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Religion & Spirituality - 8 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am a Hindu and don't really know much about other religions. My question is is there any difference between Catholics and Christians? Or is it the same with two different names?

If there is some difference what is it? And what does Protestant mean?

2007-06-08 06:52:49 · 17 answers · asked by crazygurl 1

For me it's reading "Let US create man in OUR image" and then listening to Christians claim that the Hebrew word ELOHIM somehow has a different meaning than the Mesopotamian usage of the same word.

It means a pantheon of GODS, not a singular god, and not some 'royal WE' bullshit, as if God thinks he's so great he refers to himself in the plural.

The polytheism of the first creation account is embedded throughout the text, translated or not.

But, I digress.

What are your favorites?

2007-06-08 06:52:26 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Two questions, really.
1. You are riding in a trolley. A mad philosopher has tied five people to the tracks ahead of you. You can flip a switch to move the trolley onto another set of tracks, but there is a single person tied to the tracks there. Flipping the switch will kill that single person, but not flipping the switch will allow five people to die. The trolley has no brakes.

2. Similar situation, but now you are on a trolley with no switch. Instead, there is a really fat guy there with you. You can either do nothing and let the trolley run over five people, or you can push the fat guy overboard and use his girth to stop the trolley. This will result in you killing someone, but you will save five lives.

Is this second scenario different from the first scenario? How so?

In a third scenario, you can stop the trolley to save five people only by crashing another trolley into it. Doing so will cause them both to fly off the tracks and kill a sleeping bystander. Okay?

2007-06-08 06:52:00 · 22 answers · asked by Minh 6

Allah was refering to the people of the book...Did the Jew's believe Christ was the Messiah? Was Allah wrong on both accounts?

2007-06-08 06:48:53 · 18 answers · asked by djmantx 7

Have you grown up with many of your views of your parents?
Also what generation are your parents from? and do they practice a religion?
My parents are post World War-ll (Born in the early 30's)
Dad when alive was Greek Orthodox and parents ultra conservative..And you?

2007-06-08 06:48:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

so.. many christians say that no animals were carnivores before the flood. the fact that there was no vegetation left after the flood caused them to eat meat to survive. well, 2 questions:

1)wouldn't most of the animals have almost immediately gone extinct, considering that there were only 2 of each species, and the animals were all eating each other when they got off the ark?

2)what did the herbivores eat when they got off the boat? meat was the only source of food. how did they elvolve back into herbivores, and how long did it take?

2007-06-08 06:45:42 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-08 06:45:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

One would think that if this man basically speaks for god, then god will see to it that no one tries to kill him, right? Or at best, he will smite down anyone who tries?

And if not, and the pope was assassinated, that would be god's will, would it not? So no harm, no foul.

Therefore, bodyguards seem unnecessary.

(As I apparently have a new fan that's a Catholic, this one's for you, spanky... :)

2007-06-08 06:44:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do so many accounts deleted that question religion and spirituality?
Who reports it ?
what is the problem?
Thankfully for all of you and for my sanity, this will be my last question on this section, i find that a majority of you so called 'religious' people tend to be the one's who cannot take criticism!!

2007-06-08 06:41:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-08 06:36:08 · 48 answers · asked by crazygurl 1

2007-06-08 06:35:39 · 40 answers · asked by Stew 4

2007-06-08 06:35:12 · 23 answers · asked by N E G R O P L E A S E 3

Is my spiritual age if not in agreement very young or is there a possibility I might even be right!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-08 06:33:55 · 16 answers · asked by : 6

I do Taebo everyday and have good organs so I feel obligated to be a doner. Why waste them. Put them to good use.

2007-06-08 06:33:12 · 37 answers · asked by Lynnemarie 6

Why or why not?

2007-06-08 06:32:58 · 16 answers · asked by Alex J 3

The Bible was to be our spiritual guide until the return of the Lord....so where in it does it talk about.......

The Internet
Drug Usage
Pedophillia vs. the age of consent

And I mean specificly those issues/things. After all the Bible discusses homosexuality - and that word was not even invented until 1892 but it manages to be used in the Bible. SO, these other really important things must be in there as well....

Unless - could the Bible just be a book written by man????

