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Religion & Spirituality - 22 August 2007

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I just can't decide which creation story is right so please clarify.

2007-08-22 08:22:29 · 10 answers · asked by John C 6

An otherwise pretty decent U.S. society is unfortunately infested with a relatively-small (fortunately!) percentage of buttinskyish and busybodyish losers having no lives of their own, who don't even hesitate to WHINE whenever *other* people...

-- Engage in unmarried (casual) sex.
-- Choose to have abortions.
-- Seek to marry a partner of the same sex.
-- Publish and sell legal pornography.

NONE of the above are the least bit harmful to others, and therefore are NO one else's business but that of those who consentingly participate in them.

When they are asked why, they usually say they oppose such behaviors because the Bible disagrees with them.

QUESTION -- Are those self-righteous whiners **really** so dumb as to think that they are in ANY way authorized by the Bible to act as **enforcers** of that which they perceive as its precepts? Because in reality, the Bible neither appoints nor authorizes any person or group to act as a GESTAPO in its behalf.

2007-08-22 08:21:09 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

do they beleve in the chrstian God i also want o no if not wat do they believe

2007-08-22 08:20:20 · 3 answers · asked by sam c 2

I just paid 75 dollars to benny hinn and bought his seminar.

I think I feel a tingle...

maybe I should buy 2 or 3.

2007-08-22 08:19:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are any of you really excited about Jesus? Lately I am just so excited to know him, to love him, to learn about him. I can feel his love for me. Sometimes I just want to shout it out.


Shouldnt people like that be locked up?

2007-08-22 08:17:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Eleizer Shulman in the Jerusalem Post did a tremendous article showing how in the book of Numbers, there was an error made by the Jewish scribes who kept the dates, and they are really at the same year we are now, if they corrected their calendar.

However the world does not blow up-Isaiah 45:17 and Ephesians 3:21.
Revelation 6:12
Satan is the prince of the power of the air, heavens Ephesians 2:2; so we wrestle against evil, wicked spirits, fallen angels, in high places,Bible teaches that some of these angels were bound in areas where they're going to be loosed for Armageddon. But the point is, Elijah was caught up by a whirlwind into heaven, and these were angels, good ones, coming after him in chariots of fire. Maybe that's what it's all about, angels traveling in the heavenlies.
So 2012 could be the start of Armageddon or the return of Jesus

2007-08-22 08:14:06 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bible shall suffer. To me thats says that God knows that somebody will, why would he threaten it, if it wasnt to happen?

2007-08-22 08:12:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I no what it is,but do you any1 who tried it? Im not gonna but just wondering lol

Do you think it works or is it just....?

2007-08-22 08:08:42 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

God is a magical being of infinite power...He is capable of creating and managing an infinite universe...He is frequently referenced as the explaination of where we, and everything else comes from...Wouldn't a being like that, either "popping into existance," or "having always been," LESS plausable than US AND THE UNIVERSE just "popping into existance," or "having always been?"

2007-08-22 08:06:43 · 6 answers · asked by Tyrone Biggum 1

It's making this whole Christian persecution-complex thing really tough. Knock it off, guys.

2007-08-22 08:02:50 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

And one thing I would like to ask other Christians: Jesus said we do not know the day or the hour but how about the year? 12?
Just some food for thought...
What do dropped mobile phone calls, mysterious signals in undersea communications cables, and tiny tremors on the Earth have in common? They are all caused by vibrations on the Sun, according to one team of scientists. http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn12520-vibrations-on-the-sun-may-shake-the-earth.html... Fröhlich's results suggest that even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has overestimated the Sun's influence on the Earth's climate.
The Mayan Long Count calendar is based on a complex system of the SUN ranging from days (kin) to 144,000 days (baktun). The Lamb and the 144,000: On mount Sion (on earth), [then redeemed (raptured) to heaven], and singing a new song in heaven
Twelve is a perfect number, signifying perfection of government,
The sun which "rules" the day, and the moon and stars

2007-08-22 07:56:45 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you find comfort in knowing there are others "grouped" with you, who already have a set of beliefs that provide answers to your questions? Or would you rather form your own particular set of beliefs that don't necessarily fit in with any one religion/denomination?

