Pro-lifers, I know what you will say already, please allow the pro-choicers to voice their opinion here.
There are tests available now that will screen fetuses for things like genetic propensity toward breast cancer, arthritis, etc, and we already know you can test for sex of the baby. Soon, as more research is developed, you will be able to test for things like height, overweight tendencies, hair and eye color, etc.
Is it alright if parents want to screen out undesirable traits, (aborting those fetuses) in order to have the child of their dreams?
Where do you draw the line? Is it okay to abort for only terminal diseases, or for debilitating diseases, or for any trait you find personally undesirable, like being overweight?
Cheers Acid, you prompted this question, now have at it.
12 answers
asked by
Last Ent Wife (RCIA)