in the society.
The secret of a good self-esteem and success in life is following our hearts, in other words being virtuous (like being honest, respectful, tolerant, trustwhorty, kind etc, etc)
I just moved to the US, and I find the media very shallow, I am concerned with the sick humor, lack of conscience (like having sex as a means of pleasure not a way of communicating love), lack of kindness (racism), superficiality (thinking success is gaining material goods, idolatrizing beauty and talent instead of character)
I am concerned because no matter how much good examples I give I know that a big influence is the community in which she is going to grow up, a child has to be raised by the entire society not by an adult alone and to be encouraged by the examples of others also.
I need to know if the media is this country's reality or children can truly be nurtured spiritually by the society.
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