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Other - Society & Culture - 18 March 2007

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as my parents taught me, be nice to everyone.then i left my home, and start working.i saw ppl r lying on small things and
cheating each other. even ppl take advantage of my BE NICE
i m confused, what the hell my parents taught me.this is diffrent world.
how should i behave? be nice or be bad.

2007-03-18 20:47:02 · 8 answers · asked by Wondrer 4

hey, just wondering out there who smokes it and why? for sleep, fun, what?

2007-03-18 20:35:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-18 20:26:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel empty inside.

I can't find a good girl, only those who use men.
I don't want God, I hate to be bossed around.
I don't like living, life sucks.

I don't want to die just yet, it's too painful.
I wish I had never been born, but here I am.
I see no purpose in life.

I don't care to be happy or sad.
I don't care for heaven or hell.
Religion sells, but who cares?

Life is meaningless.
Religion is NOT a solution to life.
God is not either.

There is nothing left to want in life.
Why was I put here?
There is nothing worse than being alive.


If there is a God, why did he put me in this torment?
This is far worse than any hell could be.
If hell exists, at least, you don't need a house,
people can beat you up, but all punches pass through you,
don't have to drink,

Sleeping in hell will be far easier.
This life was only created to torture us?
Yes, there is no other explanation.

God is an evil God.
He deserves death.

2007-03-18 20:07:40 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-18 20:01:12 · 1 answers · asked by mccoy8099 2

2007-03-18 19:59:27 · 3 answers · asked by just me.. 3

Not to be insulting but has he heard of Desmond Tutu or of the man who risked his life to jump in front of a train (subway) in NY city to save another person's life? Even an idiot would recognize likeability in those two black people. And the one who answered him "hated them too but claimed he's not a racist?????????????(suggested gift on his next bd-a dictionary)

2007-03-18 19:52:19 · 6 answers · asked by redhighheelsneakers_ 3

Or are they all talk and no action?

2007-03-18 19:27:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever been able to smell rain before it starts. I asked a friend the other day if she could smell the rain comming, she looked at me like i was crazy in the head. I just think that there is a certain type of smell that the air lets off before it rains. Have you found this to be true.

2007-03-18 19:22:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The question is WHY is America the greatest country in the world with the understood being "America IS the greatest country in the world". I don't want to see any statements questioning this, I just want to know WHY you think this.

2007-03-18 19:16:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

ONLY IN Ameica. In Latin Ameica and caribbean. Folks with mixture of black and white are mulattos or creoles. Otherwise Hispanic- its not a race but a culture, you ignoramus! South Africa, Coloured is the word used for mixed race. Some Phillipinos,Indians have black ancestry, but they are not black. It is what your biologicsal features look like. If your are a real black person be proud, if you are mixed likeweise. Stop trying to anglosize the *****. To be a real ***** is to be proud, afterall that is where all humans are originated from. See National Geographic-Geneome Project, get educated!

2007-03-18 19:14:33 · 1 answers · asked by Robelto7 1

to offer a criminal a lesser sentence if he/she volunteers to be sterilized? It would reduce the procreation of persons with the psychopathology that could have caused the criminal to go bad.

2007-03-18 19:14:07 · 3 answers · asked by syrious 5

"If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses."

2007-03-18 19:06:13 · 14 answers · asked by Lost_Lady 3

Are moderators checked by their own peers? I notice that some pretty good answers have been deleted from several questions raised. If the moderator only wants the answers that suit her beliefs, she/he should be answering all the questions, and not have this forum open to public suggestions. This site, or rather specific moderator(s) disgracefully is/are not respecting all Americans' opinions and expressions. Think we have communist watchdogs as moderators? :-)

2007-03-18 19:00:51 · 4 answers · asked by United_Peace 5

ok ok i'm sort of holidaying in the states .. will be travelling alone just to enjoy myself.. but then i'm a muslim wear the headdress (and not burka that kind of thing) .. but am not middle eastern not from the middle east..
do u think there will be some sort of "complications" like more stricter rules on muslims being imposed? i dont want to get held up for nothing .. its going to be embarassing

anyone helpp .. what are yr thoughts. it is safe rite for me muslim lady going to US..


2007-03-18 18:55:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

most mexicans are not caucasian, threre are mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) 60%, Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian 30%, white 9%, other 1% .
but the population of Argentina is heavily made up of inhabitants of a white European background 97% , the largest being Italians and Spaniards.
and Uruguay is heavily populated by people of European origin, 94% of its population is of white European descent.
and 53.7% Brazilians are whites.

that is what I studies from Wikipedia.com
and I don't understand why ''white'' American people think
most people from argentina,chile, uruguay and costa rica are not caucasian,and they don't even think people from Spain,Italy are caucasian.
you know lots of ''white''american have Native American blood,
but they said if you have a geart-geart-geart grandparent is not white then you are not white,why some ''white''american with little Native American blood still consider themselves

2007-03-18 18:51:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

a radio station in canada had a contest to have something similar to "as american as apple pie". the winner was "as canadian as possible under the circumstances", obviously relating to its relationship with a global superpower next door. can anybody help explain this to me?

