Everybody's seems to keep saying that christians are shoving things down your throat.The best way I can describe what we christians are doing is;it's similar to a shepard who trying to gather his sheep to put them in the stable.Those sheep that dont make it in have to brave the elements &other wild beast;while the ones in the stable have all the perks of food,water ect. People are like God's sheep;were his creations.And he wants us all to make it into heaven,but to get into Gods stable you have to accept Christ.So yes God's going to be persistent through people till all his sheep make it into the stable.That's one thing that people dont understand\appriciate,is that God works through people.In one case he used a donkey\***.Learn to understand that yes,yes God is using people,spirit-filled men and women of God to get to those that are still lost,that havent yet made it into the stable of God.Again yes.Yes if God is persistant in getting you to come;then so will men and women of God be.
11 answers
asked by
Maurice H