I have a question regarding a friend who considers himself not prejudiced or racist, but i heavily disagree.
He has made the claim that "Whites are more intelligent than Black", and has used a "statistic" pulled from a blog. it concludes that "Blacks are borderline retarded when it comes to IQ tests".
i belive that since he has this idea that blacks are less intelligent that whites, when he meets a stranger black person, his first thought is that hes less intellgent than him. He has this idea because of an inaccurate stereotype, which is prejudice.
my question for you is: is this man prejudice or not?
His arguement is the truth is not prejudiced.
"Is it prejudiced to speak the truth?
what IF the black race is stupider that the white race? i mean, white people are taller than asian people, its okay to compare... why not compare intelligence then? its feasible that they differ, along with other characteristics such as wider nose"
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