If my goal is to trick you into believing my religion, I'm going to present the most convincing arguments I can think of. My claims have to seem valid. I'll bring forward false witnesses, alter documents, misquote people or do anything else to deceive you, right? It absolutely has to ring true, or I've failed to reach my goal. Okay, here we go. I first present you with a book that is about 2400 years old. I claim that in this book, God, although he has existed for all eternity, is predicted to be born as a human baby 400 years beforehand. I claim that his birth will be proclaimed by angels and heralded by a star; one that will move through the sky, leading 3 kings to the place where he is. Later, as he grows up, he will resurrect people. He will never, never sin. Despite being a Jew, he will be sentenced to die on a Roman cross. He will rise from the dead 3 days later, and ascend into heaven, one day to return again. Tell me. How could any sane person believe I was trying to fool you?
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