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Religion & Spirituality - 17 September 2007

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There's this entry here: http://dailycandor.com/an-atheist-in-support-of-religion
Argues that most Christians need the Bible because they're lacking in their own inborn morals.
Do you agree?

2007-09-17 07:49:41 · 12 answers · asked by JP 7

Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword.
The second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.

2007-09-17 07:47:42 · 29 answers · asked by Jason W 4

This statement is given as an example of the fallacy "Wishful Thinking" in the book Attacking Faulty Reasoning: A Practical Guide to Fallacy-Free Arguments.

What is your opinion on this? Mis-categorized? Misunderstood?

2007-09-17 07:45:46 · 16 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

Is there a lifestyle that Christians are called to live like that is different than the world?

2007-09-17 07:36:43 · 13 answers · asked by A Voice 5

and is the anti-Christ the devil in flesh like Jesus was God in the flesh ?

2007-09-17 07:35:24 · 12 answers · asked by the shiz 5

Of course i'm talking about seiðr.
Does anyone know of any websites i can go to learn about seiðr???

I mean like the Incantations and Rituals. Thank you!

2007-09-17 07:34:22 · 10 answers · asked by Bobby 3

Considering that it will land in 30 minutes.
At the exact spot you are standing on.
And you don't have access to a shelter.

Do you:

A) Try to run for it?

B) Get on the phone and make a call? To whom?

C) Race to the nearest church?

D) Get on your knees and ask for God's mercy?

E) Grab a cold beer and a chair, go outside and watch the fireworks?

F) Other.

2007-09-17 07:33:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even in the light of certain facts?

1) The bible wasn't compiled until 300 years after Christ died on the cross.

2) The man who compiled it WAS NOT Christian, murdered his family, and only supported Christianity for political purposes. This man was Constantine, the emperor of Rome.

3) There are over 30 books mentioned in the Bible that are NOT found in the Bible. If the prophets themselves mentionted these books , how can the Bible contain the wholeness of the Gospel? (Ex. Book of Samuel the Seer, Book of Nathan the Prophet, Missing Epistle of Jude (Jude 1: 3))

4) Men profess to know Christ but will not accept the obvious fact that HE WAS MARRIED. (Jesus was a Jew living in Jerusalem. If you study ancient Jewish culture, you see that Christ would NOT have been allowed to speak in public if he was a single man. Also, every time people in the NT refer to him as "Teacher, Master, Rabbi, Father, etc..." you should know that these titles were only used for MARRIED men.)

2007-09-17 07:32:50 · 24 answers · asked by The Ponderer 3

2007-09-17 07:32:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like for example Christianity and Wicca.
(But i know your can mix any religion with wicca, so this example isn't very good)

Buddhism and Santeria.

Islam and Jainism.

Sikhism and Asatru.


Thank you!

2007-09-17 07:30:30 · 31 answers · asked by Bobby 3

Medical and biomedical research is party based on evolution.

Should creationists be denied access to discoveries that depended on evolutionary biologists and their discoveries?

2007-09-17 07:27:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

That was suggested in response to my last question, which asked what the differences are between those who worship and those who don't.

Your thoughts?

2007-09-17 07:27:08 · 10 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4

according to scientists, the earth was cosmically bombarded, causing it to be filled with fire...so how did clouds and micro-organisms generate from fire? and when did this last happen?...and where did these cosmic rays come from in the first place??

I'm asking this q here and not in the science section because apparently Science text books are atheists' bibles

2007-09-17 07:25:13 · 21 answers · asked by ♥JCluvsu2!♥ 3

2007-09-17 07:23:58 · 16 answers · asked by jenny 2

Look here and read first:

She started as two separate embryos (each with a soul according to Christians) that later fused in the womb into one. She has two different sets of DNA in her cells. Some cells have the set from one twin, some from the other. How many souls are there? If you started with two and one had to die, which one was it?

Number of souls:
a) 1
b) 2
c) 0

The answer is c.

2007-09-17 07:23:08 · 6 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

Someone posted a question asking what a bible verse meant, and my reply was something along the lines of "who knows, the bible passages are so messed up and twisted"
I got a violation for stating my opinion?

2007-09-17 07:22:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

You deleted your question, and I was unable to send you my answer. Here it is:

Yes there is, you can find Jesus in the Baha'i scriptures.

Go to this site and search "Jesus." You will find 533 sentences with the name "Jesus" in it.


Go to this site and download Ocean. It's a ~free~ library of appx 1000 religious books. Once you've downloaded and installed it, do a search for "Jesus" in the Baha'i section, and you'll get a LOAD of hits. I just did a search for "Jesus," and the results said:
Found 1467 sentences in 520 documents.


2007-09-17 07:21:54 · 7 answers · asked by Dolores G. Llamas 6

I am curious. I have talked to many Christians and they say God would not create someone as gay, meaning, no one would be born gay.

I disagree. I am looking for some Biblical evidence that God would not make someone gay (but He would allow a child to be raped, tormented, and murdered.)

In the Old Testament, the is a list of people who could not come before God (one leg shorter than the other, etc...) yet God created them? Would God have created someone and not allowed them into the Tabernacle?

Incidentally, I believe homosexuality is a sin, but I believe the issue is far more complicated than Christians want to think because it is easier for some Christians to hate homosexuals than it is to reach out to them.

Can both be true? God creates homosexuals and homosexuality is a sin? I think a resounding YES. I am looking for opinions and biblical evidence to the contrary. Please no verses on homosexuality being a sin; I concede this already. Also, please no bigoted responses about homosexuals, God clearly loves us all.

2007-09-17 07:20:20 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think it's right that the Vatican is filled with UNBELIEVABLE amounts of wealth, gold, and priceless objects, while just outside there are starving beggars? I went to Italy this year and saw this for myself, hmmm, would Jesus approve?

2007-09-17 07:16:46 · 7 answers · asked by I am the Badger Princess. 4

What makes you think they got anything else right or could tell what was or wasn't the word of God? Jews have had The Messiah prophecies a lot longer than Greeks and Romans, so they knew exactly what was prophecied and what wasn't. Yet, somehow Greeks and Romans have convinced the world that they know Hebrew prophecy better than Hebrew, and that their version of the Jewish Messiah fulfills the prophecies (of course, they never state what those prophecies are, because they know they have no list, just a bunch of scriptures that they took out of context).

Chrisitans, why do you never ask Jews about Jewish scripture? You are being terribly deceived if you think Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, and all one has to do is ask a Jew what the prophecies are. But I don't expect you to do that. You like your beliefs unfounded and completely detached from the religion from which it came, so I expect you'll just brush this off as blaspheme.

But what would a Jew say about this?

2007-09-17 07:16:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


lo and behold we have 4 hellraiser movies,

lo and behold we have many puzzleboxes just like the one in the movies.

lo and behold we have a bible, lo and behold we have.....

no holy grail.

no ark of the covenant.

no people who walk on water.

2007-09-17 07:16:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-17 07:12:28 · 8 answers · asked by sego lily 7

2007-09-17 07:09:03 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-17 07:06:30 · 25 answers · asked by buddyman2005 2

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