Ex. 20: 4,5 says... You shall not make yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything in heaven or on earth beneath or in the waters under the earth: you shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I , Yahweh,(lord, Jehovah, God) your God, am a jealours God"
Lev. 26:1 You must make no idols; you must set up neither carved image nor standing-stone, set up no sculptured stone in your land, to prostrate yourselves in front of it: for it is I God, who am your God.
2nd Cor. 6: 16 " The temple of God has no common ground with idols, and that is what we are__ the temple of the living God."
1st John 5:21 My little children, be on your guard against Idos...."false Gods"
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