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Society & Culture - 5 September 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Will they ever gain popularity?

2007-09-05 01:47:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-09-05 01:47:03 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

what better business model than to create a religious literature publishing company and call it a religion. Gather converts by telling them "the end is near, the end is near (1975 or insert the original end of times date)."

Here's where moneymaking comes in: require the converts to purchase the religious literature you publish and lots of it and then ask them to go make more converts for the purpose of purchasing more literature! Give the converts a persecution complex by telling them everyone's annoyance with them will be because God loves them so they'll expect the reception they get.

Keep the converts putting money only in your pocket by telling them they're being unfaithful to their religion if they read any outside religious material other than what's created especially for them (by your publishing company).

sound familiar?

2007-09-05 01:42:40 · 24 answers · asked by PediC 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I would agree with this statement if it was a hundred years ago. If this were true abortion would be illegal, no rated R movies or porn, no explicit lyrics in music, no sex education in schools, being gay would be a crime. and this lists could go on and on. Each generation becomes more liberal in their beliefs as a whole. I am not a religious person and do not see this. Most in this country claim to be christian but claiming it and living it are two totally different thing.

2007-09-05 01:42:05 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The subtitle is "The Fundamentalist War on America's Freedoms in Religion, Politics, and Our Private Lives." It was written in 1982, updated in 1984 (appropriately enough) by Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman. If you have, please give me your comments, and how you feel things have changed over the period since it was written.

2007-09-05 01:41:28 · 2 answers · asked by auntb93 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-05 01:40:54 · 16 answers · asked by Plato 5 in Mythology & Folklore

bolstering evolution theory... because it's already been done!


2007-09-05 01:40:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

was it fabulous?

2007-09-05 01:37:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

as apparently all animals are designed to be eaten by our increadibly, small and blut teeth, and seeing as we have such big claws to rip them open. do you think that animals were really put on earth for us to eat?

dont answer this by saying "the bible says so" think for your self for once

2007-09-05 01:36:33 · 12 answers · asked by Kruger, Freddy Kruger 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Are there any Muslum Countries that are first world?
You would think that the fact that most if not all are second to third world that they would realize that if their was a god then he/she/it/ is not on their side!

2007-09-05 01:35:32 · 24 answers · asked by Fireball224 f 1 in Religion & Spirituality

The local Catholic Bishop drives a 5 series BMW. Can some Catholic here please defend/explain the reason for this, as couldn't he sell it, drive a smaller car and give the money to the poor like Jesus would have asked?

2007-09-05 01:34:31 · 14 answers · asked by irishinvenice 3 in Religion & Spirituality

You people say that God is the only God and that their are no God's above him. If God does not believe in a God above him, would that make God an atheist????

2007-09-05 01:27:01 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

From faith to faith(Romans 1), speaks of two sorts of faith:
- blind faith(trust) in the law of Moses: John 5:45
- seeing faith(trust) in the grace of JC: Galatians 2:20

Hebrews 11 compares two faiths as good vs better:
- these all died and received not the promise
- God hath some better thing for us than blind faith in law

The law is not of faith: Galatians 3:11,12
Without faith it is impossible to please God: Heb 11
So begin faith-->hope-->charity(never fails) with grace;
unless you want your hope to be hopeless instead of hopeful


2007-09-05 01:26:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

it seems that all who claim to do it (which have been MANY in R&S) can't string together a proper sentence.

what do you think the correlation is?

2007-09-05 01:25:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Revelation 22: 18,19 "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Now of course some people are going to say how do you know the KJV is the first true bible? Well I am not supper smart about that topic, but I do know that the NIV is very recent let alone the many other versions that have come out. So therefore the KJV is way before those ever were established.

2007-09-05 01:25:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Hol ami nonbe es erika arrospide y quisiera saber que posibilidaddes hay para solisitar un trabajo en italia?

2007-09-05 01:23:38 · 4 answers · asked by Penguin 1 in Languages

Secularism allows people of different faiths the right to practice that. If fundamentalist Christians were in charge or Muslims for that sake we would all loose the right to freedom of religion, so why are people so against the ideal of secularism.

2007-09-05 01:23:29 · 15 answers · asked by irishinvenice 3 in Religion & Spirituality

You don't like coffee because coffee doesn't like you. He gave you free will to drink him, but you refused, now he won't let you even if you wanted it. Doesn't that make sense?

2007-09-05 01:23:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I mean, you don't believe in hell or sin, so come AWN!

2007-09-05 01:22:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

he say to me before two month he is come to see mi im live in other country and he say bring to mi gift very expensive and he didnt come and didnt call im thing every day he call but not he do

2007-09-05 01:21:43 · 5 answers · asked by yasmin 1 in Valentine's Day

A "yes" or "no" answer will be sufficient,
but should you wish to elaborate, that would be great.

2007-09-05 01:20:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Or Lutheran?

2007-09-05 01:18:05 · 1 answers · asked by carl 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I could only imagine the total hell the Christian religion would go through if that was 5 American Christian Missionaries.

What's the deal with unbelievers hating Christians so much.
If that was 5 Christians.. there would be over 50 posts on here about Christians and their brutal God..

2007-09-05 01:17:43 · 11 answers · asked by Bad Boy 300 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I have always wondered how religious people are so attached to their religion teachings, I do believe that the reasons behind are purely internal, NOT external:

- They want to find a purpose of life, anything without a purpose has no meaning.

- They fear death and can't accept the possibility of being insignificant, they want to unite with their loved ones again.

-The injustice of life, people like to believe that one day justice will be established, it doesn't matter now or in the so called after life.

I see that religions and Gods through history are exactly the results of people emotions and psychology.

I do understand that the reasons above are crucial to some people, but we should understand that certain minds are so logic-oriented that have taken themselves out of the merely personal.The clash between emotional and logic minds will continue to be a landmark of humanity.

This is open to discussion and not intended to offend? I appreciate if u could add more reasons, Thx

2007-09-05 01:17:05 · 1 answers · asked by ? 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-05 01:09:25 · 20 answers · asked by Ballo 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Whenever we remind you of your final resting place, you get so angry and defensive, and out come the thumbs down and the "abuse reporting".

I don't believe in Never-Never Land or OZ, so if someone told me I was going there, it wouldn't upset me at all.

So why do you get so upset if someone says "You are going to Hell!" when you don't even believe in Hell???

I'm sure since you all love to point out perceived "contradictions" in our faith, one of you would be happy to explain this very real contradiction to me.

2007-09-05 01:09:16 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

According to this guy, the sun is a cube:

Prominent creation scientist Em Adjineri agrees with him, because agreeing with him helps the creationist argument.

There is no evidence that the sun is a cube, and no reason to believe that it is. However, Em Adjineri believes based on faith that the sun is a cube. (I do too.) If you have faith, you don't need evidence.

If the sun is a cube, then how could it be the result of natural processes? According to the theory of astrolution, stars should be spherically shaped because of gravitational attraction. Since they're obviously spheres (based on faith) astrolution must be false.

Since astrolution and evolution both share the suffix "-lution" they have the same truth-value. Therefore, evolution is false. The only alternative is to believe in the literal truth of the Bible.

Take that, spheroid-lutionists!

2007-09-05 01:04:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The DNA of a dog is altered in a laboratory... and the dog is changed into a cat.

2007-09-05 00:59:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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