I just wonder why they do what they want. Like sacremnets and the Idea of confessing to a man ,and paying to light candels for prayor, and the massive amount of money, and the worship of saints , and heaven through works,worship of mary ,and preasts not having wives ,and bowing down in front of a statue and praying for st. peter or who ever to heal the sick or take care of the dead, and holy water and saint hood of the dead , and nuns, and castreto int the quire, and anulment and all the holy days they have , stations of the cross, ash wednesday,baptisim at birth. I could go on I was a catholic as I am sure you can tell until I had questions like these and never found a reasonable answer that is in the bible .I wonder who thought it all up and for what purpose why not go with the bible and what it teaches us what is the agenda. It looks like man trying to be God , If you can answer one paying to light a candle for the prayor why pay
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Religion & Spirituality