Hey all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! Well, I'm asking for your help, please!
Well, lately I've really not been happy! I wake and I tell myself I will definitely be happy and not get irritated with my mom...but it doesn't happen! I really don't feel as though I've got any feelings; I don't feel happy, or sad!
I also feel as though I'm not being the good Christian I used to be! Whenever I do something that's wrong, I do realise that it's against what God wants me to do...but I just can't seem to bring myself to do the right thing!
I want to be happy and stop hurting my mom! And I of course don't want to drift from my relationship with God, plus I can't dream of leaving my Saviour behind!
What can I do?
Can you also give me some verses from the Bible that will make me feel better?
Thanks all, may God bless ya'll
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Religion & Spirituality