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Society & Culture - 5 December 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I posted this yesterday in H&G, but didn't get any helpful answers.

I'm looking for a way to get spiders out of my tree. Pesticides are NOT an option!
1. They are flammable, which is a bad mix with wood and electric mini lights.
2. I have two small kids and two cats. The residue from pesticides can get on the kid's skin and clothing, or on the cat's fur when they brush against the tree. Plus, the cats like to play with the needles that fall. My one cat will actually carry them around in his mouth; a little treasure that he won't give up.
Replacing the tree isn't something I want to do. Is there any natural way, i.e. no chemicals, to clean them out of my tree?

2006-12-05 00:36:37 · 9 answers · asked by welches_grape_jelly 6 in Christmas

Looking for the earliest known forms of the religious TEXTS the following religion/deities are based on. Need dates and places they were discovered (sourced)… Also looking for claims of validity by the religion's followers.. if available

* Christianity

Thank you

2006-12-05 00:35:03 · 3 answers · asked by vanislandwitch 3 in Religion & Spirituality

..For example.. do you assume..just from seeing their feautures.. that they know how to speak chinese?

2006-12-05 00:33:33 · 20 answers · asked by ☼§♫STar_ShINe♫§☼ 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

If you are a biblical literalist don't you believe that your " God " knew exactly what he/she/it wanted to say to the individual reader?

Isn't it holding yourself above your " God " to dare to interpret "the word" as it is exactly written in the bible to others?

Can anyone tell me why the ' bible intelligencia ' explain the same words to mean different things? Can what is "TRUE" be other than what it says?

Listen to radio & TV evangelists and at some point you end up being told
that their WAY, as gleaned from their reading of "the WORD", is the only way!

How can bible acceptors expect bible illiterates to believe when there are so many versions of what is written as being the true way ?

My appology in advance to those who have trouble reading & understanding the many English words Iv'e written above.

2006-12-05 00:33:27 · 9 answers · asked by dollparty.geo 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-05 00:33:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Please try to comment on each point

who does a girl feel when boys sexually harassment
do boys really enjoy insulting a girl
what the society think about this & what is the moral responsibility of the society
most girls generally want to forget about this

I think boys naturally forget the thing but it kept in the mind of a girl for a long time

2006-12-05 00:33:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-12-05 00:33:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

They consider the so called "Prophecies" of the coming of Jesus, yet they completely disregard the Verses stating that homos should be killed in the SAME TESTAMENT!!!

Either take it all, or leave it all, you can't Choose what you like, because it's ALL from God as you claim.

Your thoughts on this?

2006-12-05 00:32:48 · 7 answers · asked by Black_hole_gravity 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-12-05 00:32:02 · 3 answers · asked by gh_amiripour 1 in Languages

I wanna know who and why people think emos cut. I do not do this, my sister does not do this, and no emo or goth I kno does this. Niether do I threaten about killing myself, and nor does my sister or friends. It is.................tastless. If you cut yourself, it aint none of my business, and if you threaten to kill yourself, that aint none of my business niether. But why, just because sum emos cut, do ppl think all emos cut?


2006-12-05 00:31:12 · 8 answers · asked by Synyster Angel 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

and there's been films about Christs life, holidays i.e. Christmas celebrating his birth, why is it SO hard for people to believe?

It makes me sad :(

2006-12-05 00:31:02 · 40 answers · asked by Bridezilla 2 in Religion & Spirituality

My neighbours' children are playing very loudly at 5am. sometimes i even think they are throwing things at the bedroom wall. the mother sreams at them too. I complained to her this morning but she spoke broken english, so im not even sure she understood. i'm trying to find some sort of legislation that says that 5am is way too early for noise like this. i told her that if i can be quiet after 9pm so i didnt wake her kids up then i should be shown the same courtesy at 5am.

2006-12-05 00:30:04 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

What ever i buy is not good enough or what she likes as the facial expression sys it all?

