Please no bashing!
At my work place, there is an individual who is a Jehovah Witness, and I have a simple basic understanding.
Since I am now working closely with this individual, I wish to respect the beliefs.
I understand that a Jehovah Witness, does not celebrate any Religious Sect. Holiday or Birthday’s.
I also understand that a Jehovah Witness, does not wear any religious emblems.
I am also aware to not say, “Bless you”, or “God Bless You”, when a person sneezes.
Although I know this, I do not know as to why.
I feel that it is important for me to RESPECT the beliefs of my co-worker, and the work place is not the place to discuss religion.
Would you be kind enough to assist me so that I may have a better understanding of their beliefs?
Thank you,
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Religion & Spirituality