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The Bible was to be our spiritual guide until the return of the Lord....so where in it does it talk about.......

The Internet
Drug Usage
Pedophillia vs. the age of consent

And I mean specificly those issues/things. After all the Bible discusses homosexuality - and that word was not even invented until 1892 but it manages to be used in the Bible. SO, these other really important things must be in there as well....

Unless - could the Bible just be a book written by man????

2007-06-08 06:32:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

TO mattfromasia...

What about your error..."
The Bible's not a book written by man. The Bible is a book written by men.

Learn the difference between singular and plural, grasshopper. Your question looks twice as stupid when you point out the obvious, but do so by getting it wrong."

Didn't you mean, "The Bible is......." rather than, "The BIble's.."

2007-06-08 06:54:36 · update #1

19 answers

Excellent question.

II Timothy 3:16 says the Bible is the inspired word of God...but, many forget it was indeed written by men...who brought their own ideas, understanding, education, prejudices and customs of the day into their writings. In addition they were writing about stories that, many times were handed down verbally for hundreds of years, from generation to generation....

2007-06-08 06:39:28 · answer #1 · answered by G.C. 5 · 1 0

Pornography was forbidden by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount where he said the act of looking at a woman for lustful purposes is wrong. You will not find the actual word "pornography" because the word was not invented 2000 years ago before there was an English language

The New Testament forbids the use of mind altering substances, listing beer and wine as examples. Those are both "drugs". The principle exceeds to any other "drugs" used for the same purpose. As the Bible is a textbook on religion, not a pharmacy manual, it does not list the thousands of drugs by name that could be abused.

Dinosaurs: What do you want it to say about them? As the Bible is a textbook on religion, and not a zoological manual, it does not mention many animals including penguins, kangaroos, skunks, polar bears. bisons, etc. that had not interaction with the people of the Bible, nor planned any part in the subject of the Bible, the salvation of man. The record of creation runs less then 1000 words in length. You see you mention every event and every creature ane very geological age, and every discovery made over several thousand or millions of years in 1000 words. If creationist are right, and the world from Adam to Noah was only around for 2000 years, then they get 1/2 of a word for every year of history. If the earth is actual billions of years old, they get less than a letter per year. So not everything is mentioned. Only the improtant things.

Pedophilla vs the age of consent. Covered in the Bible. It teachs that any sex outside of the marriage union is a sin. Whether the person involved is six, sixteen, or sixty. So there is no "age of consent". There is no age at which it becomes alright to fornicate. The Bible gives no "age of consent". It is wrong at any age.

The Bible does give some rules on marriage. A woman is to have at least reached the age where she is having a regular monthly flow. Medical records and other documents show that the average age was around 15-16 at the time. Later than what is average in America today. This is beyond what is usually considered to be "pedophillia" age.

The Internet: while no addressed by the name, the book daniel does predict that in later years knowledge would greatly increase and travel to and fro at a great speed. Would sounds like what the Internet does. But then, the Bible is a textbook on religion, not a manual on technology. It does not mention many of the technologies that would be developed after the time of Jesus. Technology is neither is religion or moral issue. The use of the technology, however, could be a moral issue. And there are rules that cover that, such as using it to "do to others as you would have them do to you".

So all of the issue you raised are addressed in the scriptures.

2007-06-08 14:24:02 · answer #2 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 1

The Bible's not a book written by man. The Bible is a book written by men.

Learn the difference between singular and plural, grasshopper. Your question looks twice as stupid when you point out the obvious, but do so by getting it wrong.

To answer your question:
The Internet - It came later.
Pornography - I don't know. Who cares?
Drug Usage - Body as a temple.
Dinosaurs - LOL Do you REALLY think these people had knowledge of dinosaurs? Chances are...they didn't. Even if they did, spiritual books today don't mention much about them. Why should they mention them back then?
Pedophillia vs. the age of consent - And now we see the truth behind your question and the reason for it.

One thing you might want to consider is think about the time the books were written. Written accounts do not predate humanity's time on earth.

And why say "the Bible was written by man?" Show me any book you can think of that a human did not write. I challenge you. If you cannot, you must discredit all work you have ever read simply because it was written "by man" as you claim it.

