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Senior Citizens

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your child or children to do? Name more if you'd want. I've got a list for my son, poor kid.

2007-11-08 08:13:33 · 32 answers · asked by Wickwire 5

2007-11-08 08:09:01 · 28 answers · asked by Wickwire 5

I'm a teacher and I've noticed that it's pretty common for parents to make-up names. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
I have two baby grand daughters with beautiful, old-fashioned names. Just found out yesterday that I'm going to have a grandson in February. When my son told me what they're going to name the child, all I could think of was, this poor kid is going to spend a good part of his life explaining how to say his name and how his parents came up with it. I know, it's none of my business and I would NEVER dream of saying anything to them. But I'm a teacher and I always feel bad when I have to ask a new student how to "pronounce" his/her name. It's not a name that rolls off the tongue easily. I know I'll get used to it and this isn't really a big deal but I'm curious, how many of you who are grandparents have thought the same thing?

2007-11-08 08:07:44 · 25 answers · asked by katydid 7

Mine is "Take it to the limit" for a special reason.

2007-11-08 07:24:15 · 32 answers · asked by June smiles 7

Judy B. made me think up this one. Like my mom would scare the he** out of us when we were young. We stayed with friends in the city once and tried some vodka (or was it tequila? Not sure what it was but it tasted terrible) anyway we went back home and my mom said, "Last night I had a dream an old man was trying to force blue liquid down my throat. Which one of you drank?" We all gave one another that guilty look, I took the fall for my brothers.

I used to look around before doing something *cough* not so good, because I wondered if my mom was following us to know the things she did.

Mothers and Fathers, do you have anything like this with your own?

2007-11-08 07:11:54 · 22 answers · asked by Wickwire 5


I just tried to post a question and it got
stuck on the "preview" section so I will
try again.
Did my cousin Rowena keep you entertained while I was away?
She is gone to visit relatives here in the states, then its back to her little island
home. She had a great time here and
on Seniors.
She was house-sitting for me and I will
miss her. She's one of my favorite
people. Here we go again folks.
What's new since I've been gone?

2007-11-08 06:51:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know the one-"Someday you'll have children that act just like you!"

2007-11-08 06:43:17 · 27 answers · asked by judy b 4

Tommorow is the aniversary of the opening of the Berlin Wall. Can we please remember Peter Fechter aged 18 who bled to death in front of the TV cameras calling for help and his Mother after being shot and left to die on August 17th 1962, by the border guards? I will never forget him. I know he wasn't the only one, but he broke my heart.

2007-11-08 06:06:55 · 26 answers · asked by Yoda 4

I have a fireplace but have not used it in years. I plan to buy the rod-iron tea candle holder and put in my fire place this Christmas. Our fireplace was built with a defect by the previous owner, and if you use it, it will work for a while but then the smoke drifts into the house instead of up the chimney.

2007-11-08 05:39:35 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

......who came up with design for an foot lever -operated toilet seat?

He's due to be on the Ellen show on Friday!

The concept was so simple [like trash cans] one has to wonder why it has not been done in the past!

What will males and females under the same roof fight about now? lol

2007-11-08 04:48:41 · 17 answers · asked by sage seeker 7

are a matter of personal taste? For example, I asked this question yesterday over in the music section:
And look at all the thumbs down to everyone's answers! How could anyone give a thumbs down to something that has no right or wrong answer, only personal preference? I always put in a disclaimer saying that it's not me!

2007-11-08 04:02:35 · 35 answers · asked by Starscape 6

If so, what does it say? If not, and you were to get one, what would it say, keeping in mind the spaces allowed on plates in your area.

2007-11-08 03:58:36 · 31 answers · asked by Lady G 6

I go every 6 weeks for a trim and my hairdresser does a short head massage whilst washing my hair. It's absolutely out of this world. In fact I go off into my own little world and have to tell her NOT to talk to me whilst she is doing it!

2007-11-08 03:58:22 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think it is wrong not to give the answer you want to give. I mean if someone bores the pants of you, do you just a nice answer to get two points and stop a violation. And if this true are you being really true to yourself. I have a friend who does this all the time, never had a violation at the same time feels guilty, and confesses her sins to the Priest also makes me laugh.

2007-11-08 03:27:55 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-08 02:55:47 · 21 answers · asked by rainbowmatrixs 4

I am a uk citizen and I have nothing but respect for the (old farts) as you call them.
These brave men and woman came to the UK, and flew planes over Germany during the last war. They helped us to win the war against Nazi Germany, and gave their lives in doing so. Old Farts, indeed you should hand your heads in shame.

