I always see posts where someone will remark about religious people being unthinking. Why? Is this a stereo-type people have bought into without thinking about it? Many of the worlds greatest thinkers in Philosophy and Science have been deeply religious, how does that tie in? If someone disagrees with a major current scientific theory, does that mean they didn't think about it? Did everyone who does believe in a current theory think through all of the challenges to and implications of the theory? If not, are they just unquestioning herd followers themselves? I wonder what makes a person so self-sure cocky about their own beliefs that they ridicule others. Isn't this non-thinking, follow-the-crowd mentality? If there is a consensus among scientists about a certain subject, at a certain time, that make it unquestionable to the point that disbelief is a personal shortcoming or heresy? Are the strongest adherents to current scientific thought just zealots too? Seriously?
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