Does anyone think the Bible was altered?Here are some quotes from the Bible to ponder..
Ex. 31:15 "Whoever does any work on the Sabbath should be stoned to death by everyone in his town."
1 Cor.14 "All women must remain silent in church,they are not allowed to speak.If they have a question they are to wait till they return home and ask thier husband.It is a disgraceful act otherwise for a women."
Lev. 25:44 "From the nations around you,you may buy slaves.Since they are your property you may will them as you please."
Numbers 31 "Kill every man among the little ones,kill every women that has known man by lying with him.The young women who have not known man,keep alive for your pleasure."
Loving God?This,along with stories found believed to be missing from the Bible,are why I think it has been tampered with.Beyond just translation mistakes there are many texts found along with a Book from the Bible copied two different ways.
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Religion & Spirituality