2007-11-08 02:54:05 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

what would you be sure to take? Other than family, of course.
This came from a discussion at home about material things. There are things we would hate to lose, but none of it is worth risking life for.

2007-11-08 02:03:33 · 41 answers · asked by Lady G 6

From prior discussions here we know that some of us dislike cutting down a live tree for a few weeks' enjoyment, and prefer realistic but fake trees. Others insist the trees are grown just for this purpose. Some have to compromise with family members who want it one way or the other. What's planned for your Christmas decor this year - real or fake?

As for me - LOL - it will probably be ceramic; no room for a tree!

2007-11-08 01:55:32 · 41 answers · asked by Lady G 6

You know, to be quite honest, I am sick of seniors being major priorities in political campaigns. senior housing, seniors incomes, etc etc etc. seniors are not our future, they leave us paying incredible hospital taxes because they feel the need to go in every monday to chat about they're lasted aliment to their doctor. baby boomers are going to leave us in financial misery because there are so many of them and they will eat up our health care like theres no tomorrow. it's apparent most have a soft spot for seniors, yes they are old and cute, but why are things like education, sustainable housing, etc (i.e. current, pressing issues) at the focal points of political agendas?

2007-11-08 01:52:37 · 35 answers · asked by tj 1

Many of our local radio stations go through this every year. Station managers want Christmas music to start the day after Thanksgiving. The majority of listeners say it's too soon. Personally, I'd rather not hear them until about 3 weeks before Christmas. What's your opinion?

2007-11-08 01:51:20 · 27 answers · asked by Lady G 6

2007-11-08 01:49:17 · 6 answers · asked by gggggg 6

We were discussing news last night about a teacher who had an affair with a 16 year old girl. Now, personally I think teachers who do this violate the trust not just of the parents and fellow teachers, but of students much younger than they. I also know some teens who would go into such a relationship with eyes wide open, and they'll admit they knew exactly what they were doing, because when we're that age you know we think we know it all. Yet someone finds out and the teacher spends the rest of his life in prison. Hubby expressed the view that the teacher should spend a reasonable time in jail, maybe 5 years, with 10 - 20 years probation. Do you think a man should go to jail for life for this type of relationship?

2007-11-08 01:44:44 · 18 answers · asked by Lady G 6

Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now...
I never looked at it this way before:
MEN tal illness
MEN strual cramps
MEN tal breakdown
MEN opause
GUY necologist
AND ..
When we have REAL trouble, it's a HIS terectomy. Ever notice how all of women's problems start with Men, Man or His

2007-11-08 01:42:32 · 33 answers · asked by Southern Comfort 6

Sitting in front of a fire with a little glass of wine, with the lights off, alone, or with just a close friend or two? Christmas carols playing? Or lots of family and friends over, hot cocoa and cookies, and gifts to open? What's your perfect Christmas Eve?

2007-11-08 01:38:44 · 29 answers · asked by Teresa 5

I can remember my dad building a boat, and I was two years old the summer he built it. It's a very fuzzy memory though. I have some very vivid early memories from around three years old. It's odd that my husband can't even remember much about first grade. Can't remember his teachers' names or anything. Interesting to compare.

2007-11-08 01:27:39 · 33 answers · asked by Teresa 5

Seniors, I've been working with my parents and my in-laws trying to plan Thanksgiving and Christmas get togethers. It can be challenging for us to figure out who will be here and who will not be. Some of us live within 30 minutes driving time of each other; and the rest are scattered acrossed the US and around the world.

How about you? Do you all live near each other? How often to you get to see your family and friends who do not live near you?

2007-11-08 00:53:31 · 21 answers · asked by ? 7

Just a reminder, it's that time of year again. Anyone at high risk or anyone who lives with/cares for someone at high risk should get a shot. There is no shortage of vaccine this year-so no excuse not to get one!

2007-11-08 00:23:08 · 18 answers · asked by judy b 4

noticed I have got points taken off me, what have I done, there is no explanation either!!

2007-11-08 00:11:12 · 19 answers · asked by Little miss naughty 5

Was it LARA or TARA. Because Julie could not get a tan in all that snow. I know, because she was a friend of mine in Spain. She was filming and I was dancing? And off to bed.

2007-11-07 23:35:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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