2006-12-05 00:29:00 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Holidays

2006-12-05 00:27:05 · 7 answers · asked by Johnny! 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

In China and Japan, we have ghost festival every summer, basically it's pretty different from halloween: we put food in front of the doors for wandering hungry ghosts, do not allow children to swim in the water coz there are water ghosts who drowned themselves when they were alive, those lonely ghosts eager to drag the children into the water to stay with them, we put the paper lanterns on the surface of water to point the direction for lost ghosts....and we do not wander in the street after sunset coz if a ghost sees you and follows you back home, you and your family will have bad luck all year.

We celibrate this festival every year, though I myself don't buy it at all....but when I talked about this with my American friend, he thought this festival is "offense" against God....Can someone explain it to me?.....

2006-12-05 00:25:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

I need to properly translate the text below into German (please, no automatic translations!!!)

"Could you please inform me about the steps to take in order to have my medical degree recognized?
Please note that I have included a German translation as well as the original Spanish homologation of my medical degree (see attachments at the bottom of this email) ."

2006-12-05 00:24:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

people from around the world. Yestday i gave a treatment to one guest (male) from switzerland and i kind of liked him on sight. He had kind and charming eyes and he's so polite.
From the usual general conversation i had with him, i learnt that he's single with no kids. He also asked questions like how old i was and if i had kids (he,looks older) am 25, no kids. I kinda think he likes me too.
I gathered the courage to go back to his room to ask for his email address, and he was more than glad to do so. He's still in house and will check out tomoro, what should i do or say to him before he leaves to let him know (in a not so overbearing or unprofessional way)that i like him and to make an impression on him, he's the kind of man I would marry. (plz don't misunderstand me, am not a desperate girl and i've never done or experienced such a thing in my 2 year carreer. Only serious answers pliz.

2006-12-05 00:23:36 · 7 answers · asked by Nana T. 2 in Etiquette

Out of all the sins that we are all capable of committing, why do the religous folk get so hung up about homosexuality - when many gay people are probably in far healthier relationships than lots of the critics of homesexuality are?

2006-12-05 00:22:45 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I grew up going to church and believing the teachings, but when I went to a christian college and took a religion class, my eyes were opened to a concept I had not considered before. There is a concept that in the early stages of society, man developed religion as a way to keep order in society. Without an afterlife, there would be no reason to conform to society or it's morals and life would be chaotic. The differences between the religions is because the principals were developed by people in different regions, so they created their own rules and values. It makes sense if you think about it, which was very troubling for me. I had never before questioned religion.

2006-12-05 00:22:37 · 19 answers · asked by Johnny G 2 in Religion & Spirituality

really speacial agents are there?

2006-12-05 00:22:36 · 8 answers · asked by aryan 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I think its one of the greatest books ever written.
I read it and it changed my life.
If you haven't read it, I would recommend that you do. The author is Thomas a Kempis.

P.S: If you know any other books like "The imitation of Christ" please let me know. Thanks...a lot

2006-12-05 00:22:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

on a side street wanting to turn left onto a busy street??? common sense will tell you to take a right, take the next left and go around the block. stupid people like this is how road rage came about.

2006-12-05 00:20:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I was listening to the radio on the way to work 2day and they was saying how some companys are not putting up christmas decorations because it might offend people of different religions,,this is a tradition in our country so i'm sorry but if i was to go and live in another country then i would want to see what they do to celabrate different times of the year,,Its getting beyond the joke now and before you go getting on your high horse,saying this is a rasist remark!!SHUT UP,,i just think it's all very sad.so to all and every one of you have a very,very HAPPY christmas.xxx
From little old me in the "united" Kingdom
Ps if theres eny spelling mistakes,,well then i appolagise now.

2006-12-05 00:18:43 · 10 answers · asked by kimble 5 in Other - Holidays

i have my oppinions and will keep them to my self and i just want to say that i forgive the nasty remarks for my dyslesia (hope this is ok i used spell check ) so sorry for being insensitive

2006-12-05 00:16:11 · 20 answers · asked by makemesmile 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

My mind is about to become virtually clear except for the pen I am looking at ... try projecting your thoughts to me within the next 10 minutes, and then after that tell me what you were projecting... if one comes through I will let you know....promise.

2006-12-05 00:15:17 · 12 answers · asked by dawn 3 in Religion & Spirituality

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