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Religion & Spirituality - 1 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Okay, I asked agnostics and atheists if you believed in life on other planets, and the overwhelming answer was yes.

Yet we have no proof of it. I am eliminating one answer which questions whether they're living in "another dimension"....but all the others seemed to indicate that the sheer SIZE of the universe led them to believe that we were probably not alone.

Now follow me here....being a Christian I wonder why the sheer complexity of that same universe does not lead you to think that God might exist, too.

It appears that you are willing to accept the possibility of aliens without ANY scientific proof that they exist, but for God you require some "proof". Doesn't that seem hypocritical?

I am NOT saying you are all hypocritical. If anything, agnostics and atheists are less so than Christians because they believe what they believe and don't say one thing and do another, which some people calling themselves "Christians" do.

2007-09-01 10:18:12 · 23 answers · asked by lady_phoenix39 6

A Christian is bitten by a Vampire. The Christian still has the same religious belief and believes in being "saved by Jesus." There is no book or evidence that I can find in fiction or Non-fiction that states a person loses their religious beliefs or protections when bitten by a vampire. Therefore. the cross and holy water bit has to be what is called Artistic License to allow for a weapon or a twist to a book or movie to bring it to a climax.

A Christian Vampire that did not take life would be committing no designated sin. Therefore there could be (if you think they are real) Vampires in heaven.

2007-09-01 10:16:24 · 25 answers · asked by Terry 7

... then why are there Tasers, brussels sprouts, and terrorists in the world?

Sounds fishy to me.

2007-09-01 10:16:24 · 14 answers · asked by Alana 3

I've seen both Muslims AND non-Muslims condeming eachother... pointing fingers n stuff...

BUT my problem right now... is with SOME of the Muslims here on R&S...
We (Muslims) all know that SOME non-Muslims claim Allah is the moon God... n so on...
These are non-Muslims... they shouldn't be blamed... cz they don't know much about Islam... I personally don't blame them...

BUT... what's the difference between this non-Muslim AND the Muslim who accuses his/her fellow Muslims of things that aren't true... making fun of their schools of thought when they don't know squat about it... calling other Muslims ignorant... n so on...
Don't u think that this Muslim is more to be blamed for his/her action than the non-Muslim who doesn't know much about Islam?

2007-09-01 10:16:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Often I wonder about religion and law. Just like the KKK has the right to say that white people are a superior race - we have Muslims and others that say homosexuals are inferior- or even worse: they don't exist.

All of this is tolerated in the name of freedom of speech. It is only when there is an Action can the law step in.

Yet speech - especially from religious leaders may enduce hatred from the followers. Eventually this leads to action.

For example, people who leave Islam are often threatend and physicaly harmed. When things like this happens we blame the person that actually does it but not leaders that have encouraged it.-> They are protected under the laws of freedom of speech.

my question:

Can statements made by some about homosexuality be punished by law?

2007-09-01 10:15:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you not read? Or can you not think intelligently? Or maybe you are just astounded beyond comprehension at the mental and philosophical depth of my questions.

This question is referring to the plain fact that one of my last three questions have received ZERO answers thus far! I know, I know ..... I can't believe it either!

So will this question break that trend, or will the mindbusters go to two out of four questions? You may help to decide this ...... but I have already decided that you will NOT receive my Best Answer points!

Have a crappy, boring day anyway!

2007-09-01 10:10:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-01 10:08:03 · 14 answers · asked by Inou 3

The minions of Satan were strong, fighting tooth and nail, all the way--with guns even, but The Christian Soldiers won in the end--It was Called "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" Has anybody else seen it?


2007-09-01 10:03:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

please watch the whole thing and tell me what you think.


2007-09-01 09:58:02 · 16 answers · asked by god_of_the_accursed 6

Well weird odd question.........i know.
But in islam do 2 couples love eachother does it even exist?

And when i say LOV E i mean like affection to eachother

any muslims couples like kiss..................please be honest

2007-09-01 09:57:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If he has, why do you think he chose to speak so clearly to you and yet leave her wondering if he would ever show her a sign of his existence?


2007-09-01 09:51:05 · 11 answers · asked by Bad Liberal 7

If there is a god, How did he come in to being? How could something with no form, create form? If he is omnipotent why does he need humans to worship him?

2007-09-01 09:46:04 · 11 answers · asked by punch 7

Or had KKK members in it?

2007-09-01 09:39:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

We just want to save the unbelievers, we worry about the fate of their eternal soul and it saddens us to see them turning away from Jesus. Jesus is love, I love Jesus ERROR CODE 666 HELP MEEEEEEE! Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve, Homosexuals abominations, burn in hell, Jesus is love, ERROR--LET ME OUT OF HERE, Gay is a choice, they choose to be gay, must killlllll7gay, Vote4bush, W. is doing a GOOD job! Hallelujiah! God bless!

2007-09-01 09:39:16 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Soylent Green is cookies!!


*Runs away screaming*

Oh... oh yeah. Could God bake a cookie so good it would beat one of mine out?

2007-09-01 09:39:12 · 19 answers · asked by Thrice-Baked the Third 2

He also put a bad
Question Details: picture that wasn't approriate. I just ask a question just to get advice. I don't know why he did this. I don't know why people are prejudiced. God made everyone. God love variety. He made different/brands of : people, flowers, animals, apples.
That tell me God like variety. He likes colors.
We are bleed red, we all use the bathroom.We are have basic need like food, water, shelter. We are going to die one day.Why do some people think they are better than someone else. Do they know what goes around comes around.
What are the reasons why some people want to be prejudices in this day of age for no reason. Can anybody please explain. I also have some this trouble at my job & so do some people I know. We don't matter what race someone is. We care about the person character & their values.

