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Religion & Spirituality - 14 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

My parents are very religiously-centered people, and up until recently I agreed with them. Long story short, I no longer agree with their religious beliefs, but I'm unsure how to tell them this. They will definately be opposed to it and may try and force me to go to a church I don't agree with (specific religion is irrelevant). Any ideas?

2007-03-14 14:06:02 · 8 answers · asked by Sid-Marie 3

Joseph is linked to David through the tribe of Judah. This is the tribe the messiah was prophecied to descend from. Even the begining of Matthew explains how Jesus is of the tribe of Judah. However, because Jesus was "immaculately conceived", the burden rests on Mary. Mary of the tribe of Levi, however, has no relationship to David whatsoever. Thus Jesus cannot be the messiah.

For those of you who think Mary is somehow distantly related to David and rightful heir of the throne, please recall the following passages. "For thus says the Lord: David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel" (Jer 33:17) Mary would have to be sitting on the throne for Jesus to be the Messiah. That doesn't happen in Jewish patriarchal society. And for those of you still not convinced... "Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh" (Romans 1:3). Mary doesn't have seed/sperm... I hope....?

So what heppened here?

2007-03-14 14:05:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the purpose of religion nowadays? Honestly, think about it. In an era of science such as today, we have disporved a lot of what the bible said. We know Adam and Eve is non-sense, we didn't miraculously appear on the planet, we evolved from apes. How is it possible to beleive what a book says in such a way? Do you honestly pick up a Sherlock Holmes book, read it, and beleive it actually happened?
Religion was brought about as a means of keepind society in order in days before police and military. It did this by scaring people into beleiving they would spend an eternity in hell if they did wrong. Now, we have police, who lock you in a cell if you do wrong.
I understand there are some good messages in the bible, and morally it is a good book. But why do people insist on beleiving every word it says, rather than taking the flesh, and throwing the bones to one side?

2007-03-14 14:05:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please rank the following 10 moral issues from their greatest to least importance, based on your faith tradition? (Please identify your tradition.)

- Divorce

- Poverty

- War

- Access to health care

- Homosexuality

- Global warming

- Drug & alcohol abuse

- Abortion

- Animal rights

- Bullying in schools

If you feel so inclined, please include details on your reasoning.

2007-03-14 14:05:39 · 7 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

what happens to your soul when you die....i mean what happens where does it go and does this means all souls are gone for life or erased from the life circle????? need to know fast

2007-03-14 14:04:27 · 8 answers · asked by fred m 1


God makes bets with the devil based on Job's devotion. How does an all loving God agree to ruin a man's life and murder his family to prove something to Satan?

2007-03-14 14:03:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people Worship on Sunday, the first day? God clearly set the day of worship for the seventh day, Saturday.

6He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied
about you hypocrites; as it is written:
“ ‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
7 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are merely human rules.’ c
8You have let go of the commands of God and are
holding on to human traditions.”
9And he continued, “You have a fine way of
setting aside the commands of God in order to observe
your own traditions!

.....................................................................................................................In a nut shell, human rules would definatley refer to Sunday, would it not? It was established by Roman emperrer Constantine in 321 AD......and he called it "The venerable day of the Sun". Last time I checked, wasn't constantine a Human? Just wanting to see what you all think......

2007-03-14 14:02:56 · 7 answers · asked by gods_lost_truth 1

As we all know according to Hebrew history, a cubit is the length of one's forearm. If you calculate the dimensions of the ark (300cubits=450feet x 50 cubits=75 feet x 3 decks), you see that it isn't even large enough to fit 40 days worth of food for all animals in the world, let alone all the animals themselves.

Remember, there are MILLIONS of animal species in the animal kingdom (the hundreds of thousands of vertebrates make up only 1% of animals on earth). Assuming every animal took 1 inch of space, and you have at least 2 of each species, you still wouldn't have enough room. This also leaves room to ask, "Why did Christians think the animals of Australia were a hoax if there was already a previous knowledge of them?" or "How can we still be discovering new species of animals?" And finally, if dinosaurs weren't carried on the ark, then Noah didn't fulfill the will of God?

2007-03-14 14:02:14 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Both currently appear on coins.

2007-03-14 14:01:12 · 23 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7

1. What if you're wrong and I'm right? I maintain that Pascal's wager is the biggest refutable argument for belief in the christian god ever. (to satisfy the rules, now DRINK UP)
and now for the REALLY important question:
2. How much did you miss me yesterday and today while I was gone?

