I was reading a question about how women are more open to dating outside of their race than men are but this doesn't apply to me. I don't know why this is, but I just can't seem to like black men or dark complexioned men. I've always been this way. I can clearly remember when I was in elementary how I would only like light complexioned guys and befriend only people who were light in skin color. This went on through high shool up until now and my family has always questioned, "Where are your black friends?" or "When are you going to get a black boyfriend?". I have tried over the years to get over this. It just somehow never worked out. With the majority of black girls, I was never black enough. With the majority of black guys, I just wasn't attracted to their features. I mean, I prefer a more pointed/defined nose and tan/lighter to pale skin. BTW, I'm part black. Is this wrong in any way or does this make me a bad person?
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Other - Cultures & Groups