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Society & Culture - 5 January 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I was roughly 5 years old when I began to try to wrap my brain around the idea of God.

I was roughly 7 when I began to question religion.

I was roughly 10 when I began to not believe in religion.

I was much older when I could say I did not believe Jesus was divine but I do believe he existed and was a great philosopher.

If you are religious, when did you stop just accepting what you were told but actually attempted to question things so you could choose you belief? Did you ever question what you were told?

2007-01-05 03:07:12 · 24 answers · asked by jimmy j 2 in Religion & Spirituality

When Arlington, Texas, pastor Dwight McKissic spoke out last August about speaking in tongues, all heck broke loose in Southern Baptist circles.
And he’s still talking.

“They’re out of touch with the text and the times,” he said of denomination leaders who have taken an “anti-tongues” line.

Southern Baptists have traditionally been wary of speaking in tongues — a practice associated with Pentecostals and other “charismatic” Christians who attribute their ecstatic, unintelligible utterances to the Holy Spirit.

But Baptists are also known for allowing individual congregations and believers much leeway in religious practice. And some Baptists have joined McKissic in opposing a Southern Baptist Convention policy against hiring foreign missionary candidates who have ecstatic utterances in private prayer.

2007-01-05 03:06:58 · 8 answers · asked by atreadia 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Seriously, guys, what time is tea time? two-ish or four-ish, or something else-ish?

2007-01-05 03:06:39 · 13 answers · asked by Terri 6 in Etiquette

i thought maybe if i ask it outright .... then the Drampor ( the person that keeps asking about it ) may fill us in ....
so please what is a war ball ?
either tell us or sshhhh !! lol

2007-01-05 03:06:23 · 4 answers · asked by Peace 7 in Religion & Spirituality

With limited supplies of land, water, fuel and food will we run out before Jesus comes back?

2007-01-05 03:05:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am so afraid of spiders. It is not exactly, what you would call a phobia, but i might have a hint of it. I cannot stand looking at one, and daddy long legs (yes, i am quite aware that they are not spiders) are potentially worse, because they fly around the room.

Money spiders, i can just about handle, but anything bigger i just freak out. I also need fear of overcoming other things such as moths and butterflies. It's true. I am scared of a butterfly. I don't like the fact that they are so fidgety and fluttery. I almost scream if one comes close to me. Moths are worse, because they are attracted to the light, and they come into the bathroom if i am not careful with shutting the window. What am i to do? Hypnosis, is not even a thinkable possibility, 1, because i am at school, and havent got the time, and 2, i know i will have with spiders around in every day life, once the weather gets warmer.

Can anybody help?

2007-01-05 03:05:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Schools that fail to show enthusiasm in rooting out prejudice against homosexuals should be reported to the police by pupils and parents, a Home Office report recommended yesterday.
It called for parents and children to identify schools that ignore "homophobic" language in the playground and teachers who produce "homophobic" lessons.

2007-01-05 03:04:46 · 18 answers · asked by atreadia 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I have been having sex with a married women she keep asking me to come and meet her husband who she is still having sex with but has hinted she whould like to have 2 guys is this heading to a 3 some need some advice urgent she is 28 i am 30 husband is also 30 anybody been there

2007-01-05 03:02:22 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-01-05 03:00:44 · 11 answers · asked by Baby Jack born 4/5/09 4 in Etiquette

250 million Christians worldwide will face persecution in 2007, simply for following Jesus Christ, according to persecution watchdog, Release International. In particular it was found that persecution is growing the fastest in the Muslim world.
Release has found that most persecution takes place in four distinct ‘zones’: those of Islam, Communism, Hinduism and Buddhism. But persecution is growing fastest of all in the Muslim world.

Governments in even moderate Muslim countries often fail to safeguard the rights of their Christian minorities, explains RI. Abuses suffered by Christians include kidnapping, forced conversion, imprisonment, church destruction, torture, rape and execution.
One of the world’s worst abusers of religious freedom is Saudi Arabia, guardian of Islam’s holiest sites Mecca and Medina. But some of the most violent persecution in the Muslim world is beyond government control.

2007-01-05 02:59:31 · 21 answers · asked by atreadia 4 in Religion & Spirituality

When it gets right down to it the atoms that make up your coffee or your car are identical to those you are made of. How can anyone believe that anything can be alive if not for the grace of God?

2007-01-05 02:59:05 · 15 answers · asked by Ivar 4 in Religion & Spirituality

God is holy, and requires holiness. Holiness is purity. Even though you may think you are good enough, even one sin disqualifies you from being in the presence of God. You could never be good enough. That is why you need Jesus.
The Bible says that there is none good enough. "There is none who does good, there is not even one," (Rom. 3:12). Goodness is measured by God's standard - not yours.
To say that you are good enough means that Christ did not have to die. But He did die to save sinners. The Bible says if righteousness can come by good deeds, then Christ didn't need to die (Gal. 2:21), but He did, so being good isn't enough.