2007-09-01 09:35:44 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just saw a Q about if destroying religion would stop war.
I want to take this Q a little further and ask if defeating anything that is identified as a main enemy could stop war?

Once it was aristocracy (French revolution) and it stopped neither war nor atrocities.

I think that Mankind´s worst enemy is man/woman´s ego.
You can´t live without it, yet you can´t allow it to take control.
Soon one loses perspective and becomes what one hated the most before getting to power.

Is it possible to LIVE with it? Meaning, is it possible to compute ego into world politics and prevent its tyranny?

Is it possible to build a government with failsafes against the feelings of one individual?

Ex: Hitler, Napoleon, even Bush´s controversy decision about invading Irak (which I neither approve nor disprove in this argument)...

Even if religion and superstition were defeated, it doesn´t mean that common sense would win.
We have to be conscious of that don´t we?

Please elaborate

2007-09-01 09:22:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

looking for spellcasters for love, marriage, money,

2007-09-01 09:15:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

For many, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Carolus Magnus, William the Conqueror and many more are considered great men, then, probably around Napoleon and Hitler, things swing to tyrants, oppressors and homicidal maniacs.
All of the aforementioned have acted in their own interests, with a total lack of empathy for the people conquered and have played chess with the lives of their own countrymen in the world´s arena.
I´m not judging, I just want your opinions.
Do you think we should just put them all in the same category, or are there special circumstances that change their status?
Sorry for posting this here, but I like the regulars here and for good or worse, many already know me.
You´re free to elaborate as much as you want.

2007-09-01 09:08:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am interested in the Catholic faith, but how do I start participating? Someone else I know would also like to be baptized, but does not speak english--how do I overcome this barrier?

2007-09-01 09:05:24 · 4 answers · asked by blahhhaha 3

I was raised in church and it was a roller coaster ride for years. I would be faithful, then not. Back and forth. I knew something was missing although I never questioned the validity of God or His Word, I just knew there was more to it than I was being taught. A few years ago I began seriously reading and digging into Gods Word.
I stopped reading what I was taught and began reading ALL of Gods Word trying to truly "rightly divide" His word as told us in 1 Timothy 2:15.

Any others with this experience

2007-09-01 09:02:03 · 8 answers · asked by ? 5

“I do insist on the certainty that sooner or later – once we hold power – Christianity will be overcome and the German Church established. Yes, the German church, without a Pope and without the bible, and Luther, if he could be with us, would give us his blessing.” (Adolf Hitler, Hitler’s speeches, edited by Prof. N.H. Baynes [oxford, 1942], pg. 369.)

2007-09-01 09:00:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have just been asked a question I cannot answer, and I thought I would pass it on to my many Witch friends on here (Wiccan, Pagan or otherwise):

Is it possible to cast a spell of any kind without the use of potions and stuff?

2007-09-01 08:56:38 · 21 answers · asked by ? 5

Im only 13 and i think i may have condemned myself to hell for life =(. I go to church every Sunday and i have really started believing recently, i go to church as a choice now. But i was on the internet and i was bored and after a few google drifts i found myself on a website and it said that if you said 'i deny the holy spirit' then you will go to hell, regardless of wether you became the next pope or something like that. I dont know what i was thinking i wasnt really myself and within a few seconds i had said the words. I have regretted it for every hour i am awake since and i cant stop thinking about it. I dont believe that i dent the holy spirit, i believe it is part of me and i am open to it, but in luke 12:10 it says that any blasphemy against the holy spirit is unforgivable. As i said i dont believe it, but i cant stop thinking about it and im so upset.

Did i misunderstand it or am i really headed there :'(

2007-09-01 08:51:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous


Why is it that when science proves something from Christianity to be true, that Christians shout it from the rooftops and post it all over their websites etc. yet when science proves that something from Christianity is wrong or false that the evidence is attacked/denied/ignored...?

2007-09-01 08:48:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, this is a serious question, so please no stupid answers. On our way home earlier today we were all having a conversation about religion (don’t even remember why now) It got on to the subject of each different religions, and how we treat the dead body, so we said that we bury, the Sikhs cremate etc, then we said that Muslims usually bury within 24 hours of death (if poss.) and that they are buried on their side facing Mecca? we then went on to explain about the prophets etc (our children are very inquisitive) after a few moments our 6 yr old pipes up that "if everyone is buried on their side facing Mecca, surely they will just be facing the person buried in front of him/her?" We had to admit for a 6 yr old she speaks from a logical point. Do you think she is correct? Has she just upset the whole religious aspect in asking this question?

This is a serious question so please no silly answers, please don't insult my daughter’s inquisitive nature.

2007-09-01 08:45:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

5 And this is the message which we have heard from him and announce unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

6 If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in the darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

7 but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

1 John 1

2007-09-01 08:42:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fellow Christians, Jews, and anyone else who may want to contribute. What is everyone's take on the Garden of Eden story. Do you believe the tree of knowledge to be an actual tree with fruit, or something else? Do you believe the serpent was an actual serpent? I woud love to hear everyones thoughts on this.

2007-09-01 08:42:00 · 16 answers · asked by Loosid 6

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