Oh ... wait. Am I challenging you to think logically on the subject? My apologies.


2007-06-08 13:42:33 · answer #3 · answered by mattfromasia 7 · 1 2

You have to understand that pornography, drugs, and the internet weren't invented when the Bible was written. However, the Bible does talk about similar issues (i.e., adultery, prostitution, etc.) and it serves as a guide to help us make the right decisions. By the way, homosexuality existed long before the word "homosexuality" was invented.

As for dinosaurs, it doesn't reference them directly, but in the first part of Genesis, it talks about God creating all kinds of creatures; on land, in air, and in the sea. Dinosaurs have been proven to exist before humans ever did. The Bible is not meant to be taken literally, so when it says that God created the world and everything in it in 7 days; that symbolizes completion. The number seven is the symbol of completion and is used that way in many parts of the bible. Therefore, that means that there could have been many years between the time when dinosuars existed and the time when humans roamed the Earth.

In the time of the Bible, young women were married and had children early in their teenage years, so their wasn't really a specific age where it was or wasn't legal for women to have sexual relations with a man. However, the bible does say that it is proper for a woman to wait until after marriage to engage in sexual acts.

The Bible's sole author is God; he spoke his Word to humans on Earth so that they could physically write the books of the Bible. Hope this cleared things up for you.

2007-06-08 14:04:10 · answer #4 · answered by mamie620 2 · 0 0

The Bible doesn't need to talk about everything. As you mentioned in your first sentence, the Bible appears to spirituality" and morality. It informs us about who we are in God. That is the gist of it don't you agree?

I believe you are smart enough to discern the rest of what you wrote. Is it a heart issue? Does it deal with morality? Do any of the things you mention create spiritual and moral decay? Or, are they designed for and cause good when put into practice?

The Bible was written by man under the inspiration of God. Some things in the Bible were written by man for man. Anyone who doesn't know the difference and the reconciliation between the two really doesn't know their bible or Jewish and Christian history. That is a shame that too many people argue what they haven't a clue of what they are talking about.

2007-06-08 13:37:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible is a Moral Guide, and you apply its lessons to the current age.

The Internet - nothing moral or amoral about that, any more than a hammer, so I don't know what you want the Bible to say about it.

Pornography - This comes under "lust," as in "thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife," and the things about "fornication," as well as not being a "stumbling block" to others.

Drug Use - Again, drugs are a tool. If your drug addiction leads you to damage the Temple of the Holy Spirit (your body) or to commit immoral acts on others (assault, theft, etc...) then your drug addiction is a "stumbling block."

Dinosaurs - "And God created the creatures of (the sky, the earth, the sea) each to its own kind."

Pedophilia vs. "Age of Consent" - First, all sex outside of marriage is wrong, so unless you're having sex with you're having sex with your spouse, it's wrong. As for a specific "Age of Consent," that's irrelevant. The Bible says you have to be married - not be a certain age.

So, these other "really important" things ARE in there. You just need to know where to look.

2007-06-08 13:46:31 · answer #6 · answered by jbtascam 5 · 1 0

The bible is only instruction, the holy
spirit is the guide.
All 5 points you argue are either dead or lead to the destruction of makind.
There is nothing eternal on this planet, other
than our souls and how we use them.
We must trust the holy spirit and walk in the
spirit rather than the flesh.

2007-06-08 14:12:20 · answer #7 · answered by PENMAN 5 · 0 0

your question is moot because when the bible was written, these were not issues and discoveries. The Bible cannot possibly foretell us of all the advancements of man. The men wrote of what they knew at the time, which is why women are chattel in the Bible.

2007-06-08 13:36:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Oh let's just wait a little while, I'm sure they'll embroider them in to the Bible scripture as the word "homosexual" was embroidered in.
Consensual homosexuality harms nobody ... Dinosaurs are extinct and as to the others you mention ... well, you decide how to use them and whether they are abusive or not....paedophilia is certainly abusive as a child is too young to give meaningful uncoerced consent.