2007-03-18 18:51:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish/Liberal Arts & people think I'm uneducated, slow, dumb, & retarded & they tell me, "I really don't think you have a college degree!"

2007-03-18 18:49:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

isnt that crazy, if we had white only clubs, and white achievment awards, and white scholarship funds, black people would be all over us calling us rascist, but they can have black achievement awards, black scholarship funds, and tons of black only groups.

how can they have all these things, and still call us rascist.

2007-03-18 18:47:17 · 13 answers · asked by dilbert v 2

I am part of a board and at the start of each meeting they stand and say the pledge of allegiance. I stand out of respect for the people, but I do not, nor do I ever, say it. The main reason is "Under God" does not belong in it. I feel like people wonder but since it is mostly adults that I respect (in their 40s and 50s and some are even Vietnam Vets) if they asked I dont think I could tell them that I do not believe in God or even in what some of what America is doing. I dont think I should have to Pledge my Allegiance to anything. Same when people sneeze, I dont say bless you. It is so funny how religion is integrated into everyday life and it isnt fair when we are suppose to have freedom of religion. What do you think? In your own life or anything else?

PS interesting question? give it a star

2007-03-18 18:41:20 · 8 answers · asked by ice_purple969 4

2007-03-18 18:40:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not interested in the things every run of the mill stoner has used to smoke. I want to know about some McGyver like bong/pipe that will surley impress me.

2007-03-18 18:37:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

the club/ affiliation is the "black Caucus" IF you are white and represent a lot of blacks in your district, shouldn't you qualify to be a member of the black causus?

2007-03-18 18:34:36 · 3 answers · asked by Robelto7 1

As a 19 year old mixed latino/white kid & combination of high school, college, & 3 years working in retail, I have seen good & bad in every color & gender. My question regards the stereotypical white females that are "married w/ kids drive an SUV & live in a nice house in the all-white suburbs" types, not white females in general (because I know white women who are very kind). For those of u who are the type I described, why is it that you must stick your noses up at other people, esp those in service and treat those who are not like you as lesser than you? And please, why do you not hand the money to the salesperson half the time & have such cold attitudes towards those of other races/ethnicities? Especially hispanics, it seems on TV shows & the media the latin lover is a dream but in reality you all act like you are scared of us other types. Why? Not all of us are that bad. (And yes, I know not all white females are like as I described believe me). But for the ones who are, why?

2007-03-18 18:31:08 · 8 answers · asked by Dusk 6

2007-03-18 18:30:14 · 3 answers · asked by Toni B 1

why do i find this to be so difficult to recognize and accomplish personally, please i am aware of effort being exerted,however, to even get to step one, What has been keeping me back? consider that i am in my fifties,and "dreams" are at this point are very difficult to achieve, if getting an education is what is needed, please,it has all been said , "there are people who go to school even when they are eighty and seventy years old" yeah, i know,what are some other solutions,

2007-03-18 18:25:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been visiting a consultant & there are things which have been brought up from my past in these sessions. Alarming part is that they are 100% true & I met this consultant only last year....its scary, but true, has anyone else been through something like this.......I feel I am going too deep into this & now it is difficult to come out. Each session leaves me in a trance!

2007-03-18 18:22:05 · 2 answers · asked by kavi 1

i suppoose i should feel bad for those who hold a grudge against those of other skin color.

but when you think about how skin color even comes to be, don't you get a little angry that some refuse to see the light? and as for those who like throwing the "n" word around, if your great grandmother had been owned by someone, wouldn't you be a little angry too?

i work at a place that does not hire people of other "color" i'm in the process of doing something about that.

what are your views - be honest....this is only my opinion.

2007-03-18 18:18:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

most mexicans are not caucasian, threre are mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) 60%, Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian 30%, white 9%, other 1% .
but the population of Argentina is heavily made up of inhabitants of a white European background 97% , the largest being Italians and Spaniards.
and Uruguay is heavily populated by people of European origin, 94% of its population is of white European descent.
and 53.7% Brazilians are whites.
so how many totally caucasian people in south america?
that is what I studies from Wikipedia.com
and I don't understand why ''white'' American people think
most people from argentina,chile, uruguay and costa rica are not caucasian,and they don't even think people from Spain,Italy are caucasian.
you know lots of ''white''american have Native American blood,
but they said if you have a geart-geart-geart grandparent is not white then you are not white,why some ''white''american with little Native American blood still consider themselves

2007-03-18 18:17:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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