2007-06-08 06:32:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

What could it have been?! It moved too quickly for me to see it clearly, it was just out of the corner of my eye, but I got the DISTINCT bone-chilling impression that its attention was wholely focused on ME.

At the risk of sounding like you-know-who... what should I do?!

2007-06-08 06:30:20 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


according to this, grey's anatomy star 'Burke' was fired after a comment denouncing gay rights, this is pathetic, it is called freedom of speech people!

2007-06-08 06:25:13 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so this God was a feathered serpent. Satan was a serpent in the garden of Eden. Satan was also a fallen angel. (wings) This God had those who believed in him do some pretty nasty things to each other. Just a thought...

2007-06-08 06:24:16 · 12 answers · asked by Edward V 2

When churches endorse a certain candidate, or funnel money to certain parties, shouldn't they then lose their tax-exempt status?

Isn't the whole idea between tax-exempt status because churches are non-profit organizations, who are in business to help others...which is what God commanded...feed the hungry, care for the poor, orphans and widows...

However, churches are now becoming political...and spending large portioins of their offerings on operating expenses, and politics...thereby, making them corporations.

Maybe churches should only receive tax-exempt status on that portion of their funds that are used to help the less fortunate...the remaining funds should be taxed like all other companies?

Your thoughts?

2007-06-08 06:21:56 · 17 answers · asked by G.C. 5

2007-06-08 06:21:10 · 18 answers · asked by Jaguar88 2

I noticed that many people are upset about being reported all the time. i saw many complaints posted and some people even doing what i did and throwing their hands up in the air and leaving. i saw deke try to rally up the atheists to start reporting every violation they see.

well i'm back, because i don't want my fellow pagans, atheists, muslims, hindus, non fundy christians and everyone else, standing against the crazy fundies who make this forum and world a scary and potentially violent place.

thanks for all your kind words when i left. i wasn't sure if i was coming back, and because of the nice things you said, i'm back!

and to ask a question, so i don't get reported.......

if people evovled from monkeys, why are there still monkeys???


**takes a big, well deserved chug of molson canadian**

p.s. please star this one for me : )

2007-06-08 06:20:06 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it matter how a person interprets the bible whether they interpret everything literally or even if they interpret the bible metaphorically and symbolically? Does it matter if the person is a Fundamental/ Conservative Christian or a Liberal Christian? Does a person have to be a Fundamental/Conservative Protestant or Liberal Protestant or Catholic? Does it matter what denomination a person is?

2007-06-08 06:18:00 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok. so a freind told me that after her broke up with his girlfreind and she left the house... he found a pair of scissors under the bed. on the right side of the bed kinda of on top.

what does this mean? Separation or what?

thanks in advance! :D

2007-06-08 06:17:18 · 18 answers · asked by Traveling girl 2

And once they do, it's too late and nobody is going to look back that far?

What is the meaning of this?

2007-06-08 06:16:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. I am a Catholic
2. We do read the Bible.
3. We are Christians
4. We don't eat babies or sacrifice them
5.We do have brains and use them
6.We do not worship anyone other than the Trinity.
7. We do believe in the Real Presence
8. We are a people of life.
9. We accept all fellow Christians as Christians.
10.Not all Priests are child molesters. Look it up. Family members are more likely to.

Please list your own "debunkers"

2007-06-08 06:15:40 · 20 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

The bible is a book that gives information, and that information in this case is that Jesus was a son that God sent (John 3:16) but how many sons has God? millions, because all angels are sons of God according to Job 1:6, 2:1 and existed before humans (Job 38:4-7).
The bible said that Jesus is the firstson of God (Colossians 1:15-17) so he is the first of that sons, that is why you see in Rev. 12:7 that Jesus (michael) is the chief of the angels and that is why the book of Revelation 10:1 describe Jesus as a powerful angel, and also the bible says his voice is the voice of archangel (1 Thessal.4:16), the bible call Jesus the angel of covenant in Malachi 3:1-3.

Notice how the bible in Isaiah 9:6 said that he is a prince of peace a mighty god and if you read the book of Daniel 12:1 explain that Michael the great prince will bring a great tribulation and people will be rise from dead and the only that can do that is Jesus.
why if that information is in your bible you don´t believe

2007-06-08 06:15:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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