2007-06-08 13:40:06 · answer #9 · answered by CHEESUS GROYST 5 · 0 0

If there was one thing I could change about my life prior to becoming a Christian, it would be my involvement with pornography. Thanks be to God - He can and will give the victory. Are you involved with pornography and desire freedom from it? Here are some steps to victory: (1) Confess your sin to God (1 John 1:9). (2) Pray for God to cleanse, renew, and transform your mind (Romans 12:2). (3) Ask God to fill your mind with Philippians 4:8. (4) Learn to possess your body in holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4). (5) Understand the proper meaning of sex and rely on your spouse to meet that need alone (1 Corinthians 7:1-5). (6) Realize that if you walk in the Spirit, you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). (7) Take practical steps to reduce your exposure to graphic images (i.e. install pornography blockers on your computer, limit television and video usage, find another Christian who will pray for you and help keep you accountable—your spouse, if you are married).

Recommended Resource: Every Man's Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Purity One Victory at a Time.

Dinosaurs to mentioning these giant reptiles in general nearly thirty times throughout the Old Testament, the Bible describes a couple of creatures in such a way that some scholars believe the writers may have been describing dinosaurs. Behemoth is said to be the mightiest of all God’s creatures, a giant whose tail is likened to a cedar tree (Job 40:15ff). Some scholars have tried to identify Behemoth as either an elephant or a hippopotamus. Others point out that elephants and hippopotamuses have very thin tails, nothing comparable to a cedar tree. Dinosaurs like the Brachiosaurus and the Diplodocus on the other had huge tails which one could easily compare to a cedar tree.
The Bible does not directly address any form of illicit drug use. There are no express prohibitions against cocaine, heroin, ecstasy (MDMA), or methamphetamines (Meth). There is no mention of marijuana, peyote, magic mushrooms, or acid (LSD). Nothing is said about huffing, snorting, dropping, smoking, shooting, licking, or any other method of ingestion. This is not to say, however, that recreational drug use is permissible. On the contrary, there are several very clear Biblical principles which place drug use well outside the realm of acceptable behavior.

To begin with, we are under a universal mandate to respect and obey the laws of the land (Deuteronomy 17:2; Ecclesiastes 8:2-5; Matthew 22:21; 23:2-3; Romans 13:1-7; Titus 3:1; 1 Peter 2:13-17; 2 Peter 2:9-11). The ONLY instance in which we are allowed to disobey the laws of the land is when the laws violate any divine imperatives (Daniel 3 and 6; Acts 5:29). There are no other exceptions to this rule. Contrary to popular belief, simply disagreeing with a law does not constitute a license for breaking that law.

Many have argued that marijuana, easily the most benign of the illicit drugs, does not warrant prohibition. They contend that smoking pot in defiance of the law is justifiable on these grounds and in light of (what they perceive to be) the hypocrisy of outlawing weed while allowing nicotine and alcohol consumption. Those who argue this point may be sincere in their conviction but they are mistaken nonetheless. Heartfelt disdain for the law does not justify impunity towards it, as our Lord Himself made clear. While rebuking the Pharisees for turning the Law of Moses into an excessively oppressive yoke, Christ still required His disciples to submit to their unfairly harsh demands (Matthew 23:1-36, especially 1-4). Dutiful submission to authority and patient perseverance through unjust suffering and/or perceived unfairness (1 Peter 2:18-23) is God’s high standard for us – even if that means having to abstain from weed in compliance with “unfair” legislation.

Not only are we to submit to authority for submission’s sake, born-again Christians are further constrained by a mandate to live above reproach for the sake of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 10:32; 2 Corinthians 4:2; 6:3; Titus 2:1-8; 2 Peter 3:14). Needless to say, criminality is highly reproachable.

The Bible does not specifically say anything about child abuse. I am not aware of a single instance in the Bible where a child is being abused. What the Bible does tell us is this: Children have a special place in God’s heart and anyone who harms a child is inviting God’s wrath upon Him. Jesus welcomed little children to His side (Mark 10:14). Jesus had harsh words for anyone who would cause a child to stumble, “But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” The Bible tells parents to be gentle and loving with their children (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21). So, even though the Bible does not specifically mention child abuse – it is abundantly clear how God feels about the issue.

Recommended Resource: It Should Never Happen Here: A Guide for Minimizing the Risk of Child Abuse in Ministry by Ernest Zarra.

2007-06-08 13:43:11 · answer #10 · answered by mollielaw 2 · 0 0

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