So I am pretty much a full-fledged Catholic. I've gone through all of the ceremonies: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, etc. You know the deal.
At any rate, I really do not know what to think of the Catholic Church anymore. A lot of their policies just do not seem to integrate with what the Bible says, so I'm very wary about what to believe religion-wise anymore.
But that's not the issue.
The issue is that my sister had a Baby in August and in October asked me to be his Godfather. The Baptism is in March of next year. I'm a freshman in college and I'm trying to figure out how I should be feeling about a religious ceremony in a church that I'm shaky over now. But I do not want to disappoint my sister and my family either. It's not like I plan on leaving the church, I'm just not sure of where I stand with it.
I think I've basically been rambling this whole time, but I think you answerers may get the idea of what I'm trying to ask.
How would you feel in this situation?
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Religion & Spirituality