In AZ, day laborers are such a big deal. There is signs posted everywhere that it's illegal.What about the white guy who sits on the corner of the freeway with a pile of his trash next to him and a sign asking peple for money. Panhandling is a class 3 misdemeanor in AZ. No signs there. Also, not everyone crossing the border is Mexican, you have people from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, many more. But it's the "Mexicans" They get jobs people get mad , they don't have jobs people get mad cause they're using government assistance. Yet once, I saw a news report that showed white polygamy communities taking advantage of governemnt assistance, no uproar on that. Then it's a "we want to secure our borders from terrorists", didn't the terrorist of 9/11 come through Canada? It happened to the Irish people, then to the African-American people. Now it's the Mexican people's turn, I guess. All I'm saying is for people who have such strong opinions on this admit it's a race issue.
8 answers
asked by
Claudia M