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Religion & Spirituality - 22 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

or intolerance?
Will he welcome Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Atheists, Sikhs, etc...all equally.

2007-05-22 09:33:36 · 9 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

and keep women in their "place".

How can we trust a denomination with such a sad history...their theologians thought slavery was ordained by God...

Your thoughts?

2007-05-22 09:30:44 · 24 answers · asked by G.C. 5

Was he still a carpenter when he was hung?

2007-05-22 09:29:17 · 38 answers · asked by Pure gud man! 1

what is your religon? or do u even have a religon?if not be come a CHRISTIAN.if u dont no how contact me. when u asnwer my QA and u have thought about it and u want 2 become a CHRISTIAN then i will e-mail u and help u out. but that is if u r really wanting 2 become a CHRISTIAN but if u dont really care and u just want me 2 talk 2 u then for get it.

2007-05-22 09:28:48 · 10 answers · asked by kelly 1

People keep telling me that I need God and that I need or some even say should find God. So what God do I look for and how do i find him or her or it? Also do all paths lead to God?

2007-05-22 09:28:40 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous


I'm just curious to know what range of religions/spiritualities are represented on this board so if you could simply give a list of your basic religious/spiritual beliefs and state the name/title of your religion/spirituality if it has one. Also anything else you'd like to include, thanks.

2007-05-22 09:25:39 · 19 answers · asked by MoonWater 3


Atheists....I have a question....how can you look at a sunset...or into the mountains or in nature anywhere..how can u look at it and say that a BIG BANG or EVOLUTION created this? or how can you say....that there is no god?

and have u heard the phrase, ' I would rather believe there is a god and die to find out there isn't, than believe there is no god and die to find out there is. '

sometimes...you people ask, ' how come Christians think that there is no possiblity that they will be wrong? '

well we can say the same about you....im not generalizing...but this is to the atheists that say these things and dont even listen to the words that come out of their mouth. but some atheists think that everything is okay cuz its all proved through science.....that there is no possiblity of them being wrong. well....the big bang is only a theory...not a fact. so why cant some of you look at Christianity...and say there may be some truth to it?

2007-05-22 09:24:12 · 33 answers · asked by Teenager 5

Someone told me he must get millions (yes, one man gets more than a million letters a year). This can't possibly be right, I know he's the Pope, but c'mon.

2007-05-22 09:23:33 · 3 answers · asked by Scooter 1

2007-05-22 09:22:54 · 13 answers · asked by ! 6

The Catholic Church is trying to make mone out of a Christian Casino with the Vatican slicing off the profitable takes.

The Right Wing Radical Evangelicals are dumbing down their flocks further by creating a Creation Museum of a Disneyland-sort with a Noah's Ark - based no credible evidence but pure imagination - to save the souls who can't be saved bible toting alone?? Must their radical sort of Christianity be kept alive with faling, just like the faking Ted Haggart?

Boy, while so many up and cing nations are educating their citizens the real way to drive up their intelligence, all these radical Right Wing Christians are trying to dumb down Americans into programmed robots! The idiots will be promote these into these crazy stunts to dumb down their own gullible, easily brain-washed and narrow-minded kids to their own future detriment!

2007-05-22 09:21:51 · 7 answers · asked by United_Peace 5

This is for Christians only:
So do you feel that a man of God should partake in alcohol? I knew different people have different views on this.
Before I gave my life to Christ I was a very heavy beer drinker.
I made a lot of friends, and occasionally I am asked to events where beer is served.
I don't feel any conviction about have one or two, and leaving it at that. What do you feel?

2007-05-22 09:19:43 · 46 answers · asked by The Brian 4

John 6:51
I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."

2007-05-22 09:18:18 · 16 answers · asked by amal 1

I know the Shiite Muslims believe this. Isn't this in the Qu'ran? If it is can you point out the correct place it is or tell me more about the subject and state some references? I know it's not all the muslims that believe this, but the Shiites (a group of them).

2007-05-22 09:15:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I guess the real question would be: does R&S lead to liver disease?

2007-05-22 09:15:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

what about the banana? just curious.

2007-05-22 09:14:43 · 11 answers · asked by bluebear 3

2007-05-22 09:14:41 · 5 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

2007-05-22 09:13:28 · 18 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

2007-05-22 09:12:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-22 09:12:09 · 48 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

Let's say you got your wish and our schools must now tell our children that the world was created by God instead of teaching them about evolution and the development of civilzation.