2007-03-14 13:59:48 · 21 answers · asked by Kallan 7

2007-03-14 13:57:41 · 6 answers · asked by Nancy 1

2007-03-14 13:57:20 · 30 answers · asked by maybe 3

Lately I have been soul searching and I am looking for advice about my life. I was told I have a " personality disorder " of the Narcissistic type. Ive been wondering if thats true and what caused it. I have had a lot of trauma in my life but I sincerely do not feel Im in PTSD about it. I had cancer but Jesus healed me. I lost three deeply loved ones in the past yr or so but I know where they are in the arms of Jesus. I was badly injured in Jerusalem but so were many others. There was lots of panic all around and others were hurt much worse than me..I got some scars but I feel I am fine. I have had short memory lapses but quickly recover them. Some times I feel in shock momentarily because of all this trauma but I pray and it goes away. I do admit that today I was talking to a friend about some of this and I had a moment of this rushing overwhelming despair try to wash over me but I resisted and prayed and I was fine. I am wondering if Im oblivious or fine. Please adise and pray 4 me.

2007-03-14 13:57:07 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2

2007-03-14 13:57:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-14 13:55:37 · 3 answers · asked by madhan b 1

So my co-workers know I am a Christian, and they seem to watch my every move. Today someone told me after I stated that I may quit w/o giving 2 weeks notice, they couldn’t believe I would do that since I try to be perfect. I was really shocked to hear this, u must understand this girl hasn’t been born again, and she jumps to conclusions and theory fast in her mind, not to mention not really confident at all, even w/ simple tasks like picking out glasses, (Im not judging, I just know that she has issues that need to be dealt with) man I responded on how Im not trying to be perfect just trying to make my father (God) smile and happy, and how I want to freely chose right rather than evil to make him happy. So by choosing that I might not become involved in all their slandering, and gossiping, and judging everything from the way someone dresses to why someone didn’t talk more. For real Pray that I can leave soon. I want to confront her about this more, but maybe I shouldn’t? What do you think?

2007-03-14 13:51:16 · 16 answers · asked by miss.trying 1


why can't people, the majority are scientist, understand there is a being i mean this is what i think many people's (majority scientist) philosophy is .....BANG!!!!!...thats it and then evolution but why isn't evolution going on now......i don't get it is everything just distorted by the press or however these ideas get out or is this what many "scientist" truly think and believe?! and am i just dreaming or do these "scientist" seem well stupid?! :-P there's a butt full to work with ....NOW GO AT IT!!!!!

2007-03-14 13:50:22 · 19 answers · asked by Mr.Swanton®© 3

...like my chemical romance did in thier helena video clip?

just curious.

2007-03-14 13:49:35 · 32 answers · asked by ? 3


Just curious...

2007-03-14 13:48:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously! I heard that fallen angels came upon the earth and breed with some women. Some of The giants were as big as 14 ft. tall and goliath was the last of the race?

2007-03-14 13:48:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't get me wrong, he's very nice and friendly. He wouldn't hurt a fly. But, I caught him having pre-marital sex. Now I'm worried that he will go to hell when he dies. What should I do?

2007-03-14 13:48:38 · 40 answers · asked by Damien 1

Who would you trust least?

2007-03-14 13:45:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Reverend R. Albert Mohler Jr. who is a national leader in the Southern Baptist Church has publically suggested that there are biological causes for homosexuality which may be proven and that treatments to reverse the homosexual orientation in the unborn would be biblically justified.

The Reverend did state that even if biologically based, homosexuality would still remain a sin and he strongly supports finding a prenatal hormonal treatment that would ensure that a baby would be born heterosexual.

Would you see this treatment as ethical? Would you ever think to choose this for your child?

2007-03-14 13:44:58 · 12 answers · asked by genaddt 7

hes a real party pooper. always in a pissy mood. going around flooding the earth and killing people. nothing is ever good enough for him.

2007-03-14 13:44:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who do you trust least?

2007-03-14 13:44:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-14 13:42:45 · 5 answers · asked by starbrightlight 1

2007-03-14 13:41:31 · 11 answers · asked by ktung 1

Based on that, how do you know which faith is the true faith, since all beliefs are ridiculed by others, even Atheism?

2007-03-14 13:41:30 · 25 answers · asked by FaerieWhings 7

is there anything you firmly believe to be true but have no proof? what makes you think/feel that it is true and why no evidence?

2007-03-14 13:37:47 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

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