Have we ever considered that maybe, just maybe He appears differently to different people and cultures?
Maybe He is the Abrahamic God (and Jesus) to Christians and Jews.
Maybe He was Zeus or Odin, a couple thousand years ago.
Maybe to the Pagans She is a Goddess.
Maybe to the American Indians and New Agers He/She is in everything, and in everyone.
Does that truly change all the rules of what the Lord is? I don't think it does, necessarily...
What are we all taught? Christian, Jew, Pagan, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Humanist, Universalist....we are taught to be "good". Good thoughts, good deeds. Don't lie, cheat, steal or kill. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Material posessions aren't everything. Hell, Kharma, Purgatory, Threefold...
So if the very core of our beliefs are all basically the same, is it so crazy or illogical then to think that maybe God just IS, no matter what name you call Him by? All Gods are one?
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