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Society & Culture - 1 September 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

because you made them look bad?

daglas69 called me stupid for posting that there was a misinterpretation in the bible when Moses led the exodus....it was mistaken as red sea when it should have been reed sea....he called me stupid for posting that.......so I posted some sources to back up what I said and left him a message in one of his other questions so he could come back to see what I'd replied......I had proven him wrong, so he blocked me. That's weak.

Somebody tell him I said hi ok?

Has anybody had this happen to them?

2007-09-01 07:43:03 · 7 answers · asked by Just! Some? *Dude* 5 in Religion & Spirituality

No single piece of evidence proves that evolution happened. We know evolution happened because of a convergence of mutually supportive evidence from numerous fields such as geology, paleontology, biogeography, comparative anatomy and physiology, molecular biology, genetics, and many more all of which point to an unmistakable conclusion.

For example, we know from human history that humans bred Wolves to create the dog species yet there is no single fossil proves that dogs came from wolves.

Does this show that wolves didn't come from dogs? Of course not because archaeological, morphological, genetic and behavioral "fossils" converge to reveal the concestor of all dogs to be the East Asian wolf.

A few holes doesn't discount mountains and mountains of mutually supportive evidence.

2007-09-01 07:41:51 · 7 answers · asked by Patty 2 in Religion & Spirituality

She will inevitably try to say it is "racism" just like she did when the people in that French purse store didn't recognize her and did not open back up after closing for the day. There is a segment of blacks that are like that. They blame racism on everything. Yawn. Just like Michael Vick. Blacks that understand what I am talking about know that many blacks fought for civil rights and they would say this is not racism. Equal treatment means that you open yourself up to criticism - it doesn't mean that you will be treated with kid gloves. Face it Oprah - you are a bully and it isn't about race - it is about your arrogance that has been brought on by your extreme wealth.


2007-09-01 07:40:51 · 8 answers · asked by mountaindew25 3 in Other - Society & Culture

I know it bad luck because it is a symbole of the devil but, why does it have to be the number 666? Who dicide to make it the number 666?

2007-09-01 07:40:23 · 22 answers · asked by Javier 2 in Mythology & Folklore

How,and when can i start teaching my 3 year old about God.? Thanx for all Mature answers:)

2007-09-01 07:34:45 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

In 20 or 30 years do you think gays will have a higher or lower rate of divorce than straights? Do you think gays will have a higher or lower rate of child abuse than straights? Do you think gays will have a higher or lower rate of long term, happy and health marriages and families than straights?

I suspect that the percentages will be almost the same for gays and straights.

2007-09-01 07:33:57 · 16 answers · asked by Alan 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-01 07:32:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-09-01 07:31:54 · 16 answers · asked by Jessica 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I've given a lot of thought to this profound and interesting question, and I have only a few preliminary results which you may or may not agree with.
Atheists in my view are a little like the ZERO candy bar with the picture of the white polar bear surrounded by ice, freezing water, and snow.
Believers resemble a Snickers bar because it's nice and sweet inside, and with a few nuts too.

2007-09-01 07:31:35 · 14 answers · asked by Bruce Aurora 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I bet most if not all of you unbelievers do not understand ancient Hebrew.

reason being.. The language is no longer in existence.
So you unbelievers are judging the bible based on what some unbeliever says. You are putting your trust into someone you've never met.

I think I would rather trust an elder of the church the Pope or a high priest rather than believe the 22 year old unbeliever that runs a website called "skepticsanointedbible" lmao!!!

come on.. let me see a show of hands. How many of you Religion and Spirituality unbelievers fully and completely understand the ancient Hebrew language?

Bible scholars and bible historians goto college for 4 to 6 years to study the Ancient Hebrew and Greek languages. Are you telling me they are wrong and a website is right on the money? lol!!!

Beware!! If you say you do.. You will be tested.

2007-09-01 07:30:16 · 26 answers · asked by Bad Boy 300 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Got the idea from another question and wanted to do a little experiment to see how you'll answer.. IF you'll answer..

1) What is the Mansookh, and what does it teach?
2) What do you believe must happen to the Jews before the resurrection of the dead can take place?

2007-09-01 07:28:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

they tell me I'm stubbord.....pfft........I have no idea why anyone thinks that!.......ok, maybe I do know why....(whatever)

2007-09-01 07:26:08 · 20 answers · asked by . 3 in Religion & Spirituality

and if God is so powerful, and can do so many wondrous things,
why are so many gays amongst us?
why did He let them be born?
Why would a loving God no less - allow so many gays to walk the face of HIS earth, if gays are such sinners?
if a man choses to be with a man - so be it - some of the same sexual acts they commit, are also committed by so-called 'straights".
And while you're at it, answer this.
Sex is merely the coming together of two bodies. If God did not want this activity, why oh why did he allow it to begin with?