A kid (and this is VERY likely) raises his hand and asks the teacher, "So who is this God?" and the teacher is non-Christian (Muslim, Hindu, Pagan, Jewish). Now normally, his/her religious belief would not be an issue as God was never a topic in biology or world history class.

But now, because YOU have insisted that it be included, would you want a non-Christian telling your kids about God?

And if the "Creator" must be taught to the kids in a neutral fashion, "The God is whoever you want that God to be etc", doesn't that ALSO raise questions and doubts for your kids as they are being taught they are free to view God in whatever manner, not ONLY the manner YOU want them according to the religion they were raised in?

Your comments, in your own words. No cut and pastes please.

2007-05-22 09:10:56 · 16 answers · asked by pixie_pagan 4


2007-05-22 09:09:09 · 28 answers · asked by sunshine 2

Or would a just God create a law and then judge his creation by how much they strove to obey him and the commands ?

Then by his mercy he would overlook their weakness and give them according to the BEST of their works.

This last description fits in with the OT and today.

Those who say God created us and then gave us a law that we cannot fulfill (as if he doesnt know what he creates) and therefore we cannot be with him in Paradise so he has to create some excuse for our forgiveness is describing an unjust manmade theory.

This concept does not fit in with the OT nor the thousands of years of revelation before Jesus. If there was a GREAT need for a son to be sacrificed then the OT would be full of NOTHING but stories of people asking why they are born in a time that gives them a disadvantage and therefore the free will and test is unfair.



2007-05-22 09:06:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


"We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinina theory should be encouraged"

But intelligent design theorists are quick to point out they do not necessarily call that "intelligent designer" God. They do not tie their theory to any sacred text or the creation account in Genesis, although intelligent design theory includes some kind of divine spark.
___"I do think God is real and created the universe, but I don't know how," explained Jonathan Wells, author of "Icons of Evolution." In his book, Wells challenges some of Darwin's theories about natural selection and random mutation. He claims there are structures and natural systems that defy Darwin.
___Take, for example, flagellar motors, the mechanism that powers the flagellum, a tail-like structure that moves bacteria th

2007-05-22 09:04:40 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

This rumor has been going around--it may be true, it may not. What's the story? Please cite a source if possible, thanks

2007-05-22 09:04:21 · 8 answers · asked by jxt299 7

My twin sister Emily died Friday and some of my family memebers are not christians and they beleive God took her out of anger but i dont i beleive it was her time and i know she thought that to she would always brighten up a room no matter wat condition she was in. Emily was 18 and she had a 2 year old daughter she loved her and us her family with all her heart before she died she told me i will see you again someday.. Now my family is saying they will never go back to church but i have been back ever since trying to help my family stay on track how am i suppose to do this please help!!

2007-05-22 09:01:47 · 19 answers · asked by ZAC 1

I've always wanted to see what others thought about this. Isn't it funny that schools will ban the Bible, but not the Koran or the Satanic BIble or ne other religious type of material. Wearing christian shirts are prohibitted in some schools but you could wear a shirt supporting wicca with no qualms. Why is it that only Jesus is the one being banned. If we are to have freedom of religion and separation of church and state shouldn't we get rid of all the wiccan , mormon, satanic, witchcraft.... etc.. b/c all of that stuff is "religion" also. If u are going to ban one then u must ban them all!!!!! Jesus must make people very uncomfortable if they are willing to go to GREAT lengths to get rid of Him. Hmmmm... what do u think?

2007-05-22 09:00:39 · 21 answers · asked by LG 2

Is it just me or is completely wrong from Biblical point of view. The Bible, Torah and the Koran all prohibit this. So, what arguments do gay preachers use to justify their position to be a preacher or rabbi?
The Torah states in Leviticus 18:22, “You shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, it is an abomination.”
The Torah states in Leviticus 20:13 “A man who lies with a man as one lies with a woman, they have both done an abomination. They shall be put to death; their blood is upon themselves.”
I think that preachers and rabbis should set an example of how society should behave itself. By being homosexual lay leaders I think you both mocking the community and G-d Himself.
Let me be clear though, I do not believe that government should restrict homosexual marriages in a Democratic society and if they do so they must put to the vote for each state to decide (I am thought strongly oppose to homosexual marriages). However, I am strong opponent to homosexual preachers be

2007-05-22 09:00:01 · 17 answers · asked by Teacher 4

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