I was in my history class a few months ago and had a stirring of my soul. We were discussing how the indians were dying of disease and how the clonists were dying of the cold , everybody was dying. I got to thinking, where are all those people now? We know where their bodies are but where are they? Their consciousness, who they are, their thoughts, essentially, where are they without their bodies? I just have so many questions that remain unanswered. Nobody can know the answers to the questions I ask, they can onlt guess or inferr what they believe in. It says in the bible (if you believe in it) that if you accept Jesus into your heart you will live for eternity in heaven. What about the people who never got the chance to hear about Christ? There are still african and south american tribes living in the wild that have never heard the gospel and they die. Do they go to heaven? The bible is sometimes called the "greatest story of all time". What if thats all it is? Just a story to keep people in check, stop people from thinking too much and make the masses easier to control. Dan Brown has an interesting quote; "So dark the con of man". The quote is very true, so many cover ups and lies, who knows what the original text of the bible really said? Translated from aramaic, to hebrew, to german , to english, words and ideas get lost in the translation. I mean when we die , this is inevitable, imagine what could happen. What if thats it? Thats the end, theres no more,the t.v. is turned off and we stop existing. I suppose we wouldnt care because we cant care because we dont exist! How can we not exist?! Or a better case scenario, we live forever and ever for all eternity in the presence of G-d. Try and take that in for a minute, ETERNITY, forever....how can we even begin to gauge that? Can you imagine forever? And whos to say who is right and who is wrong when it comes to belief? I was raised this way, thus I believe this way. Ive turned down mormons and Jehovas wittnesses, what if they're the right ones and now I burn in hell for all eternity because I shunned them away. Now not that I agree with what happened on 9-11, but were those guys wrong? "Of course they were", many including myself would say. But they believed that they were doing something great, something that they were taught would please their G-d. Does that mean that they are going to hell for giving their lives for something they believed in?They believed enough in what they were doing that they were willing to kill and be killed for the sake of their beliefs and religeon. Can that really damn someone to a lake of fire for all eternity? And if theyre wrong, were the crusaders wrong? Some head honcho guy tells all these knight that its G-ds will to kill all the people who will not accept Christ. They follow as they were told. If you havent seen it, I suggest you watch Kingdom Of Heaven to get a better idea. All one man wants is more land to rule and all of a sudden G-d wills the destrution of an entire people. Moses did the same thing with the Isrealites in the desert. Told them not to attack these people or those people but when the time came to attack a group of people, he ordered everyone to be killed. It says in the bible that they Isrealites killed men,women and children,not one survivor left. What happened to all those people? This whole after life thing seems very......humanistic in its theory. If youre good, youll be rewarded, if not youll be punished. Like a dog, tell him to shake if he does, he gets a treat. If he pees on the floor he is punished. So if Im a good person and follow as closely as I can the word of G-d, then Ill go to heaven, but if I dont, Ill be damned to the lake of fire. But if there isnt anything after we die, then whats the point of living? Is it really all just cold hard math? We are a species that exists for the sole purpose of reproducing and then dyin?. Why would G-d create us? What is our purpose? Why seated around his throne are there 24 thrones with things on them praising his name all the time forever and ever? Why does he need that? Why does he need angels singing "glory glory" all the time, what does that accomplish? So we as humans have proven in our little labs that energy cannot be destroyed. It cant stop it just disperses or is reused in another form. Our bodies work off of electric current and energy, so when we die, something has to happen. But will we be aware of what is happening? I want to know where the G-d of the bible is. Where is my pillar of fire? Where is my burning bush? I want to see a sign so great that I cannot explain it away as coincidence. I want to know through and though that it came from G-d directly to me. All of this is so frustrating to think about. Its not death that scares me, its what is to come after death that fills me with fear and hopelessness. Because I know it will happen someday, and there isnt anything I can do about it. What will any of what I do matter in 90 years? Im just stuck in the rut of worry and doubt and cant seem to get y head back on straight. These thought haunt me from my day to day life and even into my dreams. (sigh) anyways thanks for listening everybody. If you have any thoughts on the matter please feel free to share. Im not closed minded when it comes to this stuff and I enjoy others input. Have a goodnight everyone........
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Religion & Spirituality