2007-09-01 07:25:52 · 22 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Religion & Spirituality

my ex-bf told his new gf that he had a fatasy of cutting her chest open and licking the blood from the wound... was just wondering what the fetish was that does that... (he never told me he had a fantasy of doing that!!)

2007-09-01 07:24:55 · 20 answers · asked by lovelydarling1232002 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Does your religion tell you that you are now perfect or are you still a sinner even though you've been baptized?

2007-09-01 07:24:47 · 15 answers · asked by bronxbaby30 3 in Religion & Spirituality

this goes to old fouges plzz

2007-09-01 07:23:51 · 49 answers · asked by ·!¦[Starsky & Hutch]¦!· 2 in Senior Citizens

we muslims are really trying to make you know our religion and how great it is and there are people who i really respect them have no probleme with that , but there are others who does not even know Islam , and they stop you when you want to talk .
why don't we try to understand and know each other ,
why don't we just live in peace , believe me it's very good.
we want you to know islam because it's very important , believe me.
good luck and i wish you all the right way.

2007-09-01 07:22:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

how can you tell if you can see the dead or your house is just haunted plez tell me i really really need to know

2007-09-01 07:16:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

And who's the prince of flatulence?
And who's the princess of flatulence?
And who's the jester of flatulence?
And who's the outlaw of flatulence?
And who's the servent of flatulence?
And who's the guard of flatulence?
And who's the sith of flatulence?
And who's the jedi of flatulence?
And who's the chief of flatulence?
And who's the despiser of flatulence?
And who's the pet of flatulence?

2007-09-01 07:16:16 · 7 answers · asked by Nijg 6 in Religion & Spirituality

If applicable - How long after you trusted Jesus as your Savior were you baptized in water?
How about baptized in the Holy Spirit?

2007-09-01 07:14:01 · 17 answers · asked by A Voice 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Does that mean you believe you can have a divine intervention with God at any time? If not, what is the whole point of believeing in God?

Also, are there anything in the new or old testament, that says through faith & understanding, and with true intentions we can meet him?

No silly answers please.....

2007-09-01 07:12:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

When I go out dressed as a woman, or even andro the think I notice is that most girls who can 'read' me are cool, but the guys seem aggressive and definitely not cool.

One time I got attacked by four guys but was able to beat up one of them before the others bottled it and ran off. Scary stuff though, but I guess they have teh problem more than me.

Is it because they just don't like cross dressers breathing the same air as them, or are they jealous we can play at being girls, but still like girls as well without there being anything gay involved? Who knows teh answer to this one?

2007-09-01 07:10:57 · 35 answers · asked by jonoxk 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-09-01 07:08:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I say "black avatars" because some people on here are impersonators and some really are black. I was just wondering why I've never seen blacks with the "Top contributor" badge.

2007-09-01 07:08:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Unbelievers get irritated at religious people going from door to door preaching the word of God, but religious people are supposed to step back and let the unbelievers take over a religion section and try to convert believers by showing supposed contradictions in the bible?

Unbelievers = Total Hypocrisy

Biblical contradictions, errors and inconsistencies have been answered correctly since the second century. Why do you unbelievers keep ignoring these answers and keep asking the same worn out questions?

Why do you feel the desire to point out these errors in the bible to the christian people?

I think unbelievers are disgruntled individuals. How do I know this? Because they act like "Hey, Look!! I found an error!!! God does not exist" lol

2007-09-01 07:07:46 · 22 answers · asked by Bad Boy 300 3 in Religion & Spirituality


Do you believe that only Catholic Christians will go to heaven and other Christians will go to hell? Sorry if i offend anyone but i genuinely want to know..

2007-09-01 07:07:27 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

"Jesus answered (him), 'You would have no power over me if it had not been given to you from above. For this reason the one who handed me over to you has THE GREATER SIN.'" (Jn. 19:11)

"If anyone sees his brother sinning, IF THE SIN IS NOT DEADLY, he should pray to God and he will give him life. This is only for those whose sin is not deadly. THERE IS SUCH A THING AS A DEADLY SIN, about which I do not say that you should pray. All wrongdoing is sin, but THERE IS SIN THAT IS NOT DEADLY." 1 Jn. 5:16-17

2007-09-01 07:07:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Will such people be condemned for eternity even though they have never really rejected the gospel?

2007-09-01 07:05:43 · 12 answers · asked by jose 1 in Religion & Spirituality

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