2007-08-22 07:56:14 · 30 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4

A play: Celebant high priest god Julius Caesar is the star. Cleopatra vii Caesar's accomplice is the "virgin" co-star. Antony is the surrogate father.
Gaius Octavian Caesar is the baby and adopted hier to the emperorship of Rome.
Julius and Antony war over the star position. Antony claims he is the father of the legal hier so he is the legal god.
Octavian becomes Augustus and defeats Antony. The virgin is assassinated because she knows that Octavian was not born of a virgin.
Julius dies when Octavian is 14. Octavian assumes rulership and is very well accepted. He becomes Augustus. Augustus dies and rumors begin about his deity. The rumors about Augustus become myth and the myth becomes Jesus.

2007-08-22 07:55:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because they don't believe in Jesus? My husband told me they do, becuase they won't accept their salvations, but I thought the Jews were God's chosen people?

Does anyone know about this?

2007-08-22 07:53:54 · 62 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do Christians donate billions toward building Jewish settlements and buying out land from the Arabs in the occupied land when they believe that as non-Christians Jews will go to hell?


2007-08-22 07:53:27 · 19 answers · asked by ? 5

do you think those who tried to kill Jesus, hurt his followers, and have control over the city & the people, can't also mess with his book ?

Jeremiah 8:8
"How can you say, ‘We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,’ when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?"

2007-08-22 07:52:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is not one trace of evidance to back up whatever religious beliefs people may have. Why, why, why?

2007-08-22 07:51:34 · 20 answers · asked by *Lee* 2

"Then Judah said to Onan, 'Lie with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother.' But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so he put him to death also." (Genesis 38:8-10)

2007-08-22 07:51:03 · 6 answers · asked by Vernacular Catholic 3

I am here by repenting. Not to god. Not any god. I'm repenting to myself and all of you and anyone else that will listen for all the things I've done wrong. I feel bad for these things. I've hurt people. Many of the people close to me. I always seem to know the words that hurt people most. I've had alot sex. Some times with more than one girl. Done a few illegal things. But I feel bad about it. So there you have it. Now can the christians who say non-beleivers don't want to have to feel bad about what they done stop saying that? Atheists and agnostics do feel bad about when they hurt people. We just don't need a god to wash it all away. So can you maybe turn to the truth? We know your gods are made up.

2007-08-22 07:47:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ask this because Paul (formerly Saul) in Philippians 2:12-13 in the New International Version of the Bible says:

'Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.'

This makes salvation sound like a process rather than a one-time event, which I have been taught.

2007-08-22 07:45:15 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous


"Scientists have unearthed diamonds more than 4 billion years old and trapped inside crystals of zircon in the Jack Hills region in Western Australia."

Discuss..........and let's hear some honest responses from the young earth creationists. i have always been fascinated by the "earth is only _________ old" "debate".

2007-08-22 07:43:55 · 7 answers · asked by Thrudheim 3

Please tell me yes, I have about had it with them here on earth and I do not want to have to put up with them for all of eternity also.

2007-08-22 07:43:47 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am looking to find a spiritual healer in suffolk, in the uk to book me in and get my energies all back in sync again, do any of you fine people know how or where i can find a good one?

2007-08-22 07:43:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If not, do you also believe christians as a whole act with better morals than others?

2007-08-22 07:41:49 · 8 answers · asked by Quimby 3

who created Jesus inside his mother? blood, nerves, meat, bones, eyes, face...? who did it? ..... who created you inside your mother tummy??

why do you associate another things beside God in worship? why mix the truth with false? who created you? and created Adam and Eve? who did sent Abraham, Moses and Jesus? .... you denied God while you don't know.

2007-08-22 07:39:28 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

If it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no God and no Jesus, 100 % proven, would you want to know the truth or would you prefer to continue on believingand not know the truth? And also, I'd like to know why.

This is a HYPOTHETICAL question. So please spare me the fact that this could never happen. I just want to know what you would do IF this were true. Also, please no answers like "Science might disprove it but that doesn't change my FAITH." If you don't want to go along w/ the hypothetical situation, please don't answer.

Also, please include your age and gender if you don't mind. I am doing a study for school. Thanks in advance.

2007-08-22 07:39:20 · 25 answers · asked by aperfectlittlething 1

I was just wondering if any ex-athiests out there could tell me what made them convert. I'm really curious, did something happen to you that forced you to believe, or what?

2007-08-22 07:39:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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