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Society & Culture - 16 January 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Does anybody know the history of it? Do you think it is becoming more popular in u.k.?
why do you like it or dislike it?

2007-01-16 15:23:26 · 17 answers · asked by afjalkdjf g 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Hi I was wondering if you can help me out and give me nice suggestions?

I'm both extrovert and introvert. I have many many aquaintances but very few friends which I don't like.

I'm too shy to go up and ask someone if I can go out with them and their group of friends, I usually just stay in my dorm room if i'm not in class, all day and night. I don't go to parties because I don't talk much in a group but I talk alot one on one though or if the instructor asks me something I respond with confidence.

I want to be more social and have more friends but too shy you know? I hardly have any guy friends either.

Suggestions? Thanks! I'm 22 by the way.

I do like traveling and the city because people are around but I'm quiet lol. I like shopping too. If that info helps at all.

2007-01-16 15:22:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

My stepfather who is very dear to me is extremely sick. He has a portal vein thrombosis which is very rare considering there is no family history and he is only in his mid 40's. He has been in the hospital since Christmas and is in a medically induced coma. They are finding new problems daily and the bills just keep stacking up. He is the EMS director of AVFD&EMS and people all over the place keep asking how they can help. Well my parents are not going to be able to cover the bills and me at the age of 18 definitely can't do the job. I want to put on a benefit to raise money but I am not sure what the steps are in getting it together. Is there paperwork that needs to be filled out or something if do put it on locally? I need to know as much as possible. Please help me! Anything will help and prayers are greatly appreciated as well

2007-01-16 15:22:37 · 10 answers · asked by Rsarver 1 in Community Service

no god, no goddess, no messiah, just "be good, pass it on" kinda thing

that or everyone be atheist/anti-theist

2007-01-16 15:21:07 · 26 answers · asked by DrewM 3 in Religion & Spirituality

whenever i go out to an event, people have digital cameras, people like to post pics up on the internet, and i don't want my photo up on the internet, because i know that there is alot of SICK PEOPLE out there in the sick internet world,that steal Other ppl's pics and prentend to be that stolen 'photo'

IS it just me? or do otheres feel like this?
how can i get over this, i don't even want to go to my friend's 16th birthday since i know alot of Teens there who would take a pic of me, and put it on their 'myspace'...then other random people would visit their page, and decide to steal my photo and imposter me,
*sigh i hate the internet sometimes

2007-01-16 15:20:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

How responsible do you feel when someone white does something criminal or hateful or racist? If some white guy robs a bank or kidnaps two kids, do you feel at all culpable because you're white too? What about when someone white does something specifically racist?

I ask because black people are constantly hearing (especially from whites) that "the blacks" do this and "the blacks" do that, as if we all get together and vote on anything negative any individual black person does. As if we should each feel some responsibility for the bad things. (Oddly, the positive things are invarably attributed to individuals). Yet I have yet to meet a single white person who felt personally responsible for segregation, even though majorities of whites actually did vote for the laws that sustained it, let alone for the bad acts that whites commit. Is there a double standard going on here?

2007-01-16 15:20:16 · 30 answers · asked by Rob B 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

if you are a good person but you just logically can not believe there is a god, how can you be allowed to punished ETERNALLY in hell by a loving god? even serial killer has a life sentence, meaning there is an END to this, why not almighty god?

2007-01-16 15:19:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

When they don't wish to look stupid they want us to open up first. And then come up with their rather cleaver response?

2007-01-16 15:19:49 · 4 answers · asked by Dev... 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Specifically, Leviticus's prohibition of homosexuality?

2007-01-16 15:19:00 · 7 answers · asked by STFU Dude 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Mine are:

1) exhuberance (at the initial notice)
2) anticipation (to see which question it was)
3) frustration (as I cant remeber what I said ususally)
4) nostalgia (as I look at it and say "oh ya I remmber that one!")
5) depression (as I come down from the high)

Sound right?

What is your typical emotional process and experience??

David T

2007-01-16 15:18:04 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

He's not stayin a my house I cant stand him!

2007-01-16 15:17:45 · 8 answers · asked by rowdy7802 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Is it fair that you can enter college with a score far below the norm because of you race?

2007-01-16 15:17:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Here is a 4 minute video explaining how humans are related to apes:

Can you provide a valid counterargument against this?

