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Thailand, who's main religion is Buddhism 94%, followed by Muslim 4%, Christian 0.55%, and others 0.63%, main economic industry is the sex trade. In the early years of the AIDS epidemic, Thailand's government, namely one politician who later became known as the "condom man" decided to halt the AIDS crisis before it began, and launched a nation-wide, government sponsored condom and education program targeted directly at prostitutes, sex slaves, and those who purpose those goods (clients). It worked, and Thailand has had a low occurrence of AIDS for the past ten years.
Fast forward to today, where the "condom man" is gone, and birth control methods are wanning. STDs and AIDS are on the rise, and now, the sex industry has received a legitimizing "boost" of validation from it's very own government.
14 answers
asked by
Last Ent Wife (RCIA)