2007-01-05 02:58:56 · 19 answers · asked by unknown 4 in Religion & Spirituality

what would you do considering the time that it takes to put them in and that you have a hot date that evening

2007-01-05 02:58:02 · 3 answers · asked by rhonda 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Would anyone be able to tell me what 666 really means? i mean i see it mentioned in every film to do with the devil and all that "hell" crap, not to mention teeny goths writing everywhere...thanks

2007-01-05 02:57:25 · 38 answers · asked by sy2pie 1 in Mythology & Folklore

2007-01-05 02:57:09 · 3 answers · asked by Aishwarya netha 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Church is a good place for hypocrites, as well as liars and thieves. It is there they will be exposed to the Word of God, and learn that hypocrisy is wrong. For you to judge those in the church is to condemn yourself, because we are all hypocrites in one form or another. Your recognition and condemnation of it tells me you know it is wrong. Is it hypocrisy to point a finger at the church full of sinners when you yourself are one as well?
It has been said that you must be smaller than the thing you hide behind. Are you hiding behind the hypocrisy of others to keep yourself out of church? You must realize that you are responsible for yourself and God won't ask others about you on judgment day. He will come to you and ask you to give an account for your life. The hypocrites in the church will also stand before God, with or without you there.
People don't counterfeit pennies. Why do you think there are hypocrites? Because Christianity is valuable.

2007-01-05 02:56:55 · 12 answers · asked by unknown 4 in Other - Society & Culture

or our desprate need for hope is so important so we are still willing to kill for it, kindly or forcefully imposing it to others.
It seems Religion is the source of all troubles for humanity since beginig of time.

2007-01-05 02:56:39 · 13 answers · asked by tulipnoir_1 1 in Religion & Spirituality

If you say you don't need Him, then you believe He exists. If you do, why would you say you don't need Him? Isn't He the One who determines your destiny? Doesn't He have the authority and power to do as He pleases and to send you to Heaven or Hell? It is foolish to say you don't need the One who is your Creator, who loves you and has provided the way for forgiveness of sin. You need God because only He can cleanse you from your sins.
What do you need? Are you really doing that well without God? Are you happy with the way things are in your life? If you aren't, then you need Jesus. And even if you are happy, you still need Him, because you can't take what makes you happy with you when you die.

2007-01-05 02:55:34 · 18 answers · asked by unknown 4 in Other - Society & Culture

Who said God wants you to be religious? He wants a relationship with you. Religion is man's attempt to reach God. Christianity is God reaching man. 1 Cor. 1:9 says that God wants you to have fellowship with Jesus. He is talking about a relationship, Someone you can talk to. He doesn't want to weigh you down with a bunch of do's and don't's. He wants to extend a loving hand to you, and help you live a good clean life. But that cannot be done until the real problem in you is done away with, and that is sin. Sin separates you from God (Isaiah 59:2). If you want salvation instead of "religion," then go to Jesus. Seek Him. He will never let you down.

2007-01-05 02:54:41 · 18 answers · asked by unknown 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-05 02:53:29 · 10 answers · asked by tragicallyhipper 1 in Etiquette

i have is major crush on my best friend, Liz since we met 4 years ago... at first i thought the feeling would go away but it couldn't go away..sometime i will have this feeling that she maybe feel the same like me

2007-01-05 02:53:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I have a bf of 3 yrs. In the beginning it was great, we'd have petty fights but we'd make up right away. I love him, but I don't feel 100% happy and contented. Lately we've been having really major fights. Like today I confronted him about what I found out. I found out he's chatting with other girls. I've got proof but he vehemently denies it, trying to turn it around. It hurts, I don't like being taken for a fool. He says he loves me but he's lying to me. I can't be with a man I can't trust.

But even before this discovery, I've been having second thoughts about him. I asked God to give me a clear sign, if he's the one for me or I'm destined for somebody else. And guess what He gave me? He brought my ex back into my life! I admit I still have feelings for him. But I'm confused. Is God trying to tell me my ex is the one for me? Or He just wants to show me that I'm taking my bf for granted that's why I'm unhappy? Please help!

2007-01-05 02:53:15 · 15 answers · asked by foxy 1 in Religion & Spirituality

By only being a escort

2007-01-05 02:52:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Faith tells me a solid YES,
when all the world can say is no.

Faith knows my God will deliver
when im tied down in strongholds

Faith tells me to keep on pushing
When it seems theres nothing left

When the world says Im not worthy,
Faith says I will have Gods best.

Faith says Im healthy, Faith says Im healed
When the doctors say Ill die

Surely, the Author and The Finisher of Faith says Im alive!

Faith says this is not a fairy tale
Gods Word is solid ground

Faith says I am all God says I am
a hidden treasure found.

The world tells me I need to give up
for my end is coming near,

But Faith tells me that God has not forsaken
those whom He holds dear.

I may not feel or see what
Faith is telling me today

But I believe and I have Faith in God
and I wont go astray.

All His promises of health, life
and prosperity are true

My Faith in God is real,
and Hes done the same for you.

Do you have Faith?

2007-01-05 02:52:07 · 2 answers · asked by unknown 4 in Other - Society & Culture

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