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Religion & Spirituality - 21 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

How do their believes differ from "denominational Christians"?

2007-05-21 06:28:36 · 25 answers · asked by G 6

(whatever you want to call it) religion is one of the oldest in this world? From my studies and from my hearings and spending of countless hours on the internet, and asking wiccans and paganists and druids themselves, they say that this religion is one of the oldest in time. Can anyone tell me some details about this or what they think and believe about this religion? (please, no bashing or flaming this, I like positive feeds from my questions, not you hardcore christians telling me that i'm a fag and im wrong and gays are wrong, because it has nothing to do with the question)

2007-05-21 06:27:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fireball is very consistant in her belief.
JP is smart as hell and I usually agree with him except on abortion.
LabGrrl & glitterkitty are very smart
Deke cracks me up.
So does Selnyk.
The Count seems very kind.
I miss Jim Darwin.

I know I'm missing loads, but that's off the top of my head.

2007-05-21 06:25:53 · 26 answers · asked by ZombieTrix 2012 6

have you ever envied a fundamental christians ability to answer questions and make statements or judgments without letting logic, or proof get in the way? Just the ability to spout without backing it up with any incontrovertible evidence?

2007-05-21 06:24:47 · 34 answers · asked by mia 5

I understand that some holy books consider homosexuality to be sinful, but my question is -- What do you think is God's reason for condeming it?

2007-05-21 06:23:23 · 13 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

God gives me the courage to post. I am praying for your family and for all the beautiful families that send their loved ones to protect our Nation.
HONOR shown by our soldiers,& respect to their commanders are miracles most of us could NOT perform.
What MIGHTY people our soldiers are! To go out as Christ did to do what they are commanded to do.
A soldiers belief system is an example IN courage that ALL must duplicate.
THANK YOU ALL SOLDIERS for YOUR LOVE of us.From YOUR petty countrymen.
ThankYOU families that make the sacrifice, being with out them for their enlistment.
YOU all should be validated as the BEST of the STRONG,Validated and celebrated for YOUR GIFT to our country,in a time when people forget HOW WONDERFUL our LIBERTIES are.
The PURSUIT of happiness we are guaranteed is KEPT because our SOLDIERS and THEIR families LOVE of the USA~through the ages many lives changed by loss FOR us...

2007-05-21 06:21:50 · 10 answers · asked by dbzgalaxy 6

Does the soul pre-exist the body?

2007-05-21 06:21:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not really christian. I love jesus and all, but think of jesus in a different way (more of the gnostic spiritual veiw), and I'm buddhist (no we don't worship buddha). My husband brings me to church w/him, and I see they have fun activities I'd like to be with them. This one church thou, we stopped going to because the preacher kept talking about his personal life and it was boring and I guess not really christian ( do most churches do this?), also he kept talking of animals in gross ways wich seemed to un-christian like (example: we was talking about his love of family get-togethers wich was fine, untill he started talking about how he loves meat an all, wich is his choice, but talked about tearing it apart, eat certain peices and stuff, talked about animals like they are just stupid play things for humans.). My question is, I like going to a christian church, it can be spiritual and opening, but are they all like this?

2007-05-21 06:20:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Adam and Eve had 2 sons... so then where did the rest of us come from unless there was some incest going on? Shouldn't we all be mongloids according to this?

And... if we all come from Adam and Eve then we are all related so what's with all the religion based wars where the good "christians" kill off their family members just because they disagree? Don't sound very Christian does it?

2007-05-21 06:19:56 · 8 answers · asked by Lena 3

Could you please tell me what tribe replaced Dan in the Tree of Life?

2007-05-21 06:19:16 · 5 answers · asked by Plato 5

i am sick of hearing crap about life having no meaning but to live like an animal and evolve. people who believe this in my opinion are ignorant of the highest order. these are the people i believe who watched bamby and were disappointed with the ending. they have developed a pessimistic view on life to prevent their heart from sinking with despair if revealed a harsh reality.
a fundamental question i want answered is why science seems to prove that their is no God. science to me is essentially applying labels to everything. why can't people see that they go together.
we are testing and discovering god's creation but he teases us and only allows us to go so far and prevents from answering all questions-the more diseases we cure the more new ones are discovered.
i believe in the big bang-it was god who created it.
why do we play music? why do we make art? why do we cry? why do we laugh? why do we shout and roar passionetely at sports games? why are there so many galaxies ect.

2007-05-21 06:18:43 · 9 answers · asked by mick_quinn3479 2

And yes! I intentionally left it open to interpretation :D

2007-05-21 06:18:00 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Adam and Eve could have lived forever with the cherub that was anointed over Eden that became a resister of God Rev.12:9; and willing to deceive Gen.3:1-5; so if he deceived any after Adam and Eve, would they die?

How would that have worked out, if Eve had not been deceived?

What about the angels?

These angels before flood Jude 6; 1Pet.3:18-20; 2Pet.2:4; as to be judged by saints 1Cor.6:2,3; AS IT STANDS NOW.

