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Why do some "Christians" feel it is OK to live like the rest of the world, dress like hooker, party, cuss, tell dirty jokes, watch R rated movies, listen to Non-Christian music, etc.
Do you think this stuff pleases God? Is it a good witness to those who are looking to us for a Godly example?
Why do you feel it is alright??

2007-06-09 17:33:02 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I see a lot of you think it alright to sin because it will be forgiven. Are we to sin more because grace will be given? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Premeditated Grace is what that is called and it is not offered. We are not to sin with the attitude "oh well God will forgive me" If this is how you think then you had better learn how to read the Bible correctly. We are strive to live our lives as Jesus did SINLESS and when we accidently sin that is when grace comes in.

2007-06-09 17:48:45 · update #1

I do not now nor have I ever claimed to be perfect, and I am not judging anyone. Do your Pastors not teach you people this stuff?

2007-06-09 18:47:42 · update #2

39 answers

Claiming the label of "Christian", does not mean the person is saved and born again. You will ALWAYS find plenty of practicing sinners IN Church, and plenty of Christians in the world who do not exemplify Christ.

Satan and demons, intentionally look to influence those who Believe in God, to prevent them from growing closer to the Lord. Since many Christians are on a different level of spiritual maturity and wisdom, some will be misled and deceived. That is why it's important for stronger Christians to be an example of love and spiritual correction

Yes Pastors are to teach according to God's Word. However, each one of us, is accountable for our own choices, and are to study and show ourselves approved unto God as commanded in "scripture". Many Pastors are under the influence of Satan, so we can not put 100% trust in them.

The Holy Spirit is to be our teacher and guide!!!!!

Most importantly, we must avoid judging one another by fleshly senses(what we see, hear, etc). There are plenty of Christians who dress appropriately, listen to christian music, and by human standards, seem to have all the right behaviors and actions. Yet, their hearts and minds are filled with evil, and they're secretly practicing multiple sins.

Which is worse: someone who truly is attempting to grow closer to Christ, but due to spiritual immaturity or lack of knowledge, wears worldly clothing and listens to rap, or someone extremely religious who attends Church for years, but due to spiritual pride practices hypocricy and teaches heresy? Can we truly judge this as humans?

We are to correct unchristian behavior when we see it, rebuke one another in love, and live a life that exemplifies Christ. We are not to devote excessive time and energy questioning those who practice sin. Why? What will that accomplish? It only creates division and gossip among Christians which is what Satan wants.

Teach the Word of God, be an example in your personal walk, and pray the Lord provide you with patience, gentleness, and discernment. God has the final responsibility of judging who is truly pleasing unto Him, and worthy of eternal life or death. Only He can see the heart and hidden desires of each person.

2007-06-10 06:49:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Brother Stone,

There is a alot of good input on this post so I wont repeat what is already said but Romans 6 says what fruit were you getting at the time that you are now ashamed. The problem is Stone that Christians want to fit in and be liked by the world and if you are a true Christian not everyone is going to like you. I have done things as a non christian and a christian that would make me lower by eyes to the ground and blush with embarrassment but I have repented we need to be teaching both forgiveness and repenting of sins they go hand in hand God does not want us to walk with guilt covering us 24/7/365 but God does not want us to partake in sins regardless of what they are and turn around and act like it is not a big deal, it is a big deal because Jesus died for those sins too. Thank you for the reminder to walk close with God and be a witness and a light and by the way we are all witness whether good or bad by Gods grace I strive e to be a good witness for the Lord. Peace be with you and everyone who posted this question E4G

2007-06-11 17:18:00 · answer #2 · answered by encourager4God 5 · 1 0

Excellent Question!!!

It's Absolutely Not ok to live like this when others know you are a Christian, or you attend Church with dull eyes from partying until sometime that morning.

Even if no-one knows you are a Christian and do these things, God knows and did you know it hurts God?

And this is not only for the young either!

And it doesn't include just the above mentioned sins!
It is All sin before The Lord Your God.

The Word of God clearly states we must Live for God and not the lusts of this world.
To Live knowing The Holy Spirit is within you, and Your body IS the Temple of God!

Sure Satan will tempt but God always gives us a way out, so we don't have to follow after the flesh, but rather walk as a witness to those who are being saved.

If you feel for some reason you cannot give up a sin, for example; sex, then you may have to see a Pastor and his wife about being delivered from whatever thing you feel may have a hold on you..

2007-06-09 18:06:18 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 8 1

I'm not like that There is a Christian school and public school in my town, and you can tell that our schoool's people dress way more modest. closed shirts, not VERY short shorts, Im not saying that's a horrible thing. But keeping our bodies covered is showing respect Towards God. And you can speak without cussing! Sometimes i just say Oh my gosh! you do not need to swear to say the things you want to. I think some people believe different parts of the Bible. I want to keep my body a modest temple for my Lord. I want to please him, not the world! so I do not know why people can think that. The might not be as strong christians yet or quite understand it all and im not judging a book by its cover but thats the way it feels sometimes! I'd like to know that too! Good question!

2007-06-09 17:39:05 · answer #4 · answered by Rerab 1 · 2 0

I am a Christan and I don't dress like a hooker, I do go to parties, not wild parites either, there are times when you hit the wrong button I may just say a cuss word, I hear dirty jokes I even laugh at them, I do listen to christian music, I even like a glass of wine once in awhile... and yes God knows all things, He knows how I live and the things I do and the things that upset me. I don't hide nothing from God.....You need to deal with your own problems and the biggest one for right now is judging others..No one is perfect I don't claim to be perfect, and guess what your not perfect either..Before you judge another read what the Word says about judging another...Mt. 7:1-5

2007-06-09 18:04:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I think all Christians are seeing that the time is short. The enemy knows that he has but a little season and he is concentrating his effort on destroying our children, with drugs and the rebellion that even Christian parents are dealing with. The housecleaning has begun, as foretold, first in the house of God. Look at how many ministers have fallen. The enemy pays special attention to ministers who are bringing in the harvest. Of course, the false teachers are gaining favor by tickling the ears of the people who will no longer listen to sound doctrine. I have been blessed this year in that my oldest daughter came to the Lord in a powerful way, and we all delight in the fruit she bears. If we do not have our own house in order, how will we be a light to the world. From a flawed but grateful follower of Christ. Thank you for making me think of eternal things tonight.

2007-06-09 20:18:44 · answer #6 · answered by One Wing Eagle Woman 6 · 3 0

It is an excellent question. We are called to live our lives worthy of His calling. I think we have to distinguish between the sin of mistakes or overlooking something, the sin which we commit sometimes unknowingly and then those sins which are continuations of habit from before.
We are to put off the old man and put on the new!

I wonder about the "Christians" like Fred Phelps and others who think that calling people names and badgering them, or making fun of them is in any way Christ-like. I fail to see how that doesn't besmirch the name of Jesus.
Let us tell the truth, but more importantly let us walk in the truth and light!

2007-06-10 11:06:25 · answer #7 · answered by thankyou "iana" 6 · 1 0

Brother Stone, I understand what you are asking and I answered a question similar to this before. I have recently been feeling this in my own life. I don't cuss (very rarely a word escapes) and I dress as I did before I became a Christian but I am not trashy.
People who know me see a tremendous change in my personality and my actions and attitude. They also know where I stand spiritually. However, I wonder if I was to change everything about me if would even stand a chance at reaching them.
Many of my friends are still in active addiction and completely lost. I still visit them in their homes and be their friend (true friend). I figure if I can be around them living as an example I may have a chance at reaching them and leading them to God. So if I change everything about me I don't know if they would even want me around.
I don't use drugs anymore and I don't cuss and I don't dress immorally. However I put myself around those who do and I don't judge them since I know they are lost and know not what they do. I also put myself there with the hopes that someday they see how much happier I am than they are and that their curiosity will be piqued giving me my opportunity to lead them.
Does any of this make sense?

2007-06-09 18:47:46 · answer #8 · answered by kwazeeme 3 · 6 0

You're absolutely right Stone. It's not right but I heard my dad (a Christian minister) say his ministerial meeting wasn't that good because they started talking about all that God stuff, what God was doing....etc....now he may have been joking but if a minister feels that way then it doesn't surprise me that the congregation is that way....we (pastors & soon to be pastors) need to lead the way by our example...and be Jesus with skin-on. Living like the world is not being Christ-like at all. You wouldn't see Jesus doing those things why should we? He is our ultimate example to live up to.

2007-06-10 10:40:22 · answer #9 · answered by Jan P 6 · 1 0

I am a Christian and I choose not to engage in many activities my friends/peers engage in because we can not be friends with the world on most of them still choose to be apart of this world we should be set aside from the world if we are true Christians and all pornographic movies should not be watched by anyone its complete fornication its not good for you at all and as for the music the words are devilish and sinful because they put inappropriate thoughts into you mind and in order to stay focus you have to refrain from certain things you use to do when you were in the world God say a new creature not a claimed to be new creature the still goes back to their old ways ...exercise GODliness by refraining from things of this world...smile

2007-06-09 17:48:21 · answer #10 · answered by Ablebaby 6 · 2 1

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