2007-01-16 15:17:35 · 15 answers · asked by acgsk 5 in Religion & Spirituality

IF someone was expecting mail today but it didnt come in...was that because of the holiday the day before?

2007-01-16 15:17:06 · 1 answers · asked by La'Grange 4 in Other - Holidays

I may get thumbs down this but I really don't care. How many real atheists are tired of the anti-theists, and people who call themselves atheists bashing Christians and other believers? It's getting real old and it's making those of us who are sincere in our belief look awfully bad. Don't you think we should be tolerant of those of different beliefs? I know that *some* Christians aren't very tolerant, but shouldn't we be above that? Joking around about FSM is one thing, but to call Christians retarded is just wrong and it needs to stop.

So go ahead, bring on the thumbs down. I have very thick skin. :)

I'm waiting...

2007-01-16 15:16:21 · 12 answers · asked by Stormilutionist Chasealogist 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-16 15:14:48 · 4 answers · asked by Yeppers! 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Sometimes the asker has a return message do you check back to see?

2007-01-16 15:13:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

You're eating a gooey candy bar, like a snickers or milkyway. You know, caramel and nougat are a must in acheiving this sensation... So you're really going to town on said candy and don't realize (until it's too late) that a hair is caught in the gooey goodness. So you're swallowing your delicious treat but a hair wraps arount your uvula and is more or less gooed in place for a minute while you struggle to figure if your efforts should be in forcing the hairy mess down or trying to coach it back up...

Does this ever make you question the glory of god and all of the things he shares with us? You gotta admire that about the guy, his attention to detail.

2007-01-16 15:13:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I was walking past his bowl and looked at him. Suddenly two arms and legs popped out and he leaped out of his bowl. He's sitting in my chair, eating my pretzels and drinking my root beer watching a football game. He said he's a Dallas fan and won't let me watch my team play. He said he won't leave until his girl friend (my pet monkey) evolves into a beautiful 6 foot blonde. I told him that she most likely won't be blonde and it could take 4.5 million years. He said he will wait. What can I do, he's taking over my home, someone HELP! What should I do?

2007-01-16 15:13:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

We are a caucasian lesbian couple, expecting a baby boy any day now. We'd like to hyphanate our two last names, which would be Kanterezhi-Gatto, but are struggeling on the first name. We really like the name Dante, but think it might be too different for him. So, here is our other choices, please help us choose between: Dante, Jason and Nathan.

2007-01-16 15:12:58 · 12 answers · asked by jeannie02 1 in Other - Society & Culture

I need to know the translations from english to maori for these two words, Duel, and War. Ive tried translating sites and programs but they either dont have the Maori language or they cant translate those words. Somebody please help.

2007-01-16 15:12:45 · 3 answers · asked by Grant H 3 in Languages

I AM A MODERN SATANIST, but I was wondering if I should find a new Religeon, (SP) (if it could even be called that, " I think of it more as guidles " ) because I read this one guys post, and he explained in logical reasons, (if they were true,) Why LaVey, was in short, a screw up, and said i should consult a new Religeon/Belief. If you are a Modern satanist or theistic (SP) please tell me if this Is/is not True and some reasons why I should stay LaVayen .... or provide some other Relegions, (sorry I spell it differently each time)

P.S. Does anyone know if those spells work ? I am yet to get the "Satanic Bible" and I was wondering if it was worth it and if the spells worked or not. Either way I'll probably get it.

Thanx and oh, Christians please dont post some stuff about letting god in my life, all it does is tick me off

2007-01-16 15:12:30 · 4 answers · asked by No one You Need To Know 1 in Religion & Spirituality

if its on the tv then it must be true mentality is ridiculous

2007-01-16 15:12:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I've recently made the choice to adopt Secular Humanism as my life philosophy... When I went to join a Secular Humanist facebook group, however, I was very disappointed. Nearly all of the groups have pictures that are clearly against religion ("God" in a no smoking sign, a figure throwing a bible in the trash, etc).

Now, I'm a light-hearted person, but I'm not one to stir the pot. I believe in seperation of church and state, but I also consider myself tolerant. I respect and support the US constitutional right of freedom for all people to worship as they please... So long as they do not bother me. Plenty of Christians and other religious people respect our beliefs... After all, it is only a vocal minority that seems to have a problem with us. Don't we owe them the same respect?

Are there any other Humanists, athiests, agnostics, etc that share my sentiments?

2007-01-16 15:11:45 · 5 answers · asked by Wicaco 3 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers