterday morning by some unknown twisted person....
Does anyone know what receiving 2 headless chickens and a headless pig signify?? Is it voodoo or santeria?? Help please..

2007-10-04 08:37:03 · 11 answers · asked by Annette B 1

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