no where in the bible does it say that God wants us to sin, or we have to sin. The bible tells us we are slave's to sin, he has the key's. I can put many bible verses here that tell's us we can be perfect in rightousness.
seek ye first the kingdom of God and his rightousness, and ALL these things will be added to you. SEEK for ALL his rightousness. God is a God who can do all things, He can make you perfect, if you only seek or ask him to. Unless you belive God can not do all things. be ye therefore perfect, even AS your father which is in heaven is perfect. Matt 5:48.
Romans 3:10 there is none rightous, NO, NOT ONE. he is yelling at you because you are not rightous.....NO, NOT ONE.
The cross itself tells you you should be rightous, look how God displayed his love for you. The nails in his hands, the wipe on his back. You are all falling short to the glory of God, why do you not want the glory of God? If it was not for Jesus you would have not had the glory of God?
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