Rev.12:1-12; Has 1/3 angels deceived when they and Satan are cast out of heaven by Michael of Jude 9; in Dan.12:1-13; at Rev.12:7-12; [ 2520 years after ], to have a short time for Satan in the end time before the Rev.1-6,12,13; 1000 year reign of Christ and No satan for 1000 years.

Satan destroyed after the 1000 years along with Gog and Magog. Rev.20:7-10;

2007-05-21 06:16:59 · 4 answers · asked by jeni 7

I just answered a question about homosexuality being demonic in which I said I did not consider it demonic but wrong acording to the Bible. Someone else came back and said to stop putting it in the same category with murder, rape etc. A sin, is a sin, is a sin. I don't know that God has degrees of sin that man puts on sin but I do believe homosexuality is wrong as well as other things listed in the ten commandments. I do believe there is forgiveness no matter who you are or what you have done. I would like other input about this subject and why people think homsexuality should not be put in the same category as other sins. Sex of any kind without marriage, in MY opinon is a sin. Have I done this - yes but that doesn't make it right. Christians are not above doing things that are wrong. No one is good - no not one. Those who don't believe in the Bible, that is your choice but I would appreciate sincere answers and not sarcasm. Thank you.

2007-05-21 06:14:49 · 49 answers · asked by grandmabonnie 3

Does anybody know who will hold the sceptre of Judah?

2007-05-21 06:14:49 · 11 answers · asked by Plato 5

2007-05-21 06:13:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

This bothers me, why not the keepers? James echos this in James 3:18
" Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness"

2007-05-21 06:12:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

For anyone with eyes to see, there can be no doubt that religious faith remains a perpetual source of human conflict. Religion persuades otherwise intelligent men and women to not think, or to think badly, about questions of civilizational importance. And yet it remains taboo to criticize religious faith in our society, or to even observe that some religions are less compassionate and less tolerant than others.

I've never really believed in any gods, and the more I've learned about the world and religion, the more I've moved from strong doubts to outright disbelief. So today I can say that I can come to no other rational conclusion than: No gods exist.

2007-05-21 06:10:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have alot of trouble understanding the bible, what is a good bible for a 19 year old......maybe a teen bible?

2007-05-21 06:09:54 · 19 answers · asked by ilovewigglesandgiggles 3

2007-05-21 06:07:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Clearly the animals we evolved from had souls or we do not. We did not grow souls while we were evolving from animals, obviously, so we must conclude that all animals did and do have souls. (what a soul is depends on your definition, naturally).

2007-05-21 06:06:56 · 31 answers · asked by shericomes 3

We will drink beer, (or whatever for you non-alcoholies), watch movies, and have open discussions on what our church should do to help the world and then implement said discussions into actions, instead of asking an invisible force to do our job for us.

Who is with me?

2007-05-21 06:06:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Atheists what about you?
Since many love to be the grammar police, or point out typing errors they can rest assured I have a BSN and a job where I work all night and come on this site to share my views before sleep...
What about you?

2007-05-21 06:05:30 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Generally, atheists seem to respect the Buddhists faith. Why are non-Buddhist atheists so accepting of it?

Does the doctrine make the most sense? Is it the lack of violence associated with it?

2007-05-21 06:05:22 · 19 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

Does any one know what this verse means please?
Has anbody got any answers to Rev.3: 20 please?

2007-05-21 06:02:43 · 15 answers · asked by Plato 5

My son is joining the army and I am scared to death for him. He feels like he has no options in life. I don't want him to do this for these reasons. He is just too young to understand what he is doing and the hell he will be going through without understanding the reality of it. My fear is overwhelming and I have to stop this!!!! He did this just as I found out my mother is very ill and will not recover!!! I want to crawl in a corner and not come out. The pain is just too much.

2007-05-21 05:59:23 · 26 answers · asked by Teresa D 1

Question Details: Why wouldn't many people especially the young become involved in all sorts of mindless or paganistic activiites, that is why I said Athesim can be a symptom of this..

You might think these types of posts are brainless, but that does not negate the fact that these things are happening.. (GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND). What happened to the school system, when they took the pledge of allegiance, prayer and corpral punishment out?

Metal Detectors, School Shootings, Absoloutley no dis-respect for the teachers, and a system that is failing tomorrows generation... I am not on here to beat on Atheists, only your views, that have no place in are society, and research says many people in the forefront are trying to change our culture to a secualr one, without GOD

Does anyone really want to see this happen?

2007-05-21 05:55:31 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know my three cats and three dogs have souls. I can feel their souls. They give uncondional love with no strings attached.

2007-05-21 05:53:54 · 35 answers · asked by Lynnemarie 6

...Assuming they witnessed the crime that Jehovah did/did not do, and will be testifying...

But what will they swear to tell the "whole Truth and nothing but the Truth" on...?
There might be a conflict of interest there...

2007-05-21 05:52:59 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers