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Other - Cultures & Groups - March 2007

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nearly all business in the uk are owned by jews and indians.
blacks have been in the uk for longer than any other race and they speak english and are christian. despite all these advantages they are nothing in business or education. jews and indians have their own religion and languge, which they have to learn on top of english.
the blacks are blessed compared to jews and indians for the above reasons.
i must say the blacks have produced some sports people and that is it. their contribution to the economy is next to nill. and majority of the black are in prison too. blacks are about 20% of british population when they are only less than 5% of the population.

2007-03-19 11:18:55 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you like to? Why or why not.

If you have, could you share a bit of your experience with him/her?

2007-03-19 11:13:13 · 1 answers · asked by Threeicys 6

2007-03-19 11:11:08 · 12 answers · asked by Mayonaise 6

I live in Alexandria,VA outside of DC and I go to Georgetown sometimes to shop at HM and to eat at this Italian resturant. I get stares from all of these white men and they wink there eyes and smile at me or say they would say "hey beautiful". I'll smile back but I find it odd that they wouls stare and smile but they would never ask me out. A black or hispanic man would be persesitant in trying to get my phone number and it seems that they are usually checking me out from up and down and saying stuff like "dang mami you got a nice body? or "dang you sexy mamicita"

2007-03-19 11:08:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dont be mean too because im hawaiian and mixed with fillipno.
If you do leave a nasty comment tho, i'll return the favor :D
Just kidding...just dont leave a mean comment

2007-03-19 11:06:43 · 7 answers · asked by romantic princess 2

It's ok to give all races aid (if they "really" want to go to a black colleges..... 'most don't'), but what about the black students. I almost quit college, now I'm at a white college cause they're the only ones that would give me financial aid. The black colleges I attended basically through me out because they wouldn't give me aid, (or even try to). Even though I graduated with a 4.7 on a 5.0 scale, I really wanted to go to a black college. They just didn't want me. If you've experience this in colleges please tell your thoughts (whether whites at white colleges or blacks at black colleges)

2007-03-19 10:59:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is it about americans who think they are scottish or welsh or irish or english because their great great great grandma knew someone who lived next door to a man who owned a kilt????

2007-03-19 10:57:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 10:51:35 · 19 answers · asked by Richard Head 1

look, im a 14 year old black kid. i was doing the CMTs when there was a insert about some poor black lady who got rich. it said Black pride alot....so i was wondering why Black Pride is okay While white pride is not okay. i came up with a few answers of my own like: 1. white power organizations use the term. 2. since There is next to no black power organizations, i think its okay beacuase in this term, black pride means..like be proud of who you are and dont make anyone make you think you are inferior.

2007-03-19 10:50:00 · 11 answers · asked by ITALLIAN STALLION 2

Hi, All. I am trying to put together a collection of common old wives' tales pertaining to dogs, whether myth or factual..Just hoping for some input from you guys..Thanks!

2007-03-19 10:45:36 · 15 answers · asked by Chetco 7

2007-03-19 10:44:06 · 30 answers · asked by Choccywoccy 3

2007-03-19 10:35:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Describe and assess the cultural, social, economic, and political strategies adopted by black Americans in the face of these challenges. To what extent did these strategies represent accommodation or resistance to the prevailing system of racial oppression? I'm having trouble trying to get an idea. Could you help? Little or much help! Thanks so much!

2007-03-19 10:18:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

In AZ, day laborers are such a big deal. There is signs posted everywhere that it's illegal.What about the white guy who sits on the corner of the freeway with a pile of his trash next to him and a sign asking peple for money. Panhandling is a class 3 misdemeanor in AZ. No signs there. Also, not everyone crossing the border is Mexican, you have people from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, many more. But it's the "Mexicans" They get jobs people get mad , they don't have jobs people get mad cause they're using government assistance. Yet once, I saw a news report that showed white polygamy communities taking advantage of governemnt assistance, no uproar on that. Then it's a "we want to secure our borders from terrorists", didn't the terrorist of 9/11 come through Canada? It happened to the Irish people, then to the African-American people. Now it's the Mexican people's turn, I guess. All I'm saying is for people who have such strong opinions on this admit it's a race issue.

2007-03-19 10:16:18 · 8 answers · asked by Claudia M 2

For example, English from America is very different from the English spoken on England, right? Is the australian English different too?

2007-03-19 10:12:06 · 9 answers · asked by Dalila 3

If I wear those small jewish hats that go on top your head head would that offend jews
or If I wear a swaztika in front of rednecks would that offend white people?

2007-03-19 09:57:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

well next year im starting high school, and i know that there are going to be many cliques. so i was just wondering what clique did you fit in or are in?

2007-03-19 09:57:42 · 8 answers · asked by Crazy♦Beautiful 3

2007-03-19 09:49:53 · 2 answers · asked by Go girl 1

"In the Japanese fishing village of Taiji, fishermen are rounding up and slaughtering hundreds and even thousands of dolphins right now. After driving pods of dolphins into shallow coves, the fishermen kill the dolphins, slashing their throats with knives or stabbing them with spears..." (go to savejapandolphins.org to read more)
Ok, I understand that ppl are going 2 eat meat or fish, but is it right to kill them in the inhumane way that they are in Taiji, Japan? I personally don't think so. To have them still alive while you chop them into little pieces is very cruel in my opinion. Just because they are animals, does that make it ok to kill them how you wish? If you had to be killed, would you rather just be instantly killed and get it over with or rather be tortured right beside your family?
So I want to know what you think and why. Do you also think that it needs to be stopped? If you think that it's ok that they are being killed like this, why do you feel that way?

2007-03-19 09:48:54 · 10 answers · asked by Katie W 3

Im not against having our own tv channel but i've now come across a lot of black ppl like myself who wont watch BET anymore because of the way it potrays african americans. Like some of the shows and the ppl really live up to the stereotype that is placed on black ppl. I heard there is a Channel One that is a more positive look on the black community than BET is, but unfortunately I dont get that where I live. BET is also now owned by the same company as MTV and VH1, so that makes me wonder who really is in controll of BET..is it still the blacks as they would make ppl think or its someone who has no idea what it means to be black? :)
I was just wondering, I dont mean to offend anyone who loves to watch BET, i just wanted to know if anyone else felt the same.

2007-03-19 09:26:48 · 18 answers · asked by bebekaychic 3

2007-03-19 09:24:51 · 4 answers · asked by Dosage 3

i am a brunette.....i just wanted to know what ya'll thought. i personally like brunette better..it just is more pretty than blonde.
What Is Your Opinion????

2007-03-19 09:20:05 · 11 answers · asked by soobvioustoday 2

A woman asked me what I was mixed with. I told her black and puertorican. She looked at me as if i were crazy and proceeded to say that puertoricans are dirty, and that to be part black with it I must have issues! She also said I hope you dont plan on having half dirty n-word kids. I started to cry that day because I have never encountered it that bad. What should I do, I still see that crazy lady around! Has that ever happened to you?

2007-03-19 09:14:31 · 17 answers · asked by Still Standing 4

This is for white people only . Has a black person ever been raciest against you?

2007-03-19 08:55:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I quite fancy having several husbands to cover different varieties and purposes.

2007-03-19 08:53:01 · 17 answers · asked by villafan 2

2007-03-19 08:52:04 · 9 answers · asked by Dosage 3

I took my grandson to a park in Atlanta yesterday and there was this guy dressed like a woman and my grandson asked me what is that what would you have told him I told him some people are sick

2007-03-19 08:45:